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1  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: 60th Anniversary Tour on: June 28, 2022, 05:01:22 AM
Not sure if anyone saw Al's recent comments in an interview but he touchs on the documentary (apparently nothing has officially started at least with the living band members) and a potential reunion:
"It'd be nice to have a reunion. I bug them about it once every couple of weeks until they are sick of hearing from me, I think. See, they have Mike Love out there.  So as long as he is out there celebrating the 60th anniversary or Sounds of Summer, they don't need the rest of us (laughs).  Isn't that ironic?  Thanks Iconic, thanks for having us on your label.  It's a little bit of's a cheat.  But it works for them, it just doesn't work for us.  And let that be a little message to my partners over there.  I mean, our business partners.  I think they should know that.  I think they know they know that, but do they know that I know that? (laughs) Anyways..."

Al seems not to be too happy with Iconic at the moment.
2  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Acapulco Girls on: July 27, 2021, 05:29:54 AM
I actually have this CD (sadly due to being a completist).  I just went through the liner notes and all references are simply listed as "the Beach Boys" and it doesn't break out who actually participated.  Brian and Mike are credited as writers for California Girls.  FYI- this CD also includes Kokomo by Mariachi Sol de Mexico y The Beach Boys.
3  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Britney Spears, Brian Wilson, and Conservatorship Issues on: June 30, 2021, 04:00:30 AM
I unfortunately witnessed a lot of these issues with Britney first hand when she was doing a few shows across the US a couple of years ago during her Vegas residency period.  I met with her advance "team" and there was to be no coffee, soda or any caffeine anywhere in her suite.  No coffee cups either.  Nothing that would remind her of caffeine could be present.  As soon as she came off stage, her father was there waiting for her and would escort her right to her dressing room and then out along with her security.  But perhaps the thing that stands out the most was when I was meeting with her security prior to her arrival to the hotel.  We were on the walk thru of her suite (which was immense) and we got to the back entry door (where the butler or housekeeping would enter into the butler kitchen area).  The security team asked if that door could be locked.  We were in the kitchen at that point and I showed them that the door indeed had a lock on it so that even if someone found their way into the back of the house, they wouldn't be able to enter the suite without a key.  The security guy then looked at me and said, "No, we want to be able to lock this door from the outside, so it can't be opened from inside".  You do the math on why that request was made.
4  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: General Most Loved BB Book? on: May 15, 2019, 03:24:42 PM
Great post summarizing what you would find in White's book.  I agree completely that we need to look into "why" things happened and placing things in the greater context which is what this book does so well.  It was actually the first true book I read on the band (the first of many) and in my opinion is probably the best. 
5  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: New bass player with Mike & Bruce on: March 22, 2018, 07:41:21 AM
Doubtful that anyone has EVER noticed but I'm NOT exactly Mike Love's biggest fan.  Believe it or not I am NOT a member of the Love Mike fan club.  That said [millions of times]...the old boy just turned 77.  The voice may be the last 'thing' to go...BUT it does go.

I AM a long time Frankie Valli fan.  1 year longer than I've been a Beach Boys fan...starting in 1962.  And I would PAY to go watch Frankie "stand there" if I didn't have to travel a long distance and rent accommodations.  He's a giant.  An all time great and just to show up to say "thanks a LOT" one more time, to me, is worth it.  Frankie is almost 84.  Early May I think he'll turn another page.  And the voice does go.

So?  Think he has a pension plan?  That's a big contingent up there on stage with him...WAY more than Michael is up there warbling with.  How many mouths does he feed?  How many tricks do these guys need to employ so that we can show up and share the music with the guy...or guys...who actually had a hand in creating these all time life memories?  If they have to 'fake it' in order to be there as the authentic 'guys'...I'm OK with it.

If they have to use technical devices like auto-tune or tone or whatever the f*** it is...and as long as people are willing to pay money to be there with them to relive those songs and memories...I'm good with it.  They weren't and they AREN'T Milli Vanilli.

That least Frankie isn't out there month after month sticking yet 'another one' in Bob Gaudio's back or claiming that he wrote all of the songs or complaining forever and a day about Nick Massi's dirty underwear or Tommy Devito's criminal record.  But then Frankie Valli likely has a convoy's worth of class more than my other hero in this particular post.  Still...they both do serve up good their own unique ways.

