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Rocky Raccoon
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« on: December 30, 2015, 08:20:40 PM »

I've never been much of a Star Wars nerd but I was absolutely blown away by this film.  I couldn't take my eyes off the screen.  It really captures the magic that made the originals great.  The young actors, Daisy Ridley and John Boyega make a great impression and hold their own against Harrison Ford who hasn't missed a beat at all since he last played Han Solo.  The dialogue is sharp, the effects are great, it absolutely exceeded my expectations.  My only complaint is that it didn't look great in 3D.  I've seen 3D used effectively in films such as Martin Scorsese's Hugo but here it was just a distraction and didn't really add much.  I'd like to see it again without having to wear those pesky glasses.  3D

Alan Smith
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« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2015, 08:38:48 PM »

Harrison Ford is outstanding, but Chewie was even better - he seemed pretty peeved for the entire film, getting a bit grumpy in his old (?) age.

Carrie Fisher delivered a dignified performance and how about that Rey! Ass kicker! and boy, does the Millennium Falcon move or what!

Other than that, a load of revisionist guff.

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Mujan, 8@$+@Rc| of a Blue Wizard
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« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2015, 08:50:28 AM »

I've never been much of a Star Wars nerd but I was absolutely blown away by this film.  I couldn't take my eyes off the screen.  It really captures the magic that made the originals great.  The young actors, Daisy Ridley and John Boyega make a great impression and hold their own against Harrison Ford who hasn't missed a beat at all since he last played Han Solo.  The dialogue is sharp, the effects are great, it absolutely exceeded my expectations.  My only complaint is that it didn't look great in 3D.  I've seen 3D used effectively in films such as Martin Scorsese's Hugo but here it was just a distraction and didn't really add much.  I'd like to see it again without having to wear those pesky glasses.  3D

I personally thought it was a load of garbage that relied entirely on nostalgia pandering (look! Lukes lightsaber! Look! Vader's helmet! Look! Han Solo!) and had not a single original idea in the whole thing. Its basically a scene by scene remake of A New Hope but not nearly as good, it regressed the characters we all knew and loved (Luke's a failure who just gave up, Hans a smuggler again after being a war hero general, Leia does nothing the whole movie), introduced a lame janitor storm trooper whose motivations made no sense, a mary sue perfect girl-power protagonist and a whiny pretty boy loser antagonist. There were far too many retreads to the originals, unnecessary slaps in the face to Lucas ("this'll begin to make things right"/blowing Coruscant and Naboo up), and really heavy handed Nazi overtones to the bad guys which was so forced and lame.

Here was my in-depth review on my Facebook after returning from the theater. My intial thought seeing it was it was ok but just ok, but honestly the more I think about it the more i dislike it. I predict it will NOT stand the test of time and as the years go by and people rewatch and really analyze it, there will be significant backlash. Im aware its getting good reviews but I think thats a combination of the novelty of a new Star Wars, no one wanting to piss off Disney or go against the hype, and the power of the Star Wars brand making people go easy on it. But even the reviews if you actually read them have an air of disappointment and acknowledge its a total rehash of the original.


"Im gonna rub some people the wrong way here, but I gotta get this outta my system.

^History repeats itself? These are fans coming out of Phantom Menace for the first time calling it the best thing ever. You could argue this time's different and Im being a douche canoe for raining on everybody's parade...but after taking it all in...the reviews, the IMDb comments, my friends' opinions and seeing it myself...Im predicting in another 10 or I guess 16 years we'll be right back here at square one looking back and pretending we all instantly hated TFA and walked out when in reality we all bought into the hype and loved it...for awhile. One aspect of the prequel hate that gets brushed under the rug these days is that each one, people initially seemed to love, but by the time the next came out, people realized it wasnt good but seemed to say "but im sure this one will be a lot better" and coming out of the theater we seemed to think so. At least, that was my experience with my family/friends. It always took a year or two to "realize" or admit the last one sucked, and it still didnt stop us from hyping up the next one anyway. So powerful is the Star Wars brand, it literally prints money and manufactures consent.

I realize Im being kind of a smug asshole for trying to act like Im above the curve and posting something like this...but I find the whole phenomenon here really interesting--more so than any of the actual SW movies sans Empire. Like I said in my profile pic about Lucas as a man, there will be an amazing documentary or fictionalized account of this series and his life someday. There's just so much there to build upon--the maniac in the desert filming a stupid space story everyone said would fail, the runaway success, and the unsung heroes like Gary Kurtz, Irvin Kershner and Marcia Lucas working behind the scenes to fine tune his ideas into gold. Then there's the divorce, the egomania taking over, the loathsome special editions, the mass delusion of initial prequel acceptance followed by the great backlash, the surprise sell to Disney, them using the Creator as a fall guy to blame all problems on, and (if Im right) the repeating of history with what seems to be a pretty unimaginative new set of films. And thru it all, we've seen the pendulum of public opinion regarding Lucas swing back and forth from genius, to hypocritical hack, to sympathetic storyteller. Im already seeing some reappraisals of the prequels online since TFA came out, that at least theyre new and imaginative if badly directed/acted, where TFA is polished and competent but also a complete rehash of the original.

