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1  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Sail On Sailor Box Set: Official Sessionography on: January 18, 2023, 11:44:35 AM
Brian is the only piano on He Come Down?  That is very surprising to me.  Just doesn't sound like his style to me. 
2  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: With all due respect... on: January 24, 2022, 05:42:31 AM
Truth hurts, I guess. Tell me who collaborated with Brian on more Beach Boys songs than Mike. Then take into account the number of Beach Boys songs that Mike wrote lyrics for without Brian.  I certainly wouldn't say all of those are good songs and/or lyrics, but nonetheless, the statement is true.
3  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike Sums Up Life in 3 Minutes on PBS - Does he mention songwriting credits? on: January 14, 2020, 07:31:04 AM
I don't think it's such a big deal that he mentioned it.  Like others have said, it's obviously edited together, so I'm sure he mentioned other things as well.  Think about the reasons that Mike felt the need to bring forth the lawsuit and what it ended up meaning to him in the long run.  His legacy is tied directly to his performing, and more importantly, his songwriting.  Many of you say that his focus on this should have been all of the wonderful music he was a part of...well, a lot of the wonderful music that he directly helped create wasn't being credited to him at all. I think the two go hand in hand.  Yes, I'm sure he could still take pride in it all regardless of the credits, but I'd also be pissed off if I weren't getting properly credited and my songwriting partner was getting all of the praise. He co-wrote the songs, he should have been credited and deserved to be credited. When that wasn't honored in that way, he didn't have any other option other than just forgetting about it and losing a ton of money.  I can see this being a pretty pivotal moment in his life that he feels is worth noting. It was a game changer for him in a couple of ways in his life.

Should Mike still bring it up as much as he does?  I don't really have an answer.  Sure, it's over and done with and he won, so you might think he'd let it go.  On the other hand, the guy still gets slagged for his talent (or lack thereof according to some) and he still get's grief for even bringing forth the lawsuit.  I can see why he'd have a chip on his shoulder.  It's human nature.  On this very board, he is spoken ill of daily.  His role is downplayed constantly.  I'd hope that if I had the money and accomplishments that Mike has, that I'd be immune to it all, but he's a person like all of us and I guess he feels the need to defend himself.  I think I'd handle it differently, but I don't fault him for it.

4  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Meeting Brian & Al vs Mike & Bruce on: May 12, 2017, 11:50:43 AM

No one has really mentioned Blondie in this thread.  I'd love to meet him.  He seems like a really cool guy.

A friend of mine had a brief encounter with Blondie after a show last year.  He told Blondie he was a big fan and asked if he could get a picture with him.  I won't repeat Blondie's reply verbatim due to some lewd terminology and I'm not sure what the rules are here in that regard, but he said that Blondie said no because he was trying to, ummm....we'll say, find a lady to spend some "quality" time with.  Obviously, I wasn't there, but I doubt that my friend would make that up.
5  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Brian Wilson - 2017 Tour Thread (Pet Sounds - The Final Performances) on: May 07, 2017, 05:54:54 AM
I was at the show in Knoxville, TN last night.  I hadn't seen Brian since the 2004 SMiLE tour, so naturally, I was pretty pumped.  The first set was fantastic. Brian seemed engaged and was taking a big part in the backing vocals when not taking the lead vocal role. The band was great as always. Al never ceases to amaze me. He still sounds amazing. Matt Jardine did a fantastic job handling the falsetto parts. Blondie was fun to watch and did a great job vocally, but his lead guitar breaks, other than the one on Feel Flows which was good, weren't great. Maybe I'm being overly critical being a guitarist myself, but he was sloppy and way loud in the mix. Regardless, I'm glad he was there. No "Love You" songs, unfortunately.  We did get killer versions of Wake the World and Let Him Run Wild.

As many have noted, Brian took many liberties with the lead vocal melodies in the "Pet Sounds" set, which was frustrating. It's not that he can't do it as the first set plainly showed. I just think he must be over touring this album after so long and is slicing things up for himself. Either that or just going through the motions on it. The band was fantastic musically and vocally in this set. Totally made up for Brian's shortcomings in this section.

Last set was the big hits you'd expect performed extremely well. Brian was in very good form again.

Great show overall. Happy early birthday to me!
6  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Some \ on: October 26, 2016, 05:48:18 AM
I have no idea where the responsabilities start and end here, but sure it's a real pity when these things happen.

