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681305 Posts in 27633 Topics by 4081 Members - Latest Member: zappi June 03, 2024, 04:18:25 PM
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1  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike Love book out in September on: May 31, 2016, 02:21:33 PM
Mike love is a piece of sh*t ...

I have a question for the moderators. I didn't know whether to move the above quote ^ to the Ask The Moderators thread or the Thread For Arguments With Or About Moderation, so I'll ask the question here. What is the moderators' stance on calling a Beach Boy "a piece of sh*t"?
2  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Cats on: May 29, 2016, 06:25:59 AM
I wanted to mention our family cat to see if anybody is having or had a similar problem. Our cat is a male indoor cat, rarely goes outside, and was fairly healthy for about fourteen years. Then he started to have coughing fits, these really intense one or two minute long hacking fits. I've had cats before so I thought it was a hairball problem (it looked EXACTLY like hairball coughing), so I picked up some hairball medicine and hairball "treats" at the pet store. After about a month or two of that treatment, there was no improvement. Also, he wasn't able to cough up the hairballs and I couldn't find any in the litter box, so I took him to the vet.

The vet diagnosed the cat as having cat asthma. Has anybody heard of that or experienced it with their cat? As I mentioned, the cat is violently coughing and hacking (and I guess gasping) and it is very painful to watch. Then he'll just lay there for a few minutes, kind of recovering from the coughing spell. The vet said that there is only two ways to treat cat asthma; it is not curable. They actually have cat inhalers, where you insert the inhaler in the cat's mouth and spray some medicine in. Well, our cat would never tolerate that; first of all you wouldn't be able to catch him; he'd be running all over the house! The second treatment is prednisone. I get these prednisone pills broken in half and I give the cat one half pill in the morning and one have pill at night. We try to hide the pill in his cat food, but the little bugger will see it and let it sit in the bowl. Then we have to literally pry his mouth open and drop it in there.

The predisone is expensive and, unfortunately, there are some side effects. The most common side effect is lethargy. If you think cats lay around a lot even when healthy, you should see a cat on prednisone. It is a little sad to see; he can be really sacked out; that's been the biggest change. But, he still eats the same amount and continues to use the litter box well. The prednisone has been somewhat effective. The coughing has been reduced but not entirely eliminated, he might cough two, maybe three times a day. If he's having a bad day we're allowed to give him another half pill. The vet insists the cat is not in pain; that's our main concern. The prednisone also helps to keep the lungs from being/feeling inflamed. The cat is now sixteen years old and we don't want to be selfish about this. We don't just want the cat hanging on and suffering. But the vet examines him regularly, and says that, other than the asthma, he is in good health. He is tolerating the prednisone well. Prednisone is supposed to be a short-term drug (although some cats tolerate better than others), but right now we just want to keep the cat pain free for the rest of his life.
3  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Pet Sounds Track Placement on: May 24, 2016, 03:50:08 PM
I have always thought the Band did a solid job on sequence of tracks on their albums. A lot of oomph of the bat on albums like Today!, Love You, even MIU.

And though perhaps bad karma to start fiddling with greatness, does anyone think the track sequence could have been a little different on Pet Sounds? I rank She Still Believes in Me as one of my faves, but you come out of the gate very up tempo with WIBN...maybe keep it going with Sloop? SSBIM in 3rd position. End with the stunning beauty of Let's Go Away For Awhile.

Side 2. I'd move Caroline No into 3rd slot, keep everything else as is.

Good thoughts, Juice.

Not just with Beach Boys, but with most albums, I'll play around with the sequencing. However, Pet Sounds is tough one, a really tough one. First, I can never come up with the perfect opening track. Lyrically, to me anyway, "Wouldn't It Be Nice" is an AFTER the relationship gets going song, not exactly at the beginning. Second, I tend to view the songs on Pet Sounds as either "relationship" songs or "searching/self-exploration" songs, and I find myself wanting to group them together. But third, the biggest problem is that, after listening to the album for 40+ years, it is ingrained in your head, and any alternate track listing sounds...not quite right.

But that didn't stop me from trying. Grin Occasionally, just for the fun of it, I'll play an alternate track listing. And, I cheated a little bit...