Lee, he is definitely a class act.  His opening act, a comedian who goes by Stewie Stone, is the godfather of one of Frankie's kids. Stone has never had a contract with Frankie but has been touring with him for decades all based on a hand shake agreement from the 1960's.  Pretty cool nowadays for people like that to still be doing things their way.
6  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: New bass player with Mike & Bruce on: March 21, 2018, 10:10:55 AM
I can tell you first hand that Valli plays to a pre-recorded vocal.  The venue where I work at, has booked him almost every year for at least the last 10 years and while he does sing some live, all of the falsetto parts and a lot of the lead vocals are recorded.  About 4-5 years ago, we actually had to delay very briefly, one of his shows because they were having problems with the recording.  His band is obviously 100% live as are the backing vocals of the "Four Seasons (Jersey Boys)".  It truly is amazing though that either the people attending don't care or don't realize what is going on.

And Hey Jude, I believe he recorded something a few years ago that was covers of 60's love songs or something like that.  I vaguely remember seeing it being sold at his merch table. 
7  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Billboard: \ on: January 05, 2017, 08:10:21 AM
Let me preface this by saying that I did not vote for Trump, never would and hated him long before he ever became a "politician".  He's an ass, plain and simple, and always has been.  And while everyone is entitled to their opinion and to hate Mike for even considering playing this, I do agree that there is some over-reaction here on this board as I'm sure there will be on the internet as well, if they do play.  That's one of the hallmarks of the internet: allow people to over-react to things everyday.  That being said, if Brian and Al truly object on some moral level to "The Beach Boys" playing this thing, then as shareholders in BRI, I'm sure they could call an emergency meeting of all BRI shareholders and discuss this and make their moral objections known.  We may never be privy to this even if it does happen but it does not appear that Brian and Al are even close to being as enraged about this as some people on this board.  My guess is they will try to distance themselves from it in the media more as a self-preservation thing than based on some moral grounds.  And to those people who will make statements that they will dump their Beach Boys collection or never buy anything from the band again, that is certainly their right to do and if they believe that strongly in this cause, I encourage them to do so.  But there is a small part of me that believes in a couple of years anyone is even going to care that they played, if they decide to.
8  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: interview with Mike book collaborator James S. Hirsch on: October 27, 2016, 10:50:19 AM
That I can agree with.  Mike has come up with a number of reasons why C50 ended and my personal belief is that it is as simple as wanting to be the sole boss again and not have to constantly butt heads with others (ie. Melinda).  He seems to be throwing out these various reasons, excuses to more or less justify it in his own head.  While I would have much rather seen them continue together or at least by this point get back and do another tour, he is entitled to do what he wants, whether we like it or not.
9  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: interview with Mike book collaborator James S. Hirsch on: October 27, 2016, 03:41:42 AM
GF- I’m not disputing anything that you said.  All of the tie-ins on C50 however, would not be tied into the accounting of the tour such as TWGMTR, live DVDs, etc. with the exception of sponsors (which I can’t recall any corporate sponsors of that tour). Yes, the Beach Boys were hot then.  What seems to be the sticking point is when Mike says the brand could be jeopardized and promoters losing money.  Notice what he did there?  He said they COULD end up losing money.  Not that they did.  Again, I highly doubt promoters lost money on the tour.  What I’m saying, and let me make it as clear as I can, the “tour” in the strictest sense could have shown a loss on paper domestically even with meeting all ticket sale goals or exceeding them.  This does NOT mean that any one person or company lost money, ie. Any band member, promoter, etc.  Mike does make the claim in his book that vendors weren’t paid.  He doesn’t say who and he doesn’t say what type of vendor it was.  