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151  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: So Tough/ Holland (Box?) Set on: May 11, 2022, 06:25:14 AM
I love the Blondie/Ricky-era albums - that said, it's always puzzled me a bit how anyone could assume these two would be able to substitute for Brian in terms of his diminishing influence on the band's songwriting. "Here She Comes" is perfectly fine in the context of the So Tough album but it's not the kind of song that makes me want to hear it over and over again. The BB at the time were going for a bit of a more generic rock sound with the addition of these two I think - like I said, amazing albums (Holland especially) and the live shows must have been incredible at that time (I'm a big fan of In Concert too), but in terms of songwriting I understand why this phase is not every fan's favorite era.

I don't think it was ever the band's intention for Ricky and Blondie to replace Brian per se, especially in terms of songwriting.  I'd wager that Carl realized the band needed some new blood to alter the group's sound and felt these guys' contributions and talents would help the group achieve this.  The band's previous two records, as cherished as they have become over the years, were highly ignored commercially and critically.  And with Brian basically living in Candy Land at the time whose contributions were hit or miss at the time, adding some new blood to the group was probably the right move.
152  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: So Tough/ Holland (Box?) Set on: May 10, 2022, 05:56:44 AM
The Blondie/Ricky era was an important yet vastly underrated period for the band.  I really liked what these guys brought to the group.  Maybe we'll finally see an official release of "Carry Me Home". 

Agree, Awesoman -

these two brought added inspiration, soul, energy, rhythm. Not that the BBs ever lacked these qualities, mind (with the possible exception of SiP, that fine exercise in being a plastic replica of the band itself - a feat in itself, though not qua aesthetics).

Blondie & Ricky definitely added a special something. A Dutch reviewer then wrote that Holland sometimes made him think of The Band; I can see his point.

IMHO, there should have been more time for the 'expanded BBs' to further grow, mature, 'gel' into more of a unit. What would the years 1974 and 1975 been like, had this idea been given a chance?

Yeah Blondie and Ricky added an "edge" to the band that they never really had before and certainly would never have again.  Even though songs like "Here She Comes" and "Leaving This Town" sound nothing like the Beach Boys (and it's a fun game to play those songs for friends and have them guess the band), they provide a glimpse of what could have been had those guys hung around a little longer. 
153  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: So Tough/ Holland (Box?) Set on: May 09, 2022, 05:59:34 AM
The Blondie/Ricky era was an important yet vastly underrated period for the band.  I really liked what these guys brought to the group.  Maybe we'll finally see an official release of "Carry Me Home". 
154  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Sounds of Summer 6LP Announced on: May 05, 2022, 07:11:31 AM
There are some pretty clear reasons we’d never see SIP tracks on such a set, and I don’t think it needs those tracks.

I think at this stage, given the landscape of how people who this set targets tend to listen to stuff, it’s not useful to try to go strictly chronological, or to be beholden to making sure every album or lead single or whatever is included. That’s how you end up with “Peggy Sue” on “Greatest Hits Vol. 3: Best of the Brother Years.”

Nobody needs “Stars and Stripes” tracks on this. That’s like the 27th rung of tracks hardcore fans collect. (And I’m not even sure BRI has ownership of those tracks; it might still be held by whatever entity holds all of the stuff from that “River North” label or whatever it was).

Obviously, such sets never have the precise set of tracks any one person would pick. But even if we get down to saying, “Okay, let’s ditch “Pom Pom Playgirl” for something”, I could think of a hundred tracks before I got down to S&S or SIP, or most of “Still Cruisin’” for that matter, and I say that as a fan who bows to nobody in my enjoyment of a lot of weird, deepcut, obscure era stuff. Like, I’d really like a multi-disc deluxe set of “Keepin’ the Summer Alive.” But I also know objectively that younger, newer fans tracking this stuff on Spotify aren’t going to be excited by an alternate take of “Oh, Darlin’”, just like they’re not going to be into SIP stuff (which at this stage with that same drum sample running over and over sounds more dated than the BB ’85 album), or the truly awful “Stars and Stripes.” If they want to pull those great backing vocals off the S&S version of “Caroline, No” and sync it to a good Carl lead vocal or something, I’d love to see that. Anything else, I think S&S can be kept as far away from any compilation as possible.