The phenomena of undying love for a brand is really interesting to witness too, from someone on the semi-outside of it (loved em all as a kid, not so much now). I really think in this case, people WANTED to like each of the post-ROTJ movies so much they allow themselves to believe theyre better than they really are. And even with 3--possibly soon to be 4--disappointments, we still keep coming back for more...because hey, its Star Wars. Cant be that bad right...except the prequels (and possibly soon TFA) but still! It just begs the question...with so much disappointment and unfulfilled potential in the series' history, what exactly is the appeal? Why do we keep paying for it? Was the original that good that it warrants so much unyielding loyalty in spite of all the let down since? Or is it the impossible childhood nostalgia we're paying for? Im not sure which but one thing I know for certain is TFA didnt deliver for me. I bought into the hype and the herd mentality with the prequels because I was so young and easily impressed...but as a 23 year old, a pointless scene by scene rehash of the original with less interesting characters and forced nostalgia pandering just doesnt cut it...and its actually kinda disheartening to see so many apparently buy into it anyway.

I gotta say, as a film buff this movie makes me really sad. I respect the original Star Wars for its innovations and success, and its still a fun movie to watch today. But I loathe its impact on Film--the beginning of the blockbuster era, and of mass merchandising of films into all-encompassing, forced cultural events with toys, marketing tie ins, and now even Star Wars brand makeup! And this film, as it shamelessly mirrors the original, represents all the corporatization it summoned coming home to roost. A studio paid 4 billion to gain the rights, another quarter billion to make a film, at least an eighth of a billion to market...all to make the same movie again, with new (lamer) characters and updated effects. And no one sees a problem with that, because...its a NEW STAR WARS DUDE! ITS AWESOME!! But is it really? Yeah, we got all the forced call-backs to Vader, Han, Leia, Chewie, Luke, the Droids, and the Falcon. But so what? What did any of it amount to? WOW I SAW VADERS SKULL FOR FIVE SECONDS, THAT REMINDS ME OF THE ORIGINALS!!! Han's back...and his character growth of the trilogy has been completely undone so he can be the same lovable smuggler badass we remember even if it makes no sense. Leia does nothing important at all...but by seeing her again it taps into your nostalgia. At one point, C3PO literally mugs the camera and says "Yes, it is I, C3PO! And I have a new arm!" for no reason but to make the audience go "OMG!! I REMEMBER HIM!! YEAH, STAR WARS!"

All this, and the man who crafted the original against all odds is shamelessly thrown to the curb, his original treatments for the sequel trilogy abandoned because EW LUCAS MADE THE PREQUELS! HES EVERYTHING WRONG WITH STAR WARS! Even tho he also made the originals...and at least the prequels for all their faults were unique stories and had good ideas--just bad execution. So for all the hype about how JJ and the Mouse were saving the franchise...what were their bright ideas? A new Death...Planet? OH BUT ITS BIGGER!! WOWEE!! A poor mans Vader who wears a mask for no reason, and takes it off to reveal a whiny loser pretty boy who throws temper tantrums? A token black guy whose motivation makes no sense (I dont wanna fight to Im gonna wipe out a bunch of my ex-comrades), a bunch of forced, obvious Nazi iconography to show the Empire--whoops, First Order--are bad guys, and a Mary Sue who can do literally anything as the lead. Theres a new lightsaber fight as expected, even tho it makes no sense a newbie could beat a trained Knight. Theres a new blow-up-the-death-star we've already seen in Episodes I, IV, and VI except with no tension whatsoever. There's an ugly, annoying woman-Yoda who's orange. A bland, forgettable new score from John Williams. All that's good in this movie are the scraps from Lucas' imagination, and the only reason people swallow this crap is because of the Star Wars brand. But no, f*** that guy, he's a hack. This guy Abrams tho, who has no originality whatsoever. no man, he's the savior of the galaxy. Thats why we made all the EU novels--many of which are far superior--not canon for his drivel. Bah, humbug.

I feel at this point I should explain that I personally thought the movie was ok. But thats it. Just ok. And for 4.5ish billion dollars...thats fucking disgraceful. With the keys to the kingdom--Kasdan, Williams, the original cast--even more so. How do you f*** that up--especially when all the speculative ideas for the new story, much of the EU novels, and possibly Lucas' scripts--were all so much better than the knock-off bullshit you came up with? The frustrating thing is, this seems to be good enough for people nowadays. People wave away ALL criticisms of this movie with either "well, it was better than the prequels!" or "what were you expecting--Star Wars always had bad acting/directing/story." Basically some derivative of "it was good enough" and without addressing the fact that if the latter is true...why does Star Wars even need to keep existing? If you acknowledge its just stupid action fantasy...cant we all agree it had its time in the sun and maybe, instead of spending a fortune to perpetuate crap, Disney could and should spend that trying something new? Why not give a new Lucas, an up and coming idealistic filmmaker, their chance to make their dream movie? Maybe it'll flop--but it could be the next big thing, and it would at least be fresh and interesting. But that wouldnt be a guaranteed, immediate return on investment which is all the executives want or care about.