Side 1

01  Good Vibrations
02  Here Today
03  Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder)
04  Wouldn't It Be Nice
05  Let's Go Away For Awhile
06  God Only Knows
07  I'm Waiting For The Day

Side 2

08  You Still Believe In Me
09  I Just Wasn't Made For These Times
10  That's Not Me
11  I Know There's An Answer
12  Sloop John B
13  Pet Sounds
14  Caroline, No
4  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: 'George Fell Into His French Horn' slideshow video on: May 18, 2016, 08:39:21 PM
Great work again, krabklaw. Very creative video, but I especially like the edit you made of "George Fell Into His French Horn". You spliced the segments so well that it sounds, well, it sounds like a finished SMiLE song! Cheesy
5  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / General Music Discussion / Re: Highwaymen - 30th anniversary, documentary, live boxset on: May 17, 2016, 09:35:22 AM
Guy Clark passed away today at age 74 after a long illness. He wrote "Desperados Waiting For A Train". Rocker posted a video of the song earlier in the thread. Here is another one of The Highwaymen performing "Desperados Waiting For A Train" :   
6  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: My Ultimate Theory about Smile and the Beach Boys on: May 14, 2016, 09:04:39 AM
The part of Dunderhead's theory that I agree with is, yes, Brian was out to impress his friends and others. But, I always considered that a positive, not a negative. In those days Brian was very competitive, whether it be in regard to Spector, The Beatles, to show his father, to hear his songs on the radio, or just to "perform" something at the dinner table with friends. But, again, that was a good thing.

In regard to the "posse", I think it was more of Brian influencing them and telling them what to do than the other way around, at least musically. I think David Anderle said it best, and I'm paraphrasing, "Be as creative as you can, nothing is too 'out there', as long as it's good". And, most of the SMiLE music is great.

Other than Van Dyke Parks' exit, I don't know if Brian's "friends" leaving had a lot to do with Brian scrapping SMiLE. They already made their contributions, and judging by history, friends of Brian didn't hang around that long anyway. We've heard several reasons now - from Brian directly - about why he didn't release SMiLE, but I never heard or read it was because of...people leaving. But, you never know.
7  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: What's your spending limit for a BB rarity? on: May 13, 2016, 06:03:28 AM
hi Sheriff, yeah, I guess all things lead down that road eventually.  I have a lot of BB/BW goodies also that I know are invaluable.  
Some unopened, signed, rare etc etc, and like you, they are only sitting around collecting dust really, but I love that I have them.
I have a bunch of original LP's unopened, reel to reel tapes unopened, some Brian signed and Mike n Bruce signed things also.
It is probably easier to sell the collection as a whole, but if you wanna get your $$ out of your items, you need to sell them individually.
Put them in an auction or 'buy it now' or whatever, with some kind of combined shipping is always appealing.
Selling them as a whole is a loss for you, and a mega bargain for someone else.
More work, but it is financially better for you, and it establishes each item uniquely also.

Yeah, I tend to agree with you. I'm not actively, but kind of passively - I got my eyes and ears open - looking for somebody who is really into ebay, somebody I can trust, and maybe offering them a fee or commission or something, and just turn the collection over to them and see what it brings. I would be monitoring the transactions, of course.
8  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: What's your spending limit for a BB rarity? on: May 13, 2016, 05:48:38 AM
i'll trade you a MINT condition of 'summer in paradise' on Cd.  Now that's a bargain for YOU  Wink
beautiful artwork! plus it comes with a vocal by John Stamos! 

Seriously, I have been thinking about selling my collection. I'm getting older, I rarely even "look" at the records (I don't play them); they're just sitting in a closet. But then, like last night, I'll pull out the collection and sentimentality sinks in. It's hard to part with it, brings back a lot of memories. I remember the time and effort it took to collect all the stuff - the letters (yes, it was long ago), phone calls, frequenting record shows, trips to the post office, and driving several miles just to look at an item. It was exciting and a lot of fun, though.

I'm apprehensive about selling the collection because I don't know how or the best way to do it. Do you sell an item at a time or the entire collection at once? I buy things on ebay but I'm apprehensive about being a seller. Plus, I'm out of touch with the collecting market. I have no idea how much old records are even going for...
9  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: What's your spending limit for a BB rarity? on: May 13, 2016, 05:04:28 AM
i'll give ya a 100 bux sheriff, i'll even pay for the postage  Roll Eyes

10  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: What's your spending limit for a BB rarity? on: May 13, 2016, 05:01:05 AM
The most I've ever spent: $300 for a mint original copy of The Kenny & The Cadets single, black vinyl.