Agreed.  In all honesty though I wouldn't mind some kind of compilation covering or at least including stuff from the 80's/90's era.  As maligned as these decades were, there's still some "not bad" content that has been out of print.  Guilty pleasures such as the stomp-like beat of "Rock & Roll To The Rescue" to other tracks like "Chasin' The Sky", "Happy Endings", "Crocodile Rock" or even the slightly cringey "Problem Child" have been out in the ether for decades.  Even if these songs aren't exactly remarkable it would still be nice to have them if for only completionist's sake.  Maybe by the time Still Cruisin' hits a significant anniversary they can put out a proper album with all these lost tracks in tow.
155  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: 25th Anniversary Special 03/1987 on: April 26, 2022, 06:10:26 AM
It's awesomely bad in all the best ways.  But having Ray Charles perform "Sail On, Sailor" was a stroke of genius. 
156  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: For anybody not knowing it, Holy Man 2019 on: April 21, 2022, 06:30:49 AM
The "Queen" version is just a bit overcooked honestly, although it is certainly cool that they were involved.  The 2008 version featuring only Taylor Hawkins' vocals works better.
157  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Paul McCartney's RAM - the most 'beach boys' Beatle album? on: April 08, 2022, 07:05:15 AM
Don't forget "Back Seat of My Car"; it could pass as a Beach Boys song during that period (minus McCartney's signature screaming vocals at the end).  I suppose the Love You album is the closest thing the Beach Boys did that best resembles Paul's execution of RAM.  The recent half speed mastering vinyl release of this album sounds fantastic!
158  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Anyone think of She's Going Bald this week? on: April 05, 2022, 04:53:49 PM
Nah.  That story serves as nothing more than a distraction. 
159  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Jeffrey Foskett on: March 30, 2022, 05:58:22 AM
Very touching article. We give Stamos a lot of flack here, but this is lovely. Thanks for sharing.

I completely agree. Honestly, a lot of the animosity towards the guy (and I've done my fair share of complaining about Full House and other Stamos related things) is probably subconscious irritation that Stamos is one of the luckiest* Beach Boys fans to ever live and we wish it were us in his shoes. I'm not saying we'd all love to rock a mullet and be uncle Jesse, but how cool that this guy has been able to rock out on stage with The Beach Boys and be in their circle?

*and by "luckiest" I just mean compared to any other fan of The Beach Boys. Clearly Stamos has worked hard his entire life to be where he is today.

Really such an uplifting/inspiring story. Thanks for posting that, wbarnes4393.

I'll give Stamos credit that he brought attention to the band's forgotten masterpiece, "Forever".  The problem is he did so on the dopiest show ever, Full House.   And his version of the song with its screaming guitars completely misses the point of the song. 
160  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: The Beach Boys Live At Paramount NYC 11/26/1993 Unplugged Tour on: February 26, 2022, 09:59:07 AM
Have wanted to hear this for awhile. Thanks!

Can anyone recommend a safe way to store these clips? I use to use iLivid but I have removed it due to a computer meltdown.

Just use google to find the original FLAC files - much nicer quality than ripping from youtube.

Edit - I'm an idiot and didn't realize how old this thread was. Just saw the Month/Date. Sorry!

If anyone actually has those FLAC files and would like to reshare...

I only have dinky 192 mp3 files of it...
161  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: ?? Mike Love saying Sounds of Summer 3-cd set is coming on: February 02, 2022, 06:37:20 AM
Do we really even need a promotional DVD included as one of the discs...?  I'd rather it be a rarities CD that includes a bunch of songs they recorded and released that are just drifting out there in the ether.   There might be some legality issues to sort out but there are a bunch of not-bad songs they recorded (particularly in the 80's) that I'd like to see compiled for at least completionist sake.  Songs like the following:

Rock & Roll To the Rescue
Chasin' The Sky
Crocodile Rock
Problem Child
Happy Endings
Lady Liberty
162  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: The Beach Boys’ 40 greatest songs – ranked! on: January 28, 2022, 02:20:11 PM
The list is mostly good but how did they leave out "Forever"?
163  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Feel Flows vol 2? on: January 26, 2022, 06:12:52 AM
Mark Linett hinted in a Facebook comment a few months ago that there would be a follow-up set in December...on someone's post about the box set (I can't remember who), he commented "and more."

