Dear BR,
Thanks for your post.
I have say that I totally respect where you are coming from, and I totally respect you as well, and that you are completely correct in what I assert. You are spot on.
When SMiLE was created, at that time, you do have to admit that in order for Brian Wilson to be atop the pop world & keep pace with the Beatles, Brian would have to present the world with a largely LSD based LP. Don't you think that that was what "the moment" demanded?
I mean. If all the Brian Wilson hype is to be believed then Brian was truly ahead of the Fab 4 & SMiLE was to beat them to "the moment" which turned out to be the release of Sgt. Pepper's & the "summer of love." If that moment could have instead been about SMiLE, then SMiLE (if we're to believe the hype) was equally, if not more, suited to be the LSD album for the generation.
From all the readings I've done on LSD & the sixties there is no finer experience than the religious LSD experience. It seems a likely probable scenario that Wilson had such an experience. Such an experience fits with his claims from that period.
The Americana stuff which is a glorified aspect of SMilE, may actually be due to a common LSD experience--that being the "going back in time " bit. If Brain were to combine the location of his LSD experience with this "going back in time" thing, the result could indeed be SMiLE's Americana styled lyrics and musical mood. Clever as well as multi-layered, meaningful, and deep, such lyrics and music would be the source of constant debate as to its true meaning.
True, other interpretations are likely valid in the minds of those who present them (this includes me) but Brian Wilson knows what SMiLE is about (he has never stated differently. Note that such a statement of SMiLE cluelessness would have been a convenient "out" of his persistent being questioned about SMiLE nightmare).
I honestly think that Brian had an LSD trip where he contemplated a "riddle" (a common sixties practice) and had a religious experience. SMiLE is essentially that experience in riddle form (thus capable of inspiring a similar experience).
As far as Brian & Van Dyke keeping this all a secret, they've done a great job, don't you agree?
Let me ask you this. Where did Brian's religious LSD experience take place?
Here's a clue...not even his closest friends know. Why not? What's the problem? Heck, the SMiLE era "best friends" don't know what's up. Why not? Van Dyke will fill us in right?
I mean, if you had the greatest experience of your life at some place you'd let folks in on it wouldn't you?

Okay, so where did Brian Wilson have his super duper great religious, spiritual LSD trip? Check all of your sources and let me know. I'm waiting.