Far more disturbing to me are the accusations of racism/sexism when people complain about not liking this, or the reminder of its reviews. The first "argument" is just ridiculous. The second...like it says in this article...you can literally feel the undercurrent of disappointment and that same attitude of "it was ok and its star wars so thats good enough." I sincerely believe without the brand this would be rightly ripped apart, and even with it, theres still an air of "meh" but nobody wants to go against the herd, and the professional critics were either paid off or are too afriad to offend Disney. More than anything tho, I hear people waiving away all the plot inconsistencies, plot holes, and unanswered questions as "oh, well thatll be explained in the next one." Which is part of the problem in Hollywood nowadays. It started with Deathly Hallows and already reached the absurd with the Hobbit being split into 3 whole films. Want a complete, satisfying story? f*** you, you'll have to pay double or triple to watch the other 2,3,4 planned sequels/parts you stupid consumer. AND WE PAY FOR IT. UGH, thats the worst fucking part. Hollywood is not only devoid of original ideas, theyre milking us for every cent, and all the while the sheep call the latest insulting bile "genius!" and "brilliant!" and anyone who complains is a cynic, an asshole...or just doesnt "get it."

I genuinely predict a reevaluation of TFA and the new trilogy in a few years time, to where they become just as reviled as the prequels. Right or wrong, you heard it here first. I base that assessment on the fact that those not in favor (that Ive seen) all have reasonable, well constructed arguments for their displeasure while those who argue in favor of the film rely almost entirely on nostalgia and name-calling to get their point across. As for myself, I recently said Heaven's Gate was the worst movie ever made, at least in terms of its impact on the development of cinema as an art form. Now, Im honestly wondering if it might just be TFA. Maybe thats an overstatement, but the amount of money wasted to make such a bland pile of crap, the hypnotizing effect of brand loyalty on the masses it demonstrates, and the sheer audacity of that opening line "this will begin to make things right" just to plagiarize the very man you just insulted with the rest of the movie all really rub me the wrong way. Im ashamed to have given this movie my money--but the allure of seeing it with a friend, and morbid curiosity all got the better of me. f*** this movie and all that it represents."

I acknowledge maybe I biased myself against it. I personally LOATHE JJ Abrams and everything hes ever done professionally. I think hes a total overrated hack, and I feared this movie would suck the second I heard he had been hired to direct. Ive been browsing IMDb on TFA board and Abrams board recently and found another comment someone made which really called it:

Here are my SMiLE Mixes. All are 2 suite, but still vastly different in several ways. Be on the lookout for another, someday.

Aquarian SMiLE>HERE
Dumb Angel (Olorin Edition)>HERE
Dumb Angel [the Romestamo Cut]>HERE

& This is a new pet project Ive worked on, which combines Fritz Lang's classic film, Metropolis (1927) with The United States of America (1968) as a new soundtrack. More info is in the video description.
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Rocky Raccoon
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« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2015, 12:59:13 PM »

So I take it you didn't like it?  LOL  I guess some fans were looking for something different than others. 

I disagree with you that the new characters were bland.  Rey and Finn both very quickly won me over, like I said I think those two actors are fantastic.  And I thought Adam Driver was great as well.  He always was the best thing about "Girls" (a show I no longer watch since Lena Dunham let fame go to her head).  I think the fact that he isn't the traditional villain type is kind of the point.  I suppose I can see if that doesn't work for some people but he certainly made an impression on me.  I think that pivotal scene between him and Harrison Ford will be remembered with some of the other classic moments of the original trilogy.

I will say I haven't seen the original Star Wars movies in a long time so the callbacks didn't annoy me as much as they did some people, I probably didn't even notice them.  And I like JJ Abrams much more than you do.  He helped develop "Lost" and "Fringe" which are two of my all time favorite TV shows (although he didn't really have much to do with either show beyond their respective first seasons).

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« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2015, 03:45:21 PM »

Mujan, thanks for the review. I'm haven't seen the movie. I'm avoiding disappointment.
My memory of the aftermath of Phantom Menace is different from yours. I remember a lot of people disappointed right out the door and within a year or so there was a garbage consensus. Maybe my memory is off; maybe that was just my friends?
the professor
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« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2015, 10:00:37 PM »

The professor was never a fan of the Original Movies and did not see them until recently. The new film is an excellent film, an absolutely engaging and marvelous bit of meaningful filmmaking. It is an aesthetic success, and the characters are significant and meaningful and show tremendous chemistry with one another. I find some of the negative reviews posted here and in the press to be obvious and willful. The film is absolutely a masterpiece and I enjoyed every minute of it.
Mujan, 8@$+@Rc| of a Blue Wizard
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« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2016, 11:22:47 AM »

The professor was never a fan of the Original Movies and did not see them until recently. The new film is an excellent film, an absolutely engaging and marvelous bit of meaningful filmmaking. It is an aesthetic success, and the characters are significant and meaningful and show tremendous chemistry with one another. I find some of the negative reviews posted here and in the press to be obvious and willful. The film is absolutely a masterpiece and I enjoyed every minute of it.