I guess nothing came of this...?
164  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: 60th Anniversary Tour on: January 26, 2022, 06:11:55 AM
I’m going to revive this thread for a second to say some things I forgot to say before the board temporarily went down. Didn’t Brian and Al already shoot down a new album? Second, if LPR hadn’t been given a soundtrack, was some of the newer material technically “available” to reuse for a possible full Brian solo or BB album?

I also agree with the statement that a 5-CD set has already been released: maybe they’ll repress MIC? That’d be nice - I wasn’t as big a fan as I am now, and I’d like to get a copy soon.

I don't see them re-releasing MIC but it's a good bet there will be yet *another* inevitable greatest hits compilation to cash in on the occasion.  Although it would seem the group has been very quiet as to how they will celebrate their anniversary or if they plan on even recognizing it at all. 
165  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: The Beach Boys Live At Paramount NYC 11/26/1993 Unplugged Tour on: January 26, 2022, 06:08:03 AM
Reviving this thread after revisiting some recordings of this tour. My ears are very happy. Some of the best live vocals of any of the touring eras from Carl and Al in particular. Happy that Add Some Music from this show got released with cleaned up audio on the Feel Flows set (seems like it was extraction and not a true multitrack mix which I assume doesn't exist), but remain curious why this whole show hasn't been released as a live set. It's just absolutely fantastic.

Agreed, would love the full set someday. The live '93 Add Some Music is gorgeous. A beautiful relaxed lead-ish vocal from Mike, kind of reminiscent of his Big Sur vocals.

This was a really good tour and that Paramount show is a high-quality boot in terms of both sound quality and performance.  It's no surprise that live performances from this show have been culled in BB box set compilations in recent years. 

Maybe at some point they'll put out a live box set featuring complete shows from the band's different era's including the Carnegie Hall show.  This Paramount show would fit nicely in that set.  Plus I'd welcome an official live release of Carl singing "Wouldn't It Be Nice"; I always felt he handled the lead vocal better than Al did. 
166  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Is it fair to call for an artist to quit? on: January 21, 2022, 07:12:21 AM
Yeah it's been a little hard to listen to McCartney's more recent stuff with his voice having aged so considerably.  And hearing him live in the past few years has been rough with him sounding so wobbly.  A few years ago he actually still sounded pretty good.  I have a nice boot of one of his shows in Japan from about 8-10 years ago and he sounded mostly great.  And I'd argue he sounds okay for a near 80-year-old and still delivers a lot of energy in his performances.

Compare that to Brian where in recent shows he just looks completely checked out. Check out this recent performance of him and Al doing "Help Me Rhonda" (  He just randomly steals the verses from Al as if he were confused and then near the end of the song looks like he's asleep.  You have to wonder if he even wants to be there especially if you're just a casual fan that isn't fully aware of all his mental health issues. 
167  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Welcome Back! on: January 20, 2022, 05:20:45 PM
Great to have this place back up and running again. This corner of the net has been a lot quieter these last few weeks. I'm not going to be one of those people that pile hate on EH but plurality is everything.

Confused as to why there is "rivalry" between this board and EH.  I enjoy posting on both.   Shrug

But anyway it's nice that this board was revived...with all the old posts still intact too!  Hopefully this doesn't happen again.  (I just jinxed it.)

168  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Brian Wilson: Long Promised Road (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) on: December 08, 2021, 02:56:44 PM
I''ll choose actually good over radio friendly, any day. And yes, I know that means not getting to Number 1. I did not say that we are living in a sane world.

However, I notice that many were asking for "raw" Brian when he was doing ""polished", but now that he did "raw" now they want "polished".

Nah, I don't care if the music is radio friendly or not.  I only care if the music appeals to me.  The music on the soundtrack simply does not.  And I think all the best Paley tracks ("Soul Searchin', "You're Still a Mystery", "Saturday Morning in the City") were already released on other albums and box sets. 
169  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Brian Wilson: Long Promised Road (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) on: December 08, 2021, 07:18:59 AM
I love the LPR soundtrack. "Raw" Brian exactly like I like him, darn Joe Thomas out of the picture. I consider the promise of the fabled R&R album fulfilled, and in a sane world "Rock and roll has got a hold on me" would be a Number 1 hit. I proposed the song to some friends, not BB/BW fans, and they were enthusiastic about it.

