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26  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: NBA 2017 Topic on: September 19, 2018, 01:27:25 PM
Been really soured on things since the end of the season, when it became obvious Thibs was still Thibs and there was a fractured locker room. A summer of rumors and mediocre draft made it worse. My hope was low by the reports of an upcoming meeting, and once it was reported they’d gone to Butler in LA to talk, I was done.

This morning I sketched out half a dozen theoretical trades. Then around noon I heard the news and felt almost relief.

But this should cost Thibs his job. He’s the one who convinced Taylor to give up A LOT for Butler, presumably because he could retain him. This huge risk was a failure and not only left Butler wanting out but KAT unhappy. Plus we’ve got a roster full of old man Bulls and virtually no young talent or financial flexibility.

Thibs reportedly wants to try to play through it, which will be REALLY cute if Butler walks and we get zilch. At least Flip got something for Love in a similar situation.

f*** Thibs. I was so wrong to be excited about him.
27  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Paul McCartney 2018 interview - On Brian and the Beach Boys on: September 17, 2018, 01:01:48 PM
Maron is pretty educated on the beach boys around the smile era , expected him to dig deeper

Really? Where do you get that? All I’ve ever heard him say when musicians mention BW is that he’s tried and understands it’s supposed to be great, but that he’s never been able to get into him, “too sad.” (Then he usually talks about Peter Green for about 500 years at a time.)
28  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Recent thoughts on Jack Rieley by the Beach Boys? on: September 14, 2018, 04:08:34 PM
Rieley, to all intents and purposes, quit as manager when he moved to the Netherlands. Trying to run the band long distance from Amsterdam was always an untenable proposition.

Carl functionally quit as the band's producer. After 'Holland', he -- apparently willingly -- left the producing duties in the hands of Brian, Al, or Bruce. In the 2 years between 'Surf's Up' and 'Holland' Carl wrote one song, and there would be another 6 years after that before another Carl song appeared on record. Carl, post-Holland, could have maintained creative leadership of the band (at least in Brian's absence), but for some reason he shied away from the responsibility.

Dennis was Dennis. A talented though erratic screw-up.

None of these situations were because of Mike's ego, or because Mike was making a power play.

It's entirely possible that all of those situations were at least in part because of Mike's ego and/or power play. One's desire to manage a band could be influenced by one or more members of that band being difficult to work with. One's desire to produce and submit songs to a band could be influenced by one or more members of his band being difficult to work with. One's essence as a talented though erratic screw-up could be (negatively) influenced by one or more members of his band being difficult to work with.

A more functional relationship might have led Rieley to a different decision; Carl to a different level of confidence or willingness to participate and even lead; and Dennis to hold his sh*t together and more fully participate in the band as a dependable member.

As long as we're speculating, let's at least speculate from all reasonably believable perspectives.
29  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Recent thoughts on Jack Rieley by the Beach Boys? on: September 14, 2018, 01:12:24 PM
Not only does that seem possible, but very plausible.
30  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Recent thoughts on Jack Rieley by the Beach Boys? on: September 14, 2018, 11:12:51 AM
Oh great, you quoted me to immortalize my typo. Thanks a lot.  Grin
31  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Sandbox thread for insignificant chit-chat on: September 14, 2018, 09:33:43 AM
A lot of common, throwaway responses and words when used don't actually mean what their words themselves indicate they mean. I can see why as a non-native English speaker those phrases or words would be difficult to understand.

Some other examples, when someone asks someone else, "how are you?" these are some common responses in my region of the country.

"Could be worse." On the surface, this only means it is possible that you could be worse--you are not as bad off as is possible. But really, it usually is used to mean "fine, good."

"Not too bad." The words themselves seem to mean "I am doing badly, but not TOO badly." In other words, you are doing badly but it is tolerable, it could be worse. But generally people say it to mean "fine, good."

"I've been better." The opposite of the first example, all this technically means is you are less than 100% ... but how much less? You might be at 99.9% happiness or satisfaction and that would be an honest answer. But when people say it, usually they actually mean "I am doing badly."
32  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Recent thoughts on Jack Rieley by the Beach Boys? on: September 14, 2018, 09:27:26 AM

Some key points in Jack's comments are how he wanted to get Carl writing more, and in general get more material flowing from Carl and Dennis. It basically reads between the lines that Brian was obviously not 100% into it and his contributions would be what they were, I don't think there was an expectation that Brian would be writing like it was 1965 again, or anything close. But that element of getting Carl and Dennis contributing more was the element which Jack wanted to push even more, getting original material flowing from the Wilson brothers. He saw there was something there with Carl that wasn't being tapped into, obviously people heard what Dennis could do but maybe the thought was let's get more from him, and if Brian got the inspiration or wanted to lay down some ideas to start something, let's tap into that.

I hate to agree with gf2002 again--I've got a reputation to uphold (kidding!)--but this is spot on. I don't think you could fault Rieley for not upping Brian's participation because everyone, before and after him wanted to up Brian's participation. But Brian was going to offer what he could or would, and that's all.