If youre not particularly attached to the originals i can see why you wouldnt be bothered so much. The main criticism stems from the fact that its almost a scene by scene remake of A New Hope, relies on a lot of nostalgia pandering and plays it WAY too safe to be a worthwhile continuation of the story. As a standalone movie, its a fun enjoyable enough action flick and special effects laden spectacle. Id hardly call it excellent or meaningful, let alone a masterpiece. Id be curious what other movies you think are worthy of that title if this is one of them. I have to ask tho...what negative reviews? So far, all reviews are mostly positive but (in my experience at least) with a notable undercurrent of disappointment. Like everyones giving it a pass for being "good enough" just because its Star Wars and not giving it the criticism it rightly deserves for being a lesser remake of the original when it didnt need to be, wasnt advertised that way, and both fan speculation and the now non-canon EU novels were much better.

Emily--yeah, obviously everyone's experience is different. For myself and my family/friends I remember everyone liking the prequels as they initially came out but after rewatching them and thinking about the plot and stuff, it would gradually dawn on us that they sucked. Yet, everyone would still hype up the next one and see it because hey...its star wars. Yeah, the last movie(s) sucked but this one'll be better because XYZ...right? And really, now that Im older, it kinda amuses me this insane brand loyalty thats increasingly unwarranted. Why do people line up in droves for this, and give a pass to an obviously flawed movie* just because its Star Wars? I guess the appeal this time is there were new people manning the ship, but at this point if the best they can do is rehash old ideas and throw annoying fan service in our face (like the training droid and hologram chess game for example) then I think Im done with this series. If nothing else, there's always Empire Strikes back to rewatch  Grin

*I know everyones taste in films is different, but there's no denying the acting and cinematography of the prequels wasnt very good. And however much people may like the new one, the script being essentially a reboot of ANH *is* absolutely an objective fault against it. It just depends on how much that bothers you, I guess.

Rocky--No, no I didnt Cheesy To be fair, its more about what this film represents that upsets me. As its own thing, its a decent to pretty good action/adventure movie. Its just the fact that 4.5 billion was spent making it when there are a hundred passionate young wannabe filmmakers who cant get their dream movies made because everything has to be a brand name, pre-sold idea with a built-in audience. I also dislike how the opportunity to have the 3 leads together was completely squandered since Luke is out of commission until his silent 30 second cameo at the end. HUGE wasted opportunity. I agree Rey and Finn were well acted, what bothers me is that Finns whole motivation is he doesnt want to fight...and then willfully starts killing his own former companions by the end of the movie. And Rey is a great pilot, and a great warrior, and speaks droid and other languages, and survived alone on the desert since she was a kid, and a superior force user to even the trained Kylo Ren, and there are half a dozen forced scenes where they go out of their way to show what a badass she is and its all just too much. Not that I have anything against a strong female protagonist but shes too perfect, too good at every possible thing with no plausible explanation and it not only ruined my immersion in the story but it kills a lot of tension. If she beats the villain without even any training...why should I feel invested in this journey? Its like in Episode I when someone mentions all the droids they gotta fight and Qui Gons just like "oh that wont be a problem" its like wow...now Im really excited. How will our heroes get out of this one? I get what they were going for with Kylo but he just came off looking silly at points and annoying at others. A story is only as strong as its antagonist, and if you cant take them seriously as a threat then who even cares?
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 08:23:05 PM by Mujan, 8@$+@Rc| of a Blue Wizard » Logged

Here are my SMiLE Mixes. All are 2 suite, but still vastly different in several ways. Be on the lookout for another, someday.

Aquarian SMiLE>HERE
Dumb Angel (Olorin Edition)>HERE
Dumb Angel [the Romestamo Cut]>HERE

& This is a new pet project Ive worked on, which combines Fritz Lang's classic film, Metropolis (1927) with The United States of America (1968) as a new soundtrack. More info is in the video description.
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« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2016, 03:37:30 PM »

I do remember getting all excited all over again for the second prequel... thud. The third I was ready.
Chocolate Shake Man
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« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2016, 04:59:00 PM »

Can't say that I am too interested in watching the Star Wars movies. I did watch The Martian recently and after reading so many positive comments about it I was surprised at how conventional and Hollywoody the movie ended up being.
Mujan, 8@$+@Rc| of a Blue Wizard
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« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2016, 08:14:34 PM »

Can't say that I am too interested in watching the Star Wars movies. I did watch The Martian recently and after reading so many positive comments about it I was surprised at how conventional and Hollywoody the movie ended up being.

My sentiments exactly regarding TFA. Seriously, how does this get a 94% on rotten tomatoes and hateful eight only 74%? Something aint right here.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 08:59:48 PM by Mujan, 8@$+@Rc| of a Blue Wizard » Logged

Here are my SMiLE Mixes. All are 2 suite, but still vastly different in several ways. Be on the lookout for another, someday.

Aquarian SMiLE>HERE
Dumb Angel (Olorin Edition)>HERE
Dumb Angel [the Romestamo Cut]>HERE

& This is a new pet project Ive worked on, which combines Fritz Lang's classic film, Metropolis (1927) with The United States of America (1968) as a new soundtrack. More info is in the video description.
The American Metropolitan Circus>HERE
Jim V.
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« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2016, 11:48:36 AM »

I also dislike how the opportunity to have the 3 leads together was completely squandered since Luke is out of commission until his silent 30 second cameo at the end. HUGE wasted opportunity.

