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26  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / General Music Discussion / Re: Tears For Fears on: May 15, 2022, 04:39:41 PM
Thanks, JK. It'll be our first "post-pandemic" concert, so I'm really looking forward to it!!

And, yeah, I knew all the U.S. hits, but once I got deeper into them and found "Mad World" and the deeper meanings behind a lot of their songs.

As much as I adore every aspect of Brian Wilson's career, his introspective work (regardless of the period it comes from), always hits me the hardest, so it was an easy leap for me into Tears For Fears.
27  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / General Music Discussion / Tears For Fears on: May 13, 2022, 01:04:38 PM
Is anyone else here a huge fan?

Their newest album, The Tipping Point has been on replay for me since I first got it.

My wife and I going to see them on tour next month!!
28  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Brian Wilson: Long Promised Road (2019 Brent Wilson Documentary) on: February 17, 2022, 10:54:32 AM
Finally saw this recently and I have to saw, being a hardcore fan, some of the studio and everyday stuff was cool, but overall, I didn't find it very illuminating.

I did, however, walk away with a profound sadness. It was pretty depressing, though not surprising, to watch Brian repeatedly reminiscing and expressing his grief at the loss of Dennis, Carl, and Jack.

I'm sure that it makes him come across as more human to those who don't know him or his story, but for me, personally it just made me sad. It was honestly gut-wrenching and very uneasy to see Brian react to the news of Jack's passing and try to bottle up his emotions about that, as well as Dennis and Carl's untimely demises.
29  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: With all due respect... on: January 25, 2022, 05:31:39 AM
Yeah, I have nothing really to add that hasn't already been said. But, again, I really don't understand why this would be cause for anger, etc.

MOST of the most well known Beach Boys' songs were co-written with Mike and further out than that, over the course of the band's history, literally no one has co-written more with Brian. Mike has even had sporadic co-writes with Al and Dennis.

Mike might have done some crappy things throughout the years, as we know for a fact most of the guys have (even if we rarely address those) but the guy is human, so that's kind of to be expected.

Admittedly, its a weird angle of promotion, but it is a true, fair, and very much deserved angle. Not everything Mike does deserves a visceral reaction. All that does is diminish the criticism that he gets when he truly deserves it, i.e. his obsession with the Trumps, even after Don, Jr.'s swipe at Brian.
30  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Is it fair to call for an artist to quit? on: December 02, 2021, 06:31:55 AM
I think its fair as long as it doesn't turn to bullying. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but there are appropriate ways to handle expressing that opinion.

That being said, I think a lot of these calls come out of honest concern for Brian. I don't post my opinions on his concerts much, as I'm not really a live recordings kind of guy. I like live albums as documents of the times, but VERY rarely listen to them more than a handful of times.

But, I will say that, from the videos that I've seen and heard over the past couple of years, Brian looks and sounds absolutely disinterested. I get that his talk-singing might just be him trying out something new and that no one has to express emotions the same, but if I went to one of these shows and had this experience, I would walk away feeling sad and worried for him.

For a comparison, I attended the 25th Anniversary Warped Tour Concert in New Jersey in 2019. I saw a ton of "older" Bands: Bad Religion, Good Charlotte, blink-182, etc. Taking Back Sunday's set left me feeling completely underwhelmed. The band itself was pretty on, but lead singer Adam Lazzara just did not care about his performance, preferring to let the audience sing and swinging his mic.

I bring this up because there is a major difference. Adam at least looked to be enjoying himself (still no excuse for a crappy performance), while Brian looks, at least to me, like he would rather be doing anything else.

That's just my takeaway, no one has to feel the same and I'm legitimately glad for those who enjoy Brian's shows. Same as Mike, the guy has destroyed his voice through over-touring and its pretty sad to hear him so hoarse on all of these new videos. I know Brian SAYS that he loves touring, but he has a habit of saying things that don't match up, like they burned the "Fire" tapes, never knowing that Dennis recorded a solo album, etc.

Don't get me wrong, I worship the ground Brian walks on. I am most definitely a super fan. My wife often says that I should've married him instead. Haha. But, I can also be objective in looking at situations and forming my own opinions based on what I see.
31  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: New Song Question on: November 23, 2021, 09:54:48 AM
I was just coming here to see the reactions to this song.

I was soooo offput by those first couple of seconds, but once Brian starts hitting those upper notes, it was pure Heaven. This is definitely where Steve Levine would've really come in handy.