As for the volume of Carl's and Dennis's input, it's not just the number of songs but maybe their prominence. Carl suddenly wasn't just one of four named co-writers, but the sole Beach Boy (with Rieley on lyrics) for prominent, different kinds of music, songs that I'd imagine were seen as centerpieces of sorts at the time, even if not singles. Dennis, well, yes, he wasn't represented on Surf's Up, but that's not on Rieley, it's on Dennis.

The "siding with Wilsons" strategy wasn't just about song counts, but about image, vibe, general direction. At least that's how I read it (and hear it).

It's a shame that Al was seen as so firmly in the Love camp in those days, because I think musically he fit right in with what the Wilsons were doing at times. His folk music especially fit in, and his quirky sense of humor I think also worked with Brian, which is why things like Feet and Loop de Loop might not have floated Rieley's boat, but Brian seems to have dug them. (Obviously musically he was also just essential, vocally speaking, I mean.) I understand that if he was sober, being around the Wilsons in the early 70s wouldn't have been an appealing situation. But if only he would have gotten through that (or maybe if they'd have held their sh*t together a bit more, which would have been a healthy thing regardless), the real core of the band could theoretically have withstood any kind of Love or Johnston (before he left) pressures.
33  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Sandbox thread for insignificant chit-chat on: September 13, 2018, 05:29:57 PM
I'd say context matters, and social cues, nonverbal signals, regional traditions matter.

But even "I'm pretty sure," I look at that as less than sure. Sure is certain, 100%. Pretty sure is like the below.

"I'm sure of it." (100%)
"Really you're 100% certain?" (Suggests person is <100%, or at least wants confirmation of 100%)
"Well, I'm pretty sure of it." (Hedges the bet, indicates that while still more likely than not, less than 100% certain)

But it's easy to imagine someone answering "you're sure?" with a wink and a somewhat ironic "I'm pretty sure." This is the person technically allowing for doubt, but indicating that he totally believes it despite his own words. It is similar to someone who is a great basketball player might respond to "are you good?" with "I'm pretty good" or "I'm ok." Context could literally take meaning from all the way to one side to its opposite.
34  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Sandbox thread for insignificant chit-chat on: September 13, 2018, 04:22:47 PM
"Probably" means it is more likely than not. "Maybe" doesn't weigh in on the odds, it just indicates it could go either way.

Maybe it will rain today. (It might rain, it might not, but the speaker isn't indicating likelihood.)
Probably it will rain today. (It is more likely than not that it will rain today.)

"Pretty" in that context--"it's pretty good"--actually means somewhat, slightly. It's pretty good would indicate that it's not bad, it leans toward good, but it's not REALLY good. It's not great.
35  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Recent thoughts on Jack Rieley by the Beach Boys? on: September 13, 2018, 11:27:11 AM
Mike's real talent and the tragedy of his egomania are not mutually exclusive.

36  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: So what did we all do today? on: September 12, 2018, 04:35:18 PM
That's fine--good, even. Just trying to explain as best I can the way things are here to answer you.
37  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Recent thoughts on Jack Rieley by the Beach Boys? on: September 12, 2018, 01:24:50 PM
I have to say, the idea of an audience reacting tepidly or worse to new material and instead clamoring for hits is about as much of a non-story as there is with respect to successful (or previously successful) bands. GF2002 is entirely correct. I can completely understand a band being frustrated by it and trying to shove new material down the audience’s throats whether they like it or not (as I understand both Bowie and Prince did at times during their careers), and I can understand bands going the other way and giving the audience what they want.
That’s not an easy row to hoe. Go too far one way and you’re a self-indulgent asshole who disrespects the fans who financially supported your career. Go too far the other way and you lose all respect and are seen as no longer creative, coasting on your past.
Frankly, I think that in the Rieley era, the Beach Boys did a pretty tremendous job of threading that needle. They were performing a good amount of new material—and not restricting it to the kind of “singles from the new album” presentation you got at, say, C50, but truly representing a good variety of their music including multiple songs from multiple recent albums. I can see feeling a little bitter about wanting to show off your new material but having it pushed aside for “Fun, Fun, Fun” or “I Get Around,” but it’s a first-world problem. And complaining too much about it is a little like saying your ass is sore from sitting on your yacht all day…
38  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: So what did we all do today? on: September 12, 2018, 07:38:37 AM
Different systems, meaning different storm systems. It is necessary to name them somehow to tell simultaneous storm systems apart.