I agree on this one. While it was amazing to have Hamill, Fisher and Ford back in Star Wars, it woulda been nice if we coulda had them all back together at least for a scene, and at best all together for at least one more adventure. But alas, we didn't get it.

And Rey is a great pilot, and a great warrior, and speaks droid and other languages, and survived alone on the desert since she was a kid, and a superior force user to even the trained Kylo Ren, and there are half a dozen forced scenes where they go out of their way to show what a badass she is and its all just too much. Not that I have anything against a strong female protagonist but shes too perfect, too good at every possible thing with no plausible explanation and it not only ruined my immersion in the story but it kills a lot of tension. If she beats the villain without even any training...why should I feel invested in this journey?

Is it possible that maybe there's something about Rey that we don't know? That maybe she was trained by Luke, and just doesn't remember? And perhaps (big surprise) she's Luke's daughter. Wouldn't that make a lot more sense of why she is so strong with the force? Sure would for me.

I get what they were going for with Kylo but he just came off looking silly at points and annoying at others. A story is only as strong as its antagonist, and if you cant take them seriously as a threat then who even cares?

I agree that Kylo/Ben looks pretty ridiculous (and not very powerful) at this point. But maybe that's the point. He suffered this humiliating defeat in this movie. Maybe now with all this Snoke will finally mold him into the powerful Vader type dude he's been pining to be?
Mujan, 8@$+@Rc| of a Blue Wizard
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« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2016, 02:22:17 PM »

I also dislike how the opportunity to have the 3 leads together was completely squandered since Luke is out of commission until his silent 30 second cameo at the end. HUGE wasted opportunity.

I agree on this one. While it was amazing to have Hamill, Fisher and Ford back in Star Wars, it woulda been nice if we coulda had them all back together at least for a scene, and at best all together for at least one more adventure. But alas, we didn't get it.

And Rey is a great pilot, and a great warrior, and speaks droid and other languages, and survived alone on the desert since she was a kid, and a superior force user to even the trained Kylo Ren, and there are half a dozen forced scenes where they go out of their way to show what a badass she is and its all just too much. Not that I have anything against a strong female protagonist but shes too perfect, too good at every possible thing with no plausible explanation and it not only ruined my immersion in the story but it kills a lot of tension. If she beats the villain without even any training...why should I feel invested in this journey?

Is it possible that maybe there's something about Rey that we don't know? That maybe she was trained by Luke, and just doesn't remember? And perhaps (big surprise) she's Luke's daughter. Wouldn't that make a lot more sense of why she is so strong with the force? Sure would for me.

I get what they were going for with Kylo but he just came off looking silly at points and annoying at others. A story is only as strong as its antagonist, and if you cant take them seriously as a threat then who even cares?

I agree that Kylo/Ben looks pretty ridiculous (and not very powerful) at this point. But maybe that's the point. He suffered this humiliating defeat in this movie. Maybe now with all this Snoke will finally mold him into the powerful Vader type dude he's been pining to be?

Glad we can agree on that. Seeing the old crew back together for one last adventure as they pass the torch was what really got me excited for this. Instead it just felt like...again...pandering. Of course we have ol' Han mention the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs because everyone loves that line and OMG ITS LIKE THE ORIGINALS AGAIN! But why do he and Leia not at least kiss or have a genuine tender moment? Instead its all expository dialogue and I felt no warmth or chemistry between them anymore. It ruined Hans character to abandon his hard-won wife and newfound cause of the Rebellion to go back to smuggling. Not only would the Han of ROTJ not do that, but the Han of ESB wouldnt do that. He risked his life for Luke, cared for Leia and was sincerely worried when he found out he was being used to lure Luke into Bespin. That Han would not turn his back on everything and go back to being a low life degenerate. No way. And why is Luke sitting on his ass as planets are being blown up, his friend killed and a rogue ex-Jedi allowed to terrorize the galaxy? Hes still relatively young and in good shape, he can and should help out. Was he just waiting for "the (new) chosen one" to "awaken" and find him? Why? Why not take a proactive role and teach them? Why not stop Kylo himself? If an untrained or barely trained little girl can do it, I presume he could to. Yeah, yeah, "oh well thatll be explained in the next movie." Well, if everyone else wants to see that good on them. But Im done with this series personally. ROTJ was severely flawed, the prequels had some decent moments but were mostly garbage, and now even under new hands the best they could offer was a corporate boardroom directed rehash with numerous plot holes we're expected to wave away until paying another $12 to see the next one. Screw that. There are other, better movies to watch.

Ive heard the Rey as Lukes daughter theory. If that turns out to be true I just gotta shake my head and roll my eyes. Why does everyone have to be related? I am your Father...brilliant. Leia is your sister...kinda stupid, but whatever. Vader built C3PO...fucking stupid. Rey is your daughter...get the f*** outta here and DO SOMETHING ORIGINAL. That would just be another example of rehashing the originals and playing it safe, to me. Its implied that Palpatine used the midi chlorians to create Anakin too, and there was even a scene where he straight up admits that to him but it was wisely cut. So I guess all the important people in the entire universe, good and bad, are one big happy family. How silly is that?