On a good day I could probably double my money.

I paid $400 for the Kenny & The Cadets "Barbie/What Is A Young Girl Made Of" single (Randy Records, black vinyl, VG+) about 30 years ago. What's the best way to sell it?  

Probably ebay.  Make sure yours has a light pink label with blue ink.  Boots have white labels and black print.

I pulled it out of storage to check. Yes, it is original. Thanks for the info.
11  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike Love’s 2016 solo project on: May 12, 2016, 01:59:37 PM
Quick observations like the one I made are not meant to provoke a debate.

Yes, they are. And you do it well. Very well.
12  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: What's your spending limit for a BB rarity? on: May 12, 2016, 05:44:30 AM
The most I've ever spent: $300 for a mint original copy of The Kenny & The Cadets single, black vinyl.

On a good day I could probably double my money.

I paid $400 for the Kenny & The Cadets "Barbie/What Is A Young Girl Made Of" single (Randy Records, black vinyl, VG+) about 30 years ago. What's the best way to sell it?  
13  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike and Bruce Tour 2016 on: May 05, 2016, 08:37:19 PM
Hi Sheriff John Stone,
The perspective you explain in your above post is one I can understand, though I don't fully agree. I think that it's a false equivalency between Brian Wilson and Mike Love. But I agree that the constant extensive discussions of the flaws of Mike Love can be boring, at the least.
The thing is that, if you're trying to, sarcastically, make a point about Mike Love bashing by Brian Wilson bashing, it's really hard for people to understand that's what you're doing because the equivalency is so off. It's just not analogous.
If what you really want is for people to tone down or lessen the Mike Love bashing, then it may be more effective to just ask. That may not be effective, but it would have a better chance than just baffling everyone.
Anyway, I'm pleased to understand you better.

I admit it's flawed and far from perfect, but it's the best I could come up with. For several YEARS now I and several others have been calling for an end to the, in your correct words, "constant extensive discussions of the flaws of Mike Love". As you can see, these attempts have fallen on deaf ears. You know how it works in most cases. First you ask, then you yell, then you're sarcastic (?), and then you have to go for something that makes others "feel". I tried 'em all.

I don't know if you're aware of this but Scott Totten and I believe John Cowsill even came on the board and expressed dismay at some of the Mike bashing. Didn't matter. But, you're right, as musicians, as songwriters, even as Beach Boys, Mike and Brian are not "equivalent". But, again, when it comes to discussion of "flaws", and bashing and personal attacks, wouldn't it be better to view them both as human beings. Flawed, yes, but still real people. And, THAT makes them equal.

14  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike and Bruce Tour 2016 on: May 05, 2016, 08:18:31 PM

...yes the constant personal bashing of Mike does get old, and yes, I have spoken to that previously, when it's gone from justified criticism to attacking just for the sake of doing so. So why attack Brian in order to prove that point?

Well, Billy I did my best at trying to explain it above, and obviously I didn't succeed. I hoped you would understand, and I will try my best to not repeat everything again.

I tried to prompt change because I didn't feel the moderators were doing anything to solve the problem, and I think it's a huge problem. I guess I put too much faith in the posters. I hoped they would realize how they feel when Brian is criticized and realize how others feel when other Beach boys are criticized, and stop doing it. But, I guess I was wrong. I now realize that too many posters on the Smiley Smile actually enjoy criticizing everything about Mike Love. And, sadly, they know they can get away with it.

I have a serious question for you, Billy. If somebody took SmileBrian and OSD's posts, and re-posted them word for word, but substituted Brian's name for Mike's, would it be tolerated by the moderators? You'll probably ask why anybody would want to do that? To prove a point maybe?

You are quick to criticize me and my posts, calling it/them "shtick" and calling it "old". Is it older than the Mike Love bashing, or is it a response to the Mike Love bashing? You obviously don't agree with what I'm doing...are you happy with the way the board's going? Other than ignoring "attacking for the sake of attacking", do you have any others suggestions to solve the problem?
15  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike and Bruce Tour 2016 on: May 05, 2016, 06:44:58 PM seem to think Brian is incapable of doing anything himself.

And I'd say that's putting words in my mouth that are untrue. You have no idea what I think about Brian Wilson.

All anybody can go by is what you've posted here, so if you meant anything different, we would ike to hear it.