As for why the specific names chosen or how the naming conventions work, I think you’re wrong that you have to be born here to understand: I don’t think many people here understand the naming conventions either. I would bet that almost everyone simply accepts that there is one and uses the names that are assigned. The “how” and “why,” I would guess, rarely crosses anyone’s mind.
39  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Discuss & Rate Brian Wilson Songs Day by Day on: September 01, 2018, 12:44:54 PM
I give Melt Away a five, which isn't quite fair. It's not a five out of five, which is perfect (or at least rounds up to perfect). I find flaws in both released versions but still hear some platonic ideal of the song somewhere in my head. It's fantastic, one of his very best songs of the past 40 years.
40  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Had To Phone Ya on: September 01, 2018, 10:47:53 AM
I think it's probably one of the 10-15 best songs the band ever did after the Surf's Up album. The track is amazing. Billy is right: better vocals would have made a huge difference (not that it's the only '70s track where a person could say that).
41  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Beach Boys 2018 Tour Thread on: August 30, 2018, 07:24:53 AM

I don't recall vast swaths of (deserved) bad reviews for "Unleash" last year.
Back to "Unleash"; it deserved *more* poor reviews. It probably benefitted from simply a lack of much attention from the rock press. I'd say any of "Looking Back With Love", "Summer in Paradise", and certainly the 2004 circulating collection of Mike's music, are all much better than "Unleash."

I think it was mostly ignored, as you say in that latter part of what I quoted. It’s not as if much/any relevant music press liked the piece of sh*t. It was (rightly) ignored as just another irrelevant release.
42  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: The What Are You Reading? Thread on: August 30, 2018, 06:43:33 AM
Re-reading The Book Thief and Animal Farm.

Having just finished the Erdrich novel I referenced recently, I’m now reading Animal Farm. Somehow I never got around to it before, but I’d picked it up within the past year or so from a free library.
43  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Bruce on Friends on: August 29, 2018, 06:53:07 AM
Your response is almost backward from my point. I mean the critique that it probably didn’t go over well live* because of the non-hit, non-rock nature of the songs was a valid critique whether he personally rocks or even personally dislikes it for that reason.

*Not the same thing as being performed well. Received well.
44  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Bruce on Friends on: August 28, 2018, 04:07:21 PM
That’s fair, too. But whether his criticism is honest, it’s valid.
45  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Bruce on Friends on: August 28, 2018, 12:26:16 PM
Bruce’s comments certainly imply part of the problem was with live performances, which I think is fair. Those songs neither live up to most of the band’s classic hits, nor rock with the type of energy that helps get across live music from a rock band. It’s reasonable to feel a bit put off by what was no doubt tepid reaction from fans. Plus, isn’t that album the one being toured in the aborted Maharishi tour? Again, not a good taste to have left in one’s mouth.

I’d also add that Sunflower has four more muscular tunes: Dennis’s plus This Whole World. That’s a third of the album. So it’s hardly fair to lump those two albums together in wimpiness.

(I love Friends and think Bruce is nuts. But it’s not beyond comprehension how he got to his opinion.)
46  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Beach Boys 2018 Tour Thread on: August 28, 2018, 05:09:10 AM
Review of their MN State Fair show last night. Not much love for Love solo material or Stamos’s Forever.
47  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: So what did we all do today? on: August 25, 2018, 04:26:32 PM
I have to admit I thoroughly enjoyed an English breakfast on my one trip there (for the first Smile show in Scotland, spent time in both countries). My heart doesn’t thank me, but my taste buds did.

Today I did a million little nonsense tasks that don’t seem to have added up to much. But now I’m on my patio with a beer, reading. (Louise Erdrich’s “Future Home of the Living God,” a Handmaids Tale-esque dystopian storyof reversed evolution.) Soon I’ll be doing a homemade pizza: olives, scallions, orange bell pepper, spinach and arugula, and ricotta and mozzarella.
48  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Sandbox thread for insignificant chit-chat on: August 23, 2018, 10:25:06 AM
CSM: yes.

RRA1: you’re not a culprit. And I ought not have called you a name. But that is how your multi-post insistence—and now your criticism of a reputable dictionary—in trying to argue against a basic reality of language comes across. Why would an entire nation reject its norms and rewrite its dictionaries because a message boarder says to do so? Your opinion on the subject, despite your being Russian, is not as authoritative as an entire, widely agreed upon norm. Your insistence otherwise is reminiscent of a toddler stomping its feet in a tantrum. It’s not a realistic complaint/demand.

Anyway I’ve said what I had to say, and it’s not so important to demand belaboring the point. I hope you’ll at least consider it. Let’s move on. And I apologize again for name calling.
49  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Sandbox thread for insignificant chit-chat on: August 23, 2018, 05:28:09 AM
RRA1, you’re acting like a petulant child. People in America, where the common spelling is indeed borscht, can’t be expected to simply discard their reality simply because you say so. No one doubts how it is spelled or pronounced in Russia, and obviously you’d know best about that.

But the American Heritage Dictionary, for example, says:

“Borscht also borsht or borsch ... [Yiddish borsht, from Russian borshch, cow parsnip (the original base of the soup), borscht.]”

So unsurprisingly there are variant spellings, especially in different cultures. It’s normal, no big deal. We don’t debate Brits every time they say “humour” instead of “humor.” You can’t expect your preferred option to be taken on by people in another country who are using the standard spelling for that country.
50  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: So what did we all do today? on: August 22, 2018, 08:16:29 PM
I think Buckethead meant this: imagine total tuition is $10,000.  Student has a $2,500 scholarship for music and maybe a $2,000 Pell Grant (a program sponsored by our federal government). That student has $5,500 tuition due after (applying the discount of) scholarships and grants.
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