Here are my SMiLE Mixes. All are 2 suite, but still vastly different in several ways. Be on the lookout for another, someday.

Aquarian SMiLE>HERE
Dumb Angel (Olorin Edition)>HERE
Dumb Angel [the Romestamo Cut]>HERE

& This is a new pet project Ive worked on, which combines Fritz Lang's classic film, Metropolis (1927) with The United States of America (1968) as a new soundtrack. More info is in the video description.
The American Metropolitan Circus>HERE
Amanda Hart
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« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2016, 03:05:47 PM »

Mujan - You summed up my husband's feelings exactly, I'll have to share your review with him because all of our friends are beating up on him for "not getting it"  Roll Eyes

Personally, I was never that into Star Wars, probably because my first experiences with the actual movies were when I was dragged to see Ep. 2 and 3 in theaters as a teen when I couldn't have cared less. TFA was definitely derivative and did come of as pandering (It's New Hope, but with feelings!), but at the end I found myself really curious about the direction they'll take everything in for the next one. I'm hoping Kylo comes away from this experience really twisted and gives him some layers other than whiny, emotional sith apprentice.

One more thing - why hire Gwendolyn Christie and not have her character involved in any sweet fight choreography?
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« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2016, 05:49:08 PM »

I loved the film and still do despite reading some other opinions on the internet. I was entertained. I hadn't had this much fun with a Star Wars movie since the original trilogy.

The Artist Formerly Known as Deadpool. You may refer to me as such, or as Mr. Pool.

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Mujan, 8@$+@Rc| of a Blue Wizard
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« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2016, 05:50:05 PM »

Mujan - You summed up my husband's feelings exactly, I'll have to share your review with him because all of our friends are beating up on him for "not getting it"  Roll Eyes

Personally, I was never that into Star Wars, probably because my first experiences with the actual movies were when I was dragged to see Ep. 2 and 3 in theaters as a teen when I couldn't have cared less. TFA was definitely derivative and did come of as pandering (It's New Hope, but with feelings!), but at the end I found myself really curious about the direction they'll take everything in for the next one. I'm hoping Kylo comes away from this experience really twisted and gives him some layers other than whiny, emotional sith apprentice.

One more thing - why hire Gwendolyn Christie and not have her character involved in any sweet fight choreography?

Im glad Im not alone  Grin
Yeah, I didnt realize it was Brienne of Tarth as Silver Stormtrooper lady until I saw on IMDb later. It shouldve been her fighting Finn in hand to hand combat.

Perhaps they can still salvage it. I probably wont see the next one--at least not in theaters. But I tell ya, Ive got a bad feeling about this (SEE WHAT I DID THERE?!!? I REFERENCED THE ORIGINALS!?! DID YOU NOTICE THAT, HUH???). Something tells me they just rehash Empire Strikes Back next, with a few minor alterations as they did here, and still people will call it brilliant and/or make excuses for such a lazy direction because its Star Wars...and we're all supposed to like Star Wars, right? Even thought 4 out of the 7 movies sucked and one was just ok at best? To be fair I do think the original ESB is brilliant. But you wont achieve the same by merely copying something that was already done as perfectly as possible 40 years ago. The one glimmer of hope tho, is JJ Abrams isnt directing the next one and hopefully wont be involved in any future Star Wars projects again.

Here are my SMiLE Mixes. All are 2 suite, but still vastly different in several ways. Be on the lookout for another, someday.

Aquarian SMiLE>HERE
Dumb Angel (Olorin Edition)>HERE
Dumb Angel [the Romestamo Cut]>HERE

& This is a new pet project Ive worked on, which combines Fritz Lang's classic film, Metropolis (1927) with The United States of America (1968) as a new soundtrack. More info is in the video description.
The American Metropolitan Circus>HERE
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« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2016, 09:40:50 AM »

Something tells me they just rehash Empire Strikes Back next, with a few minor alterations as they did here

That's the fear, and it seems like it might be a real possibility. I'm hoping the callbacks, etc. are just being used to ease people in to the new episodes and the next one will take a turn toward a more original story, but that may be pretty optimistic.
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« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2016, 04:21:14 PM »

I'm a hardcore Star Wars guy, and I thought it was pretty good. My biggest complaint was the Starkiller base, because they could've come up with something a little bit different. Besides that, it was really good.

A lot of people bitch about Kylo Ren, and I don't get it. I thought Adam Driver did a great job conveying the fact that Kylo is very torn between being good and bad. He did a hell of a lot better job than Hayden C. did in the prequels. He lets his emotions rule the show, which is what dark side guys do.

It's funny, because people who hate it say that the only reason people give it a pass is because "It's Star Wars!", and we're supposed to like it. The people that like it say that the people who hate it go out of their way to complain about every single little thing. Why not just enjoy it for what it is, a really good movie that you don't have to take so seriously. As I said, I've loved Star Wars for 35 years, and I'm not going to sit here and analyze every single scene in the movie, and try to find things to be upset about.
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« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2016, 08:48:26 PM »

I'm a hardcore Star Wars guy, and I thought it was pretty good. My biggest complaint was the Starkiller base, because they could've come up with something a little bit different. Besides that, it was really good.