All I’m saying is that cost overruns could make the “tour” on paper appear that it was losing money domestically, which is what Mike and Hirsch are claiming.  That doesn’t mean that anyone didn’t make what they thought they would be making.  If promoters made money, if venues made money then clearly that would explain why there were more offers for other shows.  Mike said that promoters COULD lose money and venues COULD lose money if they continued.  This is obviously speculation on his part and no one is saying that it did happen.  The only claim that is being made here is that the “tour” which I believe they are using the strictest sense of the word, lost money.  And showing a loss on paper is not out of the realm of possibility.  Do you agree with that being a possibility?
10  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Thoughts on people around Brian on: October 26, 2016, 02:08:34 PM
I have a C50 poster signed by all 5 (that I actually watched them sign, so I know Brian's signature is legit) and can tell you that Brian's signature on my poster looks nothing like the one posted above.  It's much more shaky and a lot smaller. 
11  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: interview with Mike book collaborator James S. Hirsch on: October 26, 2016, 11:40:15 AM
GF- I’m not saying that promoters lost money.  In fact I said just the opposite that I highly doubt Live Nation lost any money.  I’m not saying venues lost money either, although I’m sure some of the casino shows may have as many casino venues look at entertainment as loss leaders.  Again, the meet and greets and VIP packages were possibly accounted for separately from the tour itself.  None of the principal band members lost money, none of the backing band members lost money but the “tour” itself may have lost money.  I mean Mike makes the claim in his book that certain vendors were never paid.  Showing a loss on paper for the tour is not unreasonable.  Not that it was “designed to fail” as you say but spending on things that weren’t budgeted for or spending more than what was budgeted for certain things can certainly take a bite out of potential profit, even if you are exceeding or meeting goals for ticket sales. 
12  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: interview with Mike book collaborator James S. Hirsch on: October 26, 2016, 08:42:39 AM
I’m not so quick to dismiss the claim that C50 (not Mike personally) lost money domestically.  When you think about all the costs that went into it (payroll, meals, hotel rooms- not just for the band members and crew but also family members, travel expenses- airfare and limo/coach/van rentals, shipping costs, equipment rentals, phone costs, rehearsal space rentals, just to name a few off the top of my head) along with the up front costs to pay Brian, Mike and Joe Thomas along with the 3 other principals, it is not out of the realm of possibility that the tour lost money.  The venues take a cut of the merch sold (typically 10-30% depending on the items).  One thing that I’m sure was a nice chunk of change for the band was the VIP and meet and greet packages they sold.  I’m sure these were accounted for separately.  They pay a percentage to VIP Nation for each one sold and pocket the rest.  It’s nice, easy money.  That’s why so many acts do it nowadays.  I’m not sure if Live Nation was the promoter for the entire tour but I know they were for at least the East Coast dates.  I doubt Live Nation lost any money on the tour and I’m sure all 5 band members made money as well.  But I definitely see how the “tour” itself could possibly lose money.  Even if you are selling out mid-size venues, after everyone takes their cut, if you aren’t watching your other expenses, it could be a losing proposition. 
13  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: interview with Mike book collaborator James S. Hirsch on: October 26, 2016, 08:31:11 AM
14  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike opens up about Melinda. on: September 21, 2016, 11:59:48 AM
I beg to differ.  I think it does seem to go into more detail than any interviews I've seen from him since the end.  He may offer up some of the same reasons but to my knowledge he never once mentioned Melinda specifically or any strife with her until the book came out.  Also, I hadn't seen him say that he was ready to quit the tour as he did in the book.  If you are looking for Mike to come out and say, "I just wanted to be the boss of the entire operation again," that isn't going to happen.  So we get the same reasons he gave before and then mentions the issues with Melinda.  Bottom line, he was never going to be THE boss working with Brian as long as Melinda was around. 