Well, I assume that the root of the issue stems from Brian and/or management (most likely the management) offering up these exclusive deals to places like Premiere Collectibles and giving them fakes.  I guess you could try to make the case for Premiere being at fault, but I don't think they'd respond the way did on Facebook if they perpetrated the scam.  The buck has to stop at Brian and team.  They need to publicly take responsibility and make things right.  I understand that Brian probably doesn't want to spend hours over several days signing these books, but if that is the case, then you don't offer up these deals.  Period.  End of story.  Selling fake or autopen signatures can't be defended in this case and being that it's Brian's name, whether or not he was personally in on it, it falls on him.
7  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike's contribution to Kokomo on: June 06, 2016, 12:13:19 PM
I will say that perhaps it's been overdone considering the fact that 28 years later, Mike still brings up Kokomo and how Brian wasn't involved as a sort of badge of approval and artistic merit, but I can give him a pass on it for the most part.  Consider the situation in 1988 and the ensuing decade(s).  Every interview you do brings up the brilliant songs that your cousin wrote and the success it's brought you.  Every record deal you've had since the 70's has come with the demand that a certain percentage of songs must be written by Brian.  Brian, Brian, Brian, etc.  Now then, I think that all of the Beach Boys know that Brian was the brilliant songwriter and that without him, none of this career they all enjoy happens.  I really think they are all appreciative of Brian's talent to a degree.  That being said, it must be hard to be the guy or guys that picked up the slack in songwriting and performing when Brian checked out more or less.  The guys that did some really great stuff in the years where Brian was less involved, but never really got the respect they deserved for it.  The guys that did everything they could, for better or sometimes for worse, to keep the legacy afloat.  That would be a very hard thing to do.  I think it's very natural for Mike, when his name is attached to something as huge as a #1 single, to be prideful and even a bit boastful that he and the boys had this success without the involvement of the guy that everyone has told him that he MUST have with him to achieve success for years and years.  I'm not saying that attitude is the right way to be, but I am saying I can understand how that attitude comes to be.  It's all a bit much all of these years later, but I think Mike had good reason for pumping up the fact that he cowrote a #1 single performed with the Boys without Brian. 

Regardless of what myself or anyone thinks of the quality of the song (I don't hate it with the gusto that many do, but I don't really like it either),  a #1 song is something that a lot of huge names in the music biz have never achieved, so I can give Mike a pass for being really proud of it and having pride in it.  Just a little perspective.
8  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: 4th Anniversary of That's Why God Made The Radio on: June 06, 2016, 05:31:58 AM
Wow, four years already.  The album was way better than I expected it to be.  It's not without it's flaws, but if it's the end, it's a fine album to go out with.
9  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike's contribution to Kokomo on: June 06, 2016, 05:29:30 AM
I don't particularly enjoy Kokomo and am not a Mike apologist, but I honestly don't think that Kokomo is as big a hit as it became without Mike's contribution, no matter how small it may have been.  The John Phillips original is a nice little tune with nothing there to hang your hat on and I don't feel like there is any hit potential in his demo version.  Cheesy as it may be, Mike's parts are the hook and along with the Carl sung Melcher written part, make the song as catchy as it is.  Again, I don't love the song, but I can't deny that it's catchy and can see why it was a hit at that particular time.  I'm just saying, we can rag on Mike for Kokomo's existence and claim that he didn't even contribute that much to the song that he uses to validate his artistic merit, but in the end, it's my opinion that the song isn't the hit that it was without Mike's involvement. 

For the record, like most level headed fans, I can see Mike as both the good and bad in Mike in the grand scheme of things, but as I said earlier, I'm no Mike apologist.  I'm just calling it like I see it in this particular case.
10  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: EYE , November 1968 on: May 05, 2016, 05:06:50 AM

Nothing to do with anything, it's just always fun to have an excuse to put this out there.

Easily the most disturbing cover I've ever seen between the creepy vibe John Bult is giving off and the regretful, sad and scared look "Julie" is presenting.  Yikes.
11  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Carol Kaye interview for AGD on: April 21, 2016, 05:58:36 AM
Yes, lots of musicians, entertainers, and even regular people can be jerks.  There is no denying that.  If Carol was just an egomaniac or less than nice, I don't think she'd get as much crap as she does.  What bothers me, and I dare say most others, about her is that she continually demeans the work of other musicians by insisting that she played certain parts on certain songs despite the fact that hard evidence exists and has been presented to her showing otherwise.  I don't think anyone expects someone who has done so much work in the business to have a perfect memory, especially later in life, but if someone shows absolute proof that goes against your statement, why not acknowledge it and move on?  It's not only a hit on her, it also tarnishes the legacy of the people that actually did play those sessions. 