Jim James' parts were gorgeous, too. I wish Brian would've had that part as well, but, I can understand with age, that's getting more and more unlikely.
32  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Thread for various insignificant questions that don't deserve their own thread! on: October 21, 2021, 12:45:55 PM
For anyone interested, here is a Google Drive link to the "rough cut" of the 2011 "Do It Again" video.
33  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Thread for various insignificant questions that don't deserve their own thread! on: October 21, 2021, 01:17:32 AM
Does anybody know where I can see the 2012 (or was it 2011?) video of Do It Again? You know, the one with all of them at studio with the named parking spots in front of the Capitol Tower etc? I haven't seen that in years!

I actually have the "rough cut" saved to my computer. If you would like, please private message me your email address.
34  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Our Favorite Album Tracks on: June 12, 2021, 10:38:28 AM
There are many, but the first one that comes to mind is "Spirit of America." I love Brian's over-the-top vocal on that one.

I feel like so many of these have such great production in general, that the vocals are the thing that put them over the top for me. Similar to the Jan & Dean vocals I mentioned about, I would say likewise with some of the solo stuff. I love "Summer Means New Love," but Brian and Al's vocals have such a yearning to them that I actually prefer "Somewhere Quiet." I feel the same regarding the vocal on "Rainbows" by Dennis and "Let It Shine" by Brian.
35  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Our Favorite Album Tracks on: June 12, 2021, 10:31:20 AM
This car of mine, Dennis takes a filler track and kills it with heartfelt vocal.

Amazing choice. I actually had this one in mind when I thought of this thread.

Sortaish Un/related: I was actually listening to Jan & Dean on shuffle while at work and "Rockin' Little Roadster" came on. That and the single mix of "My Mighty GTO" have always been two of my favorite non-hit tracks by any group ever, based on Jan's vocal on "Roadster" and Dean's falsetto during the chorus of "G.T.O." Something about those deliveries just hit emotionally for me. Just like Dennis' vocal on "This Car Of Mine."
36  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Our Favorite Album Tracks on: June 11, 2021, 01:15:39 PM
Hi everyone,

I thought this might be a fun road to go down while we wait for Feel Flows!

Obviously, the singles are almost all amazing, but there were so many gems buried on the albums, many that I actually prefer to some of the singles.

I'm curious what some of your favorites are. I have MANY, but for starters:

Almost everything sung and/or written by Dennis
"The Rocking Surfer"
"Car Crazy Cutie"
"I Just Wasn't Made For These Times"
"Just Once In My Life"
"Matchpoint Of Our Love"
"Crack At Your Love"
"Where I Belong"
37  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Beach Boys 2020 Tour Thread on: May 18, 2021, 05:35:06 PM
Lead singer of The Beach Boys, Mike Love, previews upcoming concert at Petco Park

Beach Boys To Play At Petco Park Memorial Day Weekend

Mike Love from the Beach Boys joins FOX 5 to talk about their upcoming show at Petco Park.

Anyone know from when the footage is from? Looks like some time during the 80s but not while Dennis was alive and not '85.

You know, I can understand Stamos' participation, even if Mike's presentation hams it up pretty badly, but why McGrath!?
38  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Most important Beach Boys members in vocal blends? on: March 22, 2021, 05:42:56 PM
When you hear leads, harmonies and backing vocals, which of the boys do you think are the most essential in achieving the signature "Beach Boys sound"? Do you think any are less important than the others?

I think they all had/have phenomenal voices, but if I HAD to pick one that made the sound, I would go with Dennis.

Bruce is an excellent vocalist, but the blend loses some of its "signature" sound when Brian started bringing in Bruce in place of Dennis.
39  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Feel Flows box set on: November 12, 2020, 12:12:51 PM
As everyone should have, but so few unfortunately did. But, I digress.

I really wish it wasn't crickets and that we heard some new FF news, but let's face it - Mike and Bruce might just be too distracted by their tears of sadness for their orange hero losing the election.

Maybe the sadness has kept the box set from coming out in any sort of expedited manner. It must be hard to sign BRI paperwork that is soggy from being drenched in tears. But if Mike wanted to help speed up efforts to greenlight the set to get it out before Christmas, a quick release could help pad his pockets with enough money to contribute to Trump's slush fund to pay off legal debts! Why doesn't Mr. Positivity look on the bright side?

Election "Fraud" Demonstration Time?