A lot of people bitch about Kylo Ren, and I don't get it. I thought Adam Driver did a great job conveying the fact that Kylo is very torn between being good and bad. He did a hell of a lot better job than Hayden C. did in the prequels. He lets his emotions rule the show, which is what dark side guys do.

It's funny, because people who hate it say that the only reason people give it a pass is because "It's Star Wars!", and we're supposed to like it. The people that like it say that the people who hate it go out of their way to complain about every single little thing. Why not just enjoy it for what it is, a really good movie that you don't have to take so seriously. As I said, I've loved Star Wars for 35 years, and I'm not going to sit here and analyze every single scene in the movie, and try to find things to be upset about.
As a major original Star Wars fan highly disappointed by the prequels, I'm curious how you felt about the originals vs the prequels. If our feelings are similar to mine, your recommendation of this movie will probably get me over my cowardice and I'll go see it.
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« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2016, 05:25:57 AM »

The OT is great. ROTJ starts to go downhill a bit, although it's ultimately saved by the Luke/Vader fight and Vader's redemption. The prequels weren't very good. I can remember leaving The Phantom Menace and feeling like 'maybe it will grow on me'. The fights were great, although the politics and, yes, Jar Jar Binks, ruined it. Attack Of The Clones was terrible, I don't think I need to get into that. Revenge of The Sith was the best out of all of them, although I still think that Anakin was a bit quick to go to the Dark Side. And Hayden Christansen didn't do a very good job of appearing conflicted, he just seemed more like of a whiner. People have said that Kylo Ren is acts like a spoiled kid, but I think he does a good job being unhappy in his position.
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« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2016, 08:01:26 AM »

The OT is great. ROTJ starts to go downhill a bit, although it's ultimately saved by the Luke/Vader fight and Vader's redemption. The prequels weren't very good. I can remember leaving The Phantom Menace and feeling like 'maybe it will grow on me'. The fights were great, although the politics and, yes, Jar Jar Binks, ruined it. Attack Of The Clones was terrible, I don't think I need to get into that. Revenge of The Sith was the best out of all of them, although I still think that Anakin was a bit quick to go to the Dark Side. And Hayden Christansen didn't do a very good job of appearing conflicted, he just seemed more like of a whiner. People have said that Kylo Ren is acts like a spoiled kid, but I think he does a good job being unhappy in his position.

I trust your judgment! I will try the new movie! Thanks.
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« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2016, 08:03:17 AM »

About an 8 and a half, or 8 and three quarters, from me, out of ten.  Perhaps a nine.  I need future viewings.

A couple of things I could have done without - Han being a smuggler again and that scene with the escaped rathtars and space pirates.  After the events of the OT, he should have been able to line his pockets in a more legit way and have his fingers in a lot of pies.  Could've been a big man.  As for the space pirates and the rathtars, the film should've slowed down at that point, not crammed in a load of pointless and unnecessary action.

The Starkiller thing, and the same old way to destroy it.  Not great.  First Order could've done something else to provoke.  And that's what it seems, a provocation, their version of a 9/11, with the Starkiller being a means to an end, rather than being a means of punishment to quash dissent in an empire that's already established.  In that sense, that particular element of the original plots has been repurposed for the new trilogy.  That's okay.  I'm guessing the next films won't feature anything like it.

Han's passing felt kind of stagey.  Did it have to be on one of those bridge things?  Cooler if they had met by accident while running around the place.

I liked how the film didn't explain much at all, but kept it all surfacey so you're just viewing the action.  Adds to the mythic effect and you leave with your own thoughts and wonderings.  I imagine we'll learn a lot more about it in the following films.  Rey's background, for example, and how she has such power that grows so quickly.  I don't have a problem with her having such power, given we don't know her past.  At this stage, I assume she was trained at some point and the flashback with the lightsabre re-awakened it in her.  That, plus probing Kylo Ren's mind probably helped.  We don't know what she knows at the end.  Not much is said.  It even ends without words and info.  I figure this film'll grow as we learn more of their past.  It'll get even better in future, good though it already is.

The new leads were just as good as the old ones.  The relationship between the three should make for extremely potent drama in the next films.  I loved the ending.  Rey grabbing the lightsabre, the blend of action and music, it felt near-Wagnerian.  I don't say that just to sound like a knob.  It actually felt like a bit of Parsifal, like when the spear halts in midair, or when he returns at the end to heal the king.  A magical moment.

I still can taste the ocean breeze...
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« Reply #21 on: January 04, 2016, 12:21:30 PM »

I'm a hardcore Star Wars guy, and I thought it was pretty good. My biggest complaint was the Starkiller base, because they could've come up with something a little bit different. Besides that, it was really good.

A lot of people bitch about Kylo Ren, and I don't get it. I thought Adam Driver did a great job conveying the fact that Kylo is very torn between being good and bad. He did a hell of a lot better job than Hayden C. did in the prequels. He lets his emotions rule the show, which is what dark side guys do.

It's funny, because people who hate it say that the only reason people give it a pass is because "It's Star Wars!", and we're supposed to like it. The people that like it say that the people who hate it go out of their way to complain about every single little thing. Why not just enjoy it for what it is, a really good movie that you don't have to take so seriously. As I said, I've loved Star Wars for 35 years, and I'm not going to sit here and analyze every single scene in the movie, and try to find things to be upset about.