Where or when have I posted that Brian is incapable of doing anything himself?

A better question would be , 'when haven't you'? I mean, my God, you think he doesn't even know his own solo songs.  You can never resist getting some kind of dig (passive aggressive or otherwise) against Brian. I mean, I get it...Mike's your favorite Beach Boy.  No problem there.  Doesn't mean you have to attempt to tear down Brian to prop your guy up. What really gets me though is for all the complaining some people do about OSD and Smile Brian when they go off on Mike (and when it gets to the band members, I do think that is crossing a line), you're doing the same thing with Brian, and this shtick is just as old.

Again, almost everything you posted ^ is incorrect. You did say something correct which I will address.

First, if you can't believe what I am about to post, then I suggest you move on to another thread now, because you're not going to "get it". Honestly, I was hoping you and the other moderators would "get it" by now and make changes. I'm fast giving up hope.

Mike Love is not my "favorite" Beach Boy. I don't even like Mike Love. I don't have a "favorite" Beach Boy. My fanboy days are long gone. I've spent too long, decades actually, living and dying by the actions of the Beach Boys. Due to things said and done by the individual Beach Boys themselves, in addition to experiencing things, important things, in my own life, I don't spend much time thinking about or advocating for...Beach Boys. I certainly wish them good health and happiness, they certainly provided and continue to provide happiness to me. But, again, I don't worry too much anymore about 70 year-old multi-millionaire rock stars. I have my own life to worry about.

But, for some strange reason, this board is, and fast approaching WAS, important to me. It also has provided me with much happiness. But, things changed over the last few years. A lot of good posters left, for a variety of reasons, and it's not necessary in this post to discuss why. However, more concerning are the posters who have come along. There are several relatively new posters who came on this board who think it is OK, necessary, fun, fulfilling, vengeful, whatever, to vilify, hate, make fun of Mike Love. And, forget Mike Love. I don't care about Mike Love. It's a Beach Boy and his band who are the targets. And, it's not just Mike's voice or music that gets attacked, it's EVERYTHING about him - his physical appearance, his relationship with his family members, his spiritual pursuits, his band, well, just about EVERYTHING is fair game when it comes to Mike Love.

There have been numerous posts and threads from posters who object to this hate and ridicule of a Beach Boy. Yes, Mike Love can act like an asshole, but he's our asshole. Why can't "it" just be accepted and move on. But, no, thread after thread is either started or turns into a Mike Love bash fest. And, frankly, it's sickening and causing posters, good knowledgeable posters to just shake their head in disgust. I have to think many of them get so turned off that they just leave. And, I hate to see that happening.

I have read many posters try to change this hate, personal attacks, name-calling, etc. on Mike Love through multiple posts and threads. Posters have implored the moderators to, well, moderate. I'm not talking about banning, but instead deleted posts, deleted comments, and deleted or locked threads. This subject came up months ago in a rather long and heated thread/debate, and the moderators response was - oh, well, just ignore it.

I don't think that is a satisfactory response or solution to the problem. It has to come from the posters spreading the hate and attacking of a Beach Boy and his band. I tried calling out various posters and moderators with little success. Actually, instead of moderators considering my suggestions, I was attacked and told that if I don't like it, blah, blah, blah. Very disappointing but not unexpected.

So, I then tried, and am still trying to make the posters and moderators see the hypocrisy that is going on. If somebody attacks Mike Love, post after post, thread after thread, oh, it's OK. He deserves it. Let's see how many ways -subtle or obvious - we can insert the knife, and then let the others come on to twist it. Fun isn't it? Not really. And if somebody objects to, well, hey, take the moderators' advice...just ignore it. But...but...but...if God forbid, somebody says something derogatory about Brian Wilson or his physical appearance or his mental illness or his family, well, we can't have that. And, you know what? We shouldn't have that. But it goes both ways. If it's NOT OK to be critical of Brian Wilson for a variety of reasons, and there's certainly a lot of material there, then why is it OK to take continuous shots at Mike Love. Because one DESERVES hate and the other one doesn't? That seems to be the prevailing attitude on this board.