Bruce mentioned to someone at a concert that he voted Libertarian.
40  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Great YouTube Review Channel on: October 13, 2020, 07:50:36 PM
I've watched many of his videos. He seems like a cool/good guy.

Agreed! I love how he REALLY gets into whatever he's talking about.
41  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Great YouTube Review Channel on: October 13, 2020, 07:25:53 PM
Just wanted to mention a great channel by a guy named Giggens. He's reviewed almost all Beach Boys' albums and a great deal of their solo albums; as well as many other artists.

His reviews are beyond detailed and an obvious labor of love. You can definitely feel how excited he is in all of reviews and its absolutely infectious.

You can check his work out here:
42  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Carl's personal music tastes on: October 08, 2020, 09:08:49 AM
Does anyone know of, or have a good copy of the band performing "Dancing In The Street"? They really rock that one and I'd love to have a somewhat clean copy.
43  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Sail Plane Song (2012 version) appreciation thread on: September 30, 2020, 06:00:23 AM
I'm not a fan of the 2012 mix, but at one time there was a fan edit on youtube of "Sail Plane Song" and "Loop de Loop" that worked astoundingly well.

I was going to post it here, but it looks like it was taken down.

Luckily I did save it to my computer way back when.
44  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Feel Flows box set on: August 31, 2020, 04:34:50 AM
And now Brian's FB has a "Surf's Up was released on this day in 1971" post. Getting a lot of interaction. It mentions it was a group effort and lists everybody's contributions...with one exception.  

The non-mention of Mike makes it pretty clear to me that some Mike-related BS is the reason for the FF box being squashed. Find me a logical scenario where Mike isn't the cause, despite Mike still getting snubbed in Brian's post. No way. It all lines up.   Undecided

It is possible, but I vaguely remember Brian having very little, if anything at all about "Student Demonstration Time" in the Sunflower twofer liner notes. I think he called it "too intense" or something to that effect.

Although, that doesn't explain "Don't Go Near The Water" not being mentioned.
45  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Beach Boys 2020 Tour Thread on: August 05, 2020, 05:30:18 PM
All I have to say about this fucking dare you endanger the safety of your fans in a situation like this. A man has the right to learn a living, but there are better and safer ways to do it.

I'm all for mitigating danger, but unless Mike Love kidnapped those people and forced them to be there, the band endangered no one. Those people chose to buy tickets and attend the show on their own, free will.
Yes, but the people that are having to shop in grocery stores with them or serving food to them days after the concert, when the concert attendees are potentially spreading the disease, aren't as lucky. Many of the people that the attendees will interact with and infect are working out of necessity and don't have the option of staying at home.

I agreed, and I'm not saying that you are, but attempts to vilify the band for the attendees' decision to go to the concert are nothing short of reaching for a reason to hate Mike Love.
Getting sick could happen while at a restaurant just as easy as at a concert.
As someone who works at a grocery store, I am someone who has to work out of necessity. And, honestly, I don't blame people for wanting to go out and enjoy themselves after being couped up for so long.
46  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Beach Boys 2020 Tour Thread on: August 05, 2020, 04:45:04 PM
All I have to say about this fucking dare you endanger the safety of your fans in a situation like this. A man has the right to learn a living, but there are better and safer ways to do it.

I'm all for mitigating danger, but unless Mike Love kidnapped those people and forced them to be there, the band endangered no one. Those people chose to buy tickets and attend the show on their own, free will.
47  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike Love Planning New Vocal Album on: May 28, 2020, 12:02:48 PM
Just be glad that the beach boys release music no matter from who it comes.

48  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: The Beach Boys as part of a wedding on: May 17, 2020, 06:51:13 AM
Just for fun, since everyone is posting about public performances, here is how the proposal went down!
49  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: The Beach Boys as part of a wedding on: May 17, 2020, 06:50:36 AM
We had God Only Knows sung at our wedding by my wife’s brother and his wife.

22 years later, they still haven’t forgiven us.

 Grin Evil Cool
50  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: The Beach Boys as part of a wedding on: May 17, 2020, 06:49:40 AM
It’s been discussed here before, but some random guest was asked to sing a tune, we think at a wedding reception. Unfortunately he’s no longer available mores the pity.

Anyway, ‘God Only Knows’ would be my number one wedding song. Congratulations!

Thank you!  It is absolutely a pity, indeed.  Embarrassed
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