HJ- I believe you mentioned before that you would like for a band member or someone else to write a detailed look into C50.  I personally would love that too.  However, I'm actually surprised we got as much as we did from Mike about it and I actually don't have too much faith that we will get much of anything from Brian on the subject in his autobiography.  I hope he surprises me.
15  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike opens up about Melinda. on: September 21, 2016, 11:24:34 AM
I have not gotten to the chapter on C50 yet, but I did skip ahead to read the account of what happened with Melinda over SOS and did see the interview with Mike where he addresses the same issue.  Regardless of who Melinda said it to or who she claimed she was partners with, the fact of the matter was and still is Melinda Wilson will always be a problem for Mike and vice versa.  The two don't like each other, plain and simple.  This was far from the only dust up involving them around this time.  I've heard another story straight from one of the principals regarding a meeting that took place between Melinda and Mike (Brian was not present, but some other band members were along with Jackie Love) that ended ugly.  I could certainly take the position that Melinda is only looking out for what she believes is her husband's best interest.  Obviously, Mike is going to be looking out for his best interest.  It's amazing the whole thing went as long as it did. 
There were posters on this board who were hoping that Mike would address C50 in his book.  Well, he did and now it seems it isn't good enough and we need more follow up and clarification from him.  Why is no one hoping that Brian addresses C50 in his book, so we get to hear his side?  I personally would love to hear what he has to say about it.  We got Mike's recollections and views, so I would love to hear Brian's.
And to address the differences in how the wives are involved, I think urbanite was somewhat close.  Jackie is definitely involved from a business/money perspective.  She does not act as the band's manager/her husband's manager or their tour manager.  However, she certainly has influence but Mike does make his own decisions. Melinda is much more involved and I think due to the personal feelings involved, Mike will never get over that and has a very difficult time dealing with someone he doesn't like.  I'm sure in his head he truly believes that Melinda is keeping Brian from him.  Honestly the only thing that can happen at this point is for Brian to call Mike directly and say "I never want to work with you again."  That may finally be the end and life can go on for everyone.
16  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: The Filmore East - last 3 nights feat the Beach Boys + other contemporary acts on: June 27, 2016, 02:53:52 PM
Great synopsis there GF!  Definitely the bill was centered on blues-based bands and the Beach Boys, despite being different, were definitely in demand around that time.  The Allmans were at their height and I doubt were worried about being upstaged by anyone, but were rightfully the headliners for the show.  Ian- thanks for the insight on the booking.
17  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: The Filmore East - last 3 nights feat the Beach Boys + other contemporary acts on: June 23, 2016, 09:59:00 AM
G. Allman had a story about the Beach Boys regarding this final night in his autobiography.  I would have to look it up to get all the details but it was something along the lines that the Beach Boys weren't happy with the allotted time given to play and they ended up playing over their given time by a long shot which didn't sit well with the Allman Brothers who were the headliners that night.
18  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Brian in the late '70s -early '80s. on: June 17, 2016, 03:56:53 AM
Unfortunately, I never got to see them live prior to 85 but a friend of mine who is older than me was working a show in 81 (no Carl) and he said that Brian wasn't in great shape for it but his most vivid memory is Dennis.  Apparently they had a case of beer (long neck bottles) set up by the drums and he would pound one and then throw the bottle hard off stage to make sure it would break.  He said Dennis seemed to be getting a kick out of it but by the end of the show he was blasted.
19  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Beach Boys Meet & Greets and contacting the touring band management on: April 27, 2016, 01:04:12 PM
Did you buy your tickets directly through the venue?  Do you have any information on what else you get (merch, sound check, early entry, etc.)? Typically, a third party handles these meet and greets.  I've seen one that Mike and Bruce had last year and they basically came in and greeted everyone by walking the line and signing things.  Then they posed for pictures in front of a step and repeat with everyone.  More interaction than I've seen with other artist meet and greets for sure.  It wasn't the cattle call that many are.
20  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: new article with some interesting tidbits on: March 10, 2016, 12:00:20 PM
I have to agree with Juice on this.  It's a fact that Mike has a grudge against Melinda.  It also appears to be a fact that he hasn't seen the movie (by his own admission).  He obviously has been told some things about it though in order to make a comment about how it portrays Melinda in regards to the Landy situation.  Mike obviously feels that family are the ones who saved Brian from Landy and not Melinda.  So if someone said to Mike, "Hey Mike, you won't believe it but the movie makes Melinda out to be the hero in getting Brian out of Landy's clutches," then that is going to anger Mike on two fronts- it downplays the roles of the people he feels are actually the heroes and it builds up someone who he doesn't like.  It's not good that he is commenting on a movie he hasn't seen but I can certainly see why he would say what he said.
21  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Bruce on: March 02, 2016, 05:37:03 PM
Baywatch 1995.  No, but seriously I think the last time he actually played bass live was in the early 80's.  Pretty sure the 1998 Super Bowl performance was pre-recorded, at least instrumentally.
22  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Awesome New Mike Love Article!! on: February 24, 2016, 01:54:39 PM
Just for context...Mike and Bruce (and band) appeared on the Donny and Marie Show with Stamos to promote the 2000 tv movie.  They performed a few songs and sounded the worst I have ever heard them.  They also sat down for a brief interview.  Brian was at least a part of the making of this movie as he contributed vocal tracks that were performed by him specifically for the movie (which made it very bizarre to hear Brian's voice as it sounded in the year 2000 to be coming out of the actor playing Brian in 1966).  I also remember hearing Stamos mention in an article that you have to be very careful when doing any sort of project on the Beach Boys because of how litigious they are.  
23  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: What collaborations/projects have the BBs turned down? on: January 28, 2016, 03:25:38 PM
Opinion question for anyone here who follows hip hop/rap, which I have thought about a number of times over the years since I first heard the RUN DMC story...if this collaboration had actually happened with RUN DMC rather than the Fat Boys, how would history have viewed it?  RUN DMC have an awful lot of cred and if the Beach Boys had recorded with them in the mid to late 80's how would that have affected the way hip hop fans viewed the Beach Boys (would it have given them a certain amount of credibility or not)?  Would RUN DMC be looked down upon?
24  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: List of Live rare cover recordings on: January 28, 2016, 03:15:37 PM
When they toured with Chicago in '89, they did covers of Dancing In the Street, In the Midnight Hour and Feeling Stronger Every Day but this was during the combined set when both bands played together so I'm not sure if that counts for this list.
25  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Randell Kirsch on: December 27, 2015, 06:31:58 AM
Bruce, himself, has told me stories of issues between Jacqueline and Melinda (related to C50).  Both wives I think do have considerable influence on their husbands (as many wives do). In the end, they are both grown men and can make their own decisions though. Just my opinion,  but I think the wives are one of the big reasons why Brian and Mike don't work together today.  Not the only reason, for sure, but a big one.
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