So, sports fans, I can only repeat yet again that I don't like Mike Love and dislike Brian Wilson. I don't dislike anybody. Occasionally they will say or do something that pisses me off, but not enough to HATE them. Seriously, when it comes to this crap, I'm becoming comfortably numb. It isn't easy for me to make the comments I've been making about Brian. I've spent more time thinking and caring about Brian Wilson than many of my friends and family members. I sincerely hoped that people would see the hypocrisy, that it's not OK to say certain things about somebody, in this case a Beach Boy, but then in turn show outrage (in this case at me) for saying the same things about another Beach Boys.

By now people either checked out minutes ago or think I still support Mike Love, or could care less either way. I did it, or am doing it to promote change, change for the board. Selfishly, I'd like to stop having to try to make people see the double standard that is prevalent. I don't like these posts I feel that I have to make. I hope that people can see what's happening to this board and change THEIR ways, their attitude about attacking a Beach Boy. To quote old Murry, this attitude has caused the board to go downhill! Downhill! Obviously the "ignoring" suggestion isn't working, nor is what I am trying to do. But, I tried. I tried.
16  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike and Bruce Tour 2016 on: May 05, 2016, 03:44:12 PM seem to think Brian is incapable of doing anything himself.

And I'd say that's putting words in my mouth that are untrue. You have no idea what I think about Brian Wilson.

All anybody can go by is what you've posted here, so if you meant anything different, we would ike to hear it.

Where or when have I posted that Brian is incapable of doing anything himself?
17  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike and Bruce Tour 2016 on: May 05, 2016, 03:22:57 PM seem to think Brian is incapable of doing anything himself.

And I'd say that's putting words in my mouth that are untrue. You have no idea what I think about Brian Wilson.
18  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike and Bruce Tour 2016 on: May 05, 2016, 02:06:15 PM
I think Brian's band highly respects the spiritual beauty of the music, which is probably why they don't let a cheerleader onto the stage to dance and play an instrument she doesn't know how to play. Yes, it's merely 'Barbara Ann' and they're having 'fun', but it's a cheesy nostalgia trip, plain and simple. The songs Brian and his band plays are nostalgic, but they seem to treat those songs like the art they are. 'Little Deuce Coupe' could be considered just another 60s car song...But Frank Zappa saw further into it and was enamored by the chord progression/structure in that song. Similarly, Brian-centric fans seem to be more engaged with the spiritual and artistic foundation of The Beach Boys' songs...which is why we are a bit more critical when we see cheerleaders flood the front of the crowd during a 'Beach Boys' concert.

A nostalgia trip? That would be milking an album - again - that is a half century old. A nostalgia trip? That would be asking ex-Beach Boy Al Jardine to join in the nostalgia trip, not to sing the handful of tracks he sang on a recent album, but to cover a few surf & turf classics! A nostalgia trip? How about asking another ex-Beach Boy, Brian's good friend What's His Name, to sing a couple songs from another 42 year-old Beach Boys' album.

And, speaking of recent albums...Brian's been a solo performer a lot longer than he's been a Beach Boy, almost thirty years now. Yet he almost completely ignores his solo material. Maybe he doesn't like his solo songs. Or, maybe he doesn't know his solo songs; most people don't.

A question for you, rab2591. What does Brian Wilson have in common with that cheerleader on stage with an instrument she doesn't know what to do with?

And, speaking of cheerleaders and plants and trees on stage. Hey, that's just old Mike Love trying to give the audience a little added touch. Now Brian, well, he has to watch his bottom line. I mean, it's not enough he gets paid for Beach Boys' shows, he has an 80 gig tour of his own! Talk about the goose who laid the golden egg... Now, rab2591, do you think 74 year-old Brian really - REALLY! - wants to be playing 80 gig tours with his mental health issues, his penchant for stage fright, his aching back, and a young family at home? But, I'm glad he's making people happy; I know that is important to him.

And then there's this talk about Mike copying Brian's shows and "upping his game". Don't forget that Mike & Bruce were playing "Wild Honey" live a few years ago before old Blondie Chaplin returned with his guest appearances. Roll over John Cowsill!!!!!
19  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: BBs headlining Memorial Day concert in DC on: May 03, 2016, 04:36:48 PM
Does anybody know how many people The Beach Boys will be performing for at this Memorial Day concert? I like it when The Beach Boys play large shows in the U.S. on holidays like Memorial Day and July 4th. Their music is such a perfect fit.
20  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / General Music Discussion / Re: Highwaymen - 30th anniversary, documentary, live boxset on: May 01, 2016, 06:30:45 AM
Rocker, thanks for the Brian Wilson-Kris Kristofferson link. I had completely forgotten about that performance. It's kind of interesting but you have two of the greatest songwriters ever, and I don't think either one has recorded or performed any of each other's songs.