There seem to be two kinds of people when it comes to movies. Those that enjoy the escapism and those that enjoy the art/technique. The former say "hey it kept me entertained for 2 hours and isnt that the point?" while the latter say "yeah but the story was derivative and the execution flawed etc" Different strokes. But I dont think anyone here has meticulously picked apart every little thing to complain about little continuity errors or other BS as youre implying. Ive mostly kept my criticisms to big things; the story is a rehash, the new characters are badly written, the old characters are wasted and as a whole this movie is the embodiment of all thats wrong with hollywood, with over-priced sequels/remakes blocking out all creativity. If George Lucas was a young man trying to make Star Wars in Hollywood today, it would NEVER be financed, and there are a hundred young, passionate people out there now who cant get their movies made because the studios would rather pay billions to buy up established brands and milk them to death. If that doesnt bother you, fair enough, but please dont misrepresent where criticism of this movie comes from. Its not little things people are needlessly obsessing over, its the big overall trend in Hollywood which this film represents which has gotten a vocal minority upset.

Here are my SMiLE Mixes. All are 2 suite, but still vastly different in several ways. Be on the lookout for another, someday.

Aquarian SMiLE>HERE
Dumb Angel (Olorin Edition)>HERE
Dumb Angel [the Romestamo Cut]>HERE

& This is a new pet project Ive worked on, which combines Fritz Lang's classic film, Metropolis (1927) with The United States of America (1968) as a new soundtrack. More info is in the video description.
The American Metropolitan Circus>HERE
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« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2016, 10:53:40 AM »

I feel both ways about this movie simultaneously. Wasted opportunities abound, and weird choices took me out of the story. That said, I could probably watch it again and again and be a little bit thrilled each time.

What the heck was the deal with the focus on the bowcaster, anyway?
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« Reply #23 on: January 05, 2016, 12:49:18 PM »

If George Lucas was a young man trying to make Star Wars in Hollywood today, it would NEVER be financed, and there are a hundred young, passionate people out there now who cant get their movies made because the studios would rather pay billions to buy up established brands and milk them to death. If that doesnt bother you, fair enough, but please dont misrepresent where criticism of this movie comes from. Its not little things people are needlessly obsessing over, its the big overall trend in Hollywood which this film represents which has gotten a vocal minority upset.

I agree the 1970's were a different era, but aren't the complaints a little bit of "sour grapes"?  Lucas was a successful filmmaker before Star Wars.  Everyone forgets that he made American Graffiti years earlier on a shoestring budget and it turned out to be a huge success.  It's sort of how Ryan Coogler made Fruitvale Station and then parlayed that success into Creed.  Lucas had a big, successful picture under his belt...it was the only way he got the green light to do Star Wars.  And if Star Wars had bombed, I doubt Lucas would have ever been allowed to make another movie.   
Mujan, 8@$+@Rc| of a Blue Wizard
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« Reply #24 on: January 05, 2016, 03:47:18 PM »

If George Lucas was a young man trying to make Star Wars in Hollywood today, it would NEVER be financed, and there are a hundred young, passionate people out there now who cant get their movies made because the studios would rather pay billions to buy up established brands and milk them to death. If that doesnt bother you, fair enough, but please dont misrepresent where criticism of this movie comes from. Its not little things people are needlessly obsessing over, its the big overall trend in Hollywood which this film represents which has gotten a vocal minority upset.

I agree the 1970's were a different era, but aren't the complaints a little bit of "sour grapes"?  Lucas was a successful filmmaker before Star Wars.  Everyone forgets that he made American Graffiti years earlier on a shoestring budget and it turned out to be a huge success.  It's sort of how Ryan Coogler made Fruitvale Station and then parlayed that success into Creed.  Lucas had a big, successful picture under his belt...it was the only way he got the green light to do Star Wars.  And if Star Wars had bombed, I doubt Lucas would have ever been allowed to make another movie.   

I'm well aware of American Graffiti. I actually prefer it to Star Wars in fact. Still fail to see the point. The late 60s and 70s was the New Hollywood Era when young unproven directors were given a lot of free reign to make whatever movies they wanted. I still maintain something like Star Wars would never be made today, nor would Mean Streets and Taxi Driver, nor Godfather (which almost didn't get made anyway) nowadays. How is that sour grapes to point out the truth? Since, ironically, the original Star Wars and Jaws the focus is all on big blockbusters with a lot of emphasis on marketing and appealing to a broad audience. Since Heavens Gate, young directors are very rarely given control anymore--the power is with the executives unless a director has enough clout, which is becoming increasingly more rare. It's not sour grapes, it's the truth.

Here are my SMiLE Mixes. All are 2 suite, but still vastly different in several ways. Be on the lookout for another, someday.

Aquarian SMiLE>HERE
Dumb Angel (Olorin Edition)>HERE
Dumb Angel [the Romestamo Cut]>HERE

& This is a new pet project Ive worked on, which combines Fritz Lang's classic film, Metropolis (1927) with The United States of America (1968) as a new soundtrack. More info is in the video description.
The American Metropolitan Circus>HERE
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