Carol Kaye is a legend.  Her place in music history is undeniable and incredibly influential.  She doesn't need to claim other artists work as her own to bolster her reputation.  Her repertoire is far above that.  I think she still hangs on the the hang ups of being a female in a male dominated world  in her time and still feels that she has to validate herself and that any accusation that she feels is "against" her is seen as an attack, even if there is legit evidence to back it up, and she gets defensive.  It's understandable if you have experienced a background of sexist attitudes against you, but again, her legacy speaks for itself.  She doesn't need to continually fib to build herself up.
12  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Manson Family on: April 15, 2016, 06:07:51 AM
Yeah, it won't happen.  They have also said that Bruce Davis is suitable for parole a few different times.  As soon as the proposal hits Jerry Brown's desk, it'll be vetoed without a second though.
13  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: 2016 Wish List on: January 13, 2016, 05:19:54 AM
Keep the archival material coming.  I've loved what we've gotten so far.

As has been mentioned here many times before, I'd love to see a Still Cruisin'/Summer in Paradise twofer with bonus tunes from movie soundtracks, etc.  Not necessarily for the sake of the quality of music, but just to complete the cycle.

Definitely looking forward to the books that are slated for release in 2016.
14  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: To all my friends here... on: December 22, 2015, 05:02:25 AM
Merry Christmas to you as well, Mr. Doe.  Thanks for your contributions around these parts.
15  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Carol Kaye's BS on: December 21, 2015, 06:09:26 AM
The biggest issue to me is that when confronted with factual evidence that she didn't play on certain cuts, she still defiantly insists that everyone else is wrong and she is right.  If she would graciously accept the facts, I don't think anyone would blame her for having a cloudy memory considering the fact that she played on endless sessions and probably didn't even know what the finished product sounded like in many cases.  So goes the life of a session musician in that time.  Lying in the face of the facts is unforgivable.
16  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Beach Boys posters on: July 03, 2015, 05:59:28 AM
I've posted this before, but I'll do so again as it fits the theme of the thread.  I was able to get this 3ftx3ft version of the SMiLE artwork from my local indie record store after they were through using it for the promotion of TSS box set.  Paid $10 bucks for it.  Unfortunately, it had gotten damaged a bit as you can see with the crease in the middle of it, but I really didn't care.  I've still to this day never seen another piece like it, though I'm sure that more do exist.  My Dad and I built a custom frame for the display and now I proudly hang it in my music room with a lot of other music memorabilia.  It's easily my favorite of them all.  I'm very proud of it.  Sorry about the glare in the photo.

17  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike and Bruce Tour 2015 on: July 03, 2015, 05:46:55 AM
One of my bandmates had his '72 Fender Deluxe Reverb amplifier used by the Beach Boys for 3 shows started with the show in Tennessee on 6-28.  The backline company that was securing equipment for the band put out a message on facebook looking for one more Deluxe Reverb to fulfill the the Beach Boys' needs and I put him in touch with my buddy.  From what I understand, his was used as a backup and possibly not actually played in the performance, but it's still pretty cool nonetheless.  I was kinda surprised that he was only paid $150 total for all 3 gigs and he was never even offered tickets to the show here in Tennessee, but he took it without any attempt at bartering.  I would have at least made an attempt at a pair of tickets.
18  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love and Mercy and myth? on: June 17, 2015, 11:41:19 AM
I wish our honored guests would let us know who they are...