Lonely Summer, I know the exact clip you are talking about with the Glen, Johnny, Buck, and Merle performance on Glen's TV show. I believe Mel Tillis, June Carter Cash, and Minnie Pearl were on it, too. I'll keep scouring YouTube for it!

Ron, I have a funny Willie Nelson story. A few years ago, I saw Willie open for Bob Dylan in Bethlehem, PA. It was outdoors and the skies were sunny but fast becoming cloudy. Willie came on and kept looking up at the sky as it became darker and darker. Eventually the sky was almost black and lightning as a thunderstorm was fast approaching. Willie was about half way through his set and all of a sudden he went into fast speed. There were obviously a few classics he wanted to perform yet, so he went into these super fast versions of "I Saw The Light", "Always On My Mind", and the closer, "On The Road Again". Imagine turning the speed up on a turntable - that's what the songs sounded like. It was almost funny as it was obvious what Willie was doing, and you kind of appreciated it because those songs were important to the audience, and he wanted to get them in. What was funny was that Willie quickly finished the set, the rain hadn't started yet, and Willie didn't want to leave the stage. He kept walking from one side of the side of the stage to the other, waving and throwing things like his hat, bandana, and guitar pick into the audience. He didn't want to cheat anybody. Anyway, it eventually poured for about a half an hour, stopped, and Dylan performed.

In keeping with The Highwayman theme, I found this video of Glen Campbell performing one of the earliest versions of the song, "The Highwayman". I apologize for the video quality, but the sound is good. From July 1978:
21  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / General Music Discussion / Re: Highwaymen - 30th anniversary, documentary, live boxset on: April 30, 2016, 09:27:14 AM
I like those videos with Willie and Glen. It looks like Willie was just "starting to turn" Grin into his outlaw phase. Until seeing some of these videos, I didn't realize how much Glen and The Highwaymen appeared with each other through the years. And, because Glen maintained such a youthful look, it didn't seem that Glen was so close in age to The Highwaymen, but he was. Here's a good one of Glen Campbell with Kris Kristofferson:
22  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / General Music Discussion / Re: Highwaymen - 30th anniversary, documentary, live boxset on: April 29, 2016, 02:18:30 PM
Happy 83rd Birthday to Willie Hugh Nelson! Here's wishing Willie many more years of good health and recording and performing. He is a national treasure, one of the last of a dying breed, and his work is much appreciated. I'm going to cheat a little bit here and link a video of Glen Campbell performing "Gentle On My Mind". But...but...but...Willie and Waylon are present and one of the most touching moments of the video is seeing the expression on Willie's face as he admires Glen's guitar solo. And, with Chet Atkins and Roy Clark also in the audience, I'd say there's a little bit of guitar talent on hand. Cheesy 

Here's the link:     
23  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / General Music Discussion / Re: Highwaymen - 30th anniversary, documentary, live boxset on: April 25, 2016, 05:24:59 PM
A new one from Kris Kristofferson:
24  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Bruce Johnston - Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Snub on: April 24, 2016, 09:37:57 AM
Carl specifically chose to not use a photo including Bruce on the Ten Years gatefold, when the studio offered to edit him in.  Carl said that Bruce could have a small "Mug shot" but Bruce declined.

What's interesting about this story - and I'm not necessarily disagreeing with it, I've read it before - is that Carl wasn't even with the band at the time of the release of Ten Years Of Harmony and...Carl Wilson was choosing photos for Beach Boys' albums in 1981?
25  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: The December 1964 event. on: April 16, 2016, 09:36:50 AM
...but wasn't there also something about Brian being wigged out when leaving LA because Marilyn was supposedly "making eyes" at Mike? Or is that simply "urban legend"?

I always wondered about that, too. Where or from whom did the Marilyn "making eyes" at Mike story originate? I mean, Brian and Marilyn just got married two weeks previously!

As far as Brian having "a breakdown" on the plane, I saw an interview with Marilyn where she questioned that description.

But, this is The Beach Boys, and I believe there are stories (from Brian?) of Dennis sleeping with all of the guys' wives. And, of course, there is the story of Brian having an affair with his sister-in-law - while he was still married to Marilyn.
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