That track would need a hell of a lot of polish to make it radio friendly. 

Keeping the legit complaints of Joe Thomas's glossy production style in mind, I'd still take No Pier Pressure over this soundtrack any day of the week.  The songs are just stronger on there, and I did not mind the abundance of guest appearances.  I get the complaints people had with it sounding a bit too modern, but I think it actually worked in the album's benefit. 
170  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Really great new interview with Mark Linnett on: December 01, 2021, 05:46:06 AM
Should they proceed with another box set documenting the Ricky/Blondie years, I wouldn't mind hearing those albums remixed.  They always suffered a little from sounding dry and adding a *tad* more reverb and a fuller stereo sound might breathe new life into these albums.  And maybe we can finally get an official release of "Carry Me Home"...!
171  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Brian Wilson: Long Promised Road (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) on: December 01, 2021, 05:39:23 AM
I really love the "new" version of Must Be a Miracle. I wonder if there's any other re-recordings of the Paley material we haven't heard yet?

The vocal on it sounds much closer to Imagination-era than the Paley sessions, but the backing track doesn't have that sheen from Imagination.

We know that Brian, Andy and Don Was produced a track for The Beach Boys in 1995, so that's probably what this is, with later vocals. There's also a version of God Did It with Brian singing lead from the same period, and a few other whole songs that haven't been bootlegged. Release it all!!!


I'd bet the Paley Sessions will be out before too long. Maybe there's a little appetite for a 30th anniversary deluxe package ? ?

It wouldn't be inconceivable for these leftover Paley tracks to find their way on some kind of release eventually but an anniversary box set commemorating them?  Highly unlikely.  If this soundtrack is any indicator, then dare I assert that the Paley era was mostly overrated, as the majority of songs really don't have much appeal to most folks save for the unconditional die-hards.  I guess if you really wanted a sequel to the Love You album then you might like these songs.  But having listened to this soundtrack it's very obvious why BW and the other Beach Boys abandoned these songs. 
172  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Brian going on tour with Chicago next summer on: December 01, 2021, 05:30:20 AM
I wonder if both bands will perform a few songs together,  à la the "Beachago" tour.  Probably doubtful but one can hope. 
173  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Beatles' Get Back documentary (BB content) on: November 30, 2021, 05:43:26 AM
The underlying footage of the Beatles is just so unbelievable, it must have cost a fortune in film stock alone. And of course the cameras did not exactly create a creative working environment, so its almost certainly for the best that the Beach Boys never tried something similar. But man, what I would give for even a half hour of 32 mm color film showing Brian and the band working in the 60s! The Good Vibrations footage in the new Brian doc is more than I ever expected to see, of course, but it's amazing what a difference the higher quality film stock makes. In the Beatles footage, you're *there*, it's unbelievable.

FWIW, the Beatles' footage is actually 16mm film.   But I agree with you that the picture quality is absolutely incredible.  There's no graininess or color distortion at all.  You say it well: it's like you're there.  It looks like it could have been filmed yesterday.  Kudos to whatever Peter Jackson and his team did to scan and digitize this film.  And kudos to the Beatles and Michael Lindsay Hogg for spending freely back in the day on the original footage.   It's an absolute grand slam.

I'm finding the film restoration to look a little too glossy for my tastes.  By removing the film grain a lot of detail goes out the window and everything looks a little unnatural.  This technology of upscaling old images with artificial intelligence is still in its infancy and I don't think this video quality will age well in time. 

But other than that this is still a fantastic documentary.  I just finished the first episode.  Which episode contains the Mike Love reference? 
174  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / General Music Discussion / Re: Robert Plant & Alison Krauss 'Raise the Roof' on: November 29, 2021, 03:58:17 PM
Loved their first album.  Need more time for this one to grow on me.  I really like "Can't Let Go" and the title track so far. 
175  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Brian Wilson: Long Promised Road (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) on: November 28, 2021, 10:34:09 AM
By the way, since there doesn't seem to be a physical copy of the soundtrack currently available on either CD or vinyl at the moment, you can purchase a lossless version of it on Qobuz in either 16 or 24-bit form (either version should play on your media player of choice and you can select a variety of different file formats to download it).
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