I think I have a handle for who most are, but who is analog?
19  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Landy era I vs. Landy era II on: June 17, 2015, 05:36:59 AM
I was thinking through some of these same questions yesterday.  Specifically, I was wondering to myself if at any time during his time with Brian, Landy had good intentions and if so, where did it all go wrong.  I can't answer the first part of the question, but I'm assuming that after some time with Brian, Landy realized just how fragile Brian really was and saw the opportunity to exploit that for his own gain.  I just wonder if that was the goal from day one, or if Landy slowly gravitated to the villian that he obviously became.  It's such a tragic story.
20  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Aquarius on: May 29, 2015, 05:14:00 AM
I watched it.  I'm on the fence, I suppose.  I'm in total agreement about hipster Charlie and the Family looking ridiculous.  They aren't even trying in that regard.  I know that this has never been advertised as been anything other than a fictional story albeit using the real character of Charlie, but I don't know, I'm just not getting into some of the scenarios being presented.  ****SPOILER ALERT**** I mean, Charlie, with no help from anyone else, kills  a clerk at a clothing store over a bothced robbery?  Come on!!  I'm not saying that Charlie was a good person or innocent of the crimes he is serving time for, but they are making him out to be something I'm not quite sure that he was.  I'm still somewhat intruiged and will watch some more, but I was a bit disappointed in the first installment last night.
21  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: No Pier Pressure (board member reviews) on: April 10, 2015, 05:41:47 AM
I've finally been able to listen to the Target deluxe version of the album multiple times.  I'm sorry, but this album just isn't doing it for me.  It has some nice moments for sure, mainly in the songs that Al was involved in, but outside of Right Time, there is nothing that I find to be very memorable or that sticks in my head.  I may catch heat for it as some others already have, but for me, Runaway Dancer, Don't Worry and Our Special love are embarrasing.  It has nothing to do with them being stylistically different, I just think that they are all three bad songs.  The Musgraves song is pretty good.  I have a feeling that I'd like Saturday Night on Hollywood Blvd. a lot more without Nate Ruess vocals.  I've just never been a big fan of his voice.  I'm not into On the Island and at all and find Zoey's voice, at least on this tune, to be pretty annoying. 

The much maligned Joe Thomas production falls flat once again for me, but honestly, I can handle bad production if the songs are strong.  Imagination isn't my favorite album, but it had a couple of terrific songs that rise above.  TWGMTR has several terrific songs that more than make up for the Joe Thomas slick and sparkly production.  This album just doesn't have anything, even at it's best moments, that rivals songs like Your Imagination, Lay Down Burden, Isn't It Time, Strange World, From There to Back Again or Summer's Gone.  Great songs make all the difference and though there are only a couple of songs on No Pier Pressure that I flat out can't stand, I don't find much that I am able to flip out over either.

The bonus tracks other than the already mentioned Don't Worry are nothing remarkable.  I could take them or leave them.  The re-recording of In the Back of My Mind is cool for the historical value, but fairly depressing.  The '05 Love and Mercy is fine, but unnecessary considering I already have the original single.

The best moments for me are This Beautiful Day (I really wish that this songs would have been loner), The Right Time, What Ever Happened and I Guess You Had to Be There.

I wanted to love this album and listened many times trying to force myself to, but it's just not going to happen.  It's not awful, but I still rank it pretty low on the spectrum of Brian's discography.  I still say that TLOS has been the highest point of Brian's solo career.  I'd kill for another Brian/Scott Bennett album collaboration.
22  Smiley Smile Stuff / BRIAN WILSON Q & A / Do you have a planned retirement date? on: January 26, 2015, 05:17:31 AM
Hey Brian!  Thank you so much for giving us a bit of your time and answering our questions.  I hope that you are doing well!

Do you have a specific time or year when you plan to retire from touring or recording?
23  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: The fact Mike has admitted to reading this board on: January 23, 2015, 04:54:59 AM
Interesting, there's another Mike Love out there in the music industry, releasing country albums in his own name:

I do some part time work at a radio station and we were sent a copy of this guy's album despite the fact that it doesn't really fit our format.  Needless to say, I did a major double take when I glanced over to the side of the console to see a new cd by Mike Love!!
24  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Hi from Brian on: January 20, 2015, 06:28:58 AM
I'm always late to the party  Sad  Welcome, Brian!!  It's a great honor to have you here.  I hope you enjoy the board and are able to chat with us from time to time.  Thank you for all of the incredible music.
25  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Forever (Summer in Paradise 1992 version) on: October 31, 2014, 06:00:45 AM
Slightly off topic, but I still vividly remember, as a kid that was born in 1980 and grew up with Full House, the first time I listened to the Sunflower album in my 1993 Jeep Cherokee at the age of about 18 and hearing the original Forever come through the speakers.  I almost had to pull the car over in shock that my beloved Beach Boys were playing a song that I always considered a cheesy tune from Uncle Jessie's band.  It was a jarring and shocking moment.
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