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176  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Al's show in Florida cancelled! on: July 20, 2019, 09:55:15 AM
So my wife and I had tickets to see Al Jardine tomorrow, but unfortunately a few days ago a I got a call from the venue that it was cancelled. And I've been noticing that nearly everything promoting it has been taken down on Al's website and Facebook and few other places, but it was never really confirmed that it is off. I suppose it is, but the whole thing seemed very random. I'm just posting on here to see if anybody knows what has happened.
177  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike working on yet another new album on: July 05, 2019, 07:26:37 PM
I can’t help but think this album would have been a great opportunity for Mike to reclaim “Almost Summer” and bring it back into setlists. Not that a 2019 recording of “Almost Summer” would be particularly revelatory, but it would at least be more interesting than another remake of “Surfin’” and could have introduced casual fans to the song.

It's really, really weird how Mike has excluded that song from pretty much all areas when he has gone back to the well for so many inferior old songs. It's as if he's forgotten about it, or feels it has the cooties. Almost Summer is a surprisingly solid tune, although some of the lyrics probably didn't age all that well.

Agreed with both of you guys. I'm of the opinion that "Almost Summer" is the best "solo" tune of Mike's, though I guess it should be pointed out that a certain Brian Wilson and Alan Jardine also wrote the track. Overall it's nuts the the original recording is not available via iTunes or any of the digital music services, nor any Beach Boys, Brian Wilson or Mike Love compilation. But The Beach Boys have proven themselves to not always be the most sensible bunch.
178  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: This week in BB history June 20-30 on: July 03, 2019, 02:52:22 PM
To paraphrase what someone said back in 2012, the TWGMTR album was much better than it had any right being. That’s really just another way of saying “Whoa, I assumed it wouldn’t be very good, but it’s actually pretty good!”

It’s an anachronism in the BB catalog in a number of ways. It sounds nothing like the most recent BB albums (though those were pretty old), it’s the first album where Brian so heavily dominates writing since “Love You”, it’s missing Carl, it has David Marks on it, the production is generally sort of “soft” for lack of a better way to put it, though it avoids the easy listening/AC smoothness of “Imagination”, it was full of political concessions and backroom negotiations, and I could go on and on. All that factored in, it’s a surprisingly enjoyable and *relatively* cohesive listen.

There’s really not an out-and-out *bad* song on it, and it had been awhile since I could say *that* about a BB album. Mike’s “Daybreak” is innocuous, and Al’s backing vocals definitely punch it up. A few of the Brian tunes like “Private Life….” are a bit slight. There’s too much Foskett in a lot of the vocal stacks. The autotune *is* distracting and unfortunate. But top to bottom, most of the songs are solid, the production is solid if lacking much contrast or extra punch (which is why I don’t mind “Beaches in Mind”). Even some of the slight stuff like “Spring Vacation” is undeniably catchy. The ending suite is great. Sure, it sounds a bit like “Rio Grande” in that some of the fragments sounds kind of smushed together in not the most organic way. But all the fragments are good, and it’s not that they don’t fit together still.

If nothing else, the album answers a question I had occasionally had in the preceding couple of decades: What would it sound like if the other BBs sang on a Brian solo album? TWGMTR is the answer to that question. It’s interesting (in a good way) to hear Mike sing on a Brian/Joe Thomas 2000s production.

I don’t know if anything on the album reaches true greatness; the first two tracks come close, and the ending suite is a high mark unquestionably.

I can’t think of a *ton* of stuff featuring Carl that would have worked well on the album. I think a slightly remixed “Soul Searchin’” could have fit. A re-recording of “They’re Only Words” with Carl’s vocals grafted back on maybe. Al’s “Waves of Love” with Carl would have worked. After that, I don’t know what was or is “in the can” as far as Carl lead vocals. Grabbing stuff like the bland “Where We Are” from the early 80s (or whatever the title is), I wouldn’t have advocated for that. But who knows what else is lurking in the vaults from the 80s and 90s. Does “Grace of My Heart” exist? “Down by the Pier?” That song could be great, or it could suck. I have no idea. I always liked Carl’s little vocal intro on the incomplete “Dancing the Night Away”, but I never liked the rest of the song that much (and it was sorta kinda remade as “How Could We Still Be Dancing” anyway), so that one would have required “Now and Then” levels of reformatting.

But interesting stuff to chew on.

I notice you brought up "Soul Searchin'" a few times, but of course you have to remember that Brian had already issued a version on 2004's Gettin' In Over My Head? While that version is easily my least favorite of the versions I've heard, I can't imagine a scenario would have went back to that in 2011/2012 to put on a new album.

As far as "Baywatch Nights" (or "Dancin' the Night Away".....whatever the official title is) I honestly was kinda expecting it to be on the 2012 Beach Boys album after the album was announced. It seemed like an obvious way to get Carl on the album in a smooth way and in fact was an unfinished Wilson/Love song from when they last worked together. I thought Carl's vocal was beautiful, the backing track was rockin' and I really do love the "somewhere out in Malibu" group vocal. But, alas it was not to be. Maybe because it was forgotten by Brian and everyone else, or maybe because wasn't part of the Joe Thomas material, or who knows. Perhaps it was looked at and even worked on. Maybe we will find out one day.

Lastly, I know we don't know much about "Down by the Pier" except one thing: according to the "Wilson Project" book Brian was not a big fan of this song of Carl's and therefore that is probably one reason why it's remained stuck in obscurity.
179  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: This week in BB history June 20-30 on: July 02, 2019, 11:42:24 AM
 I think TWGMTR was likely the last chance for that to happen, and I was a bit surprised they didn't try to integrate Carl into that album at all. Al tried to get "Waves of Love" on there and nobody went for it. They didn't try to use "Soul Searchin'" or something (which hadn't yet come out on "MIC" at that point). TWGMTR ended up being the one BB album Carl isn't on at all.

I was also quite surprised at that. I figure it's either some odd politics (because then maybe there'd be a push for including something with Denny too, and that just means less spotlight for an already unsatisfied-with-his-level-of-input Mike)... or Brian just wasn't emotionally in a space to be able to touch the idea of including his late brothers on a new project with a 10 foot pole. Or a combination of both. It must be. I'm sure they could have excavated some unreleaesed Carl vocal parts/fragments from some project if they really wanted to. I can't believe that there just wasn't anything usable. At minimum, even a wordless Carl or Denny background vocal or two could have been flown in and stuff built around that.

Yeah I agree with Rocker that I just think the group was Brian, Mike, Al, Bruce and Dave in 2011/2012 and That's Why God Made The Radio represented that. There were archive releases to hear Denny and Carl on. I think Brian and Joe (and Mike) were mostly just focused on creating what they thought a 2012 Beach Boys album should be, so likely there was little or no thought  of pulling this song or that song out of the vaults to get a Carl vocal on there. They picked the songs they wanted to work on and I think we got what we got.

Side note: damn shame that The Beatles didn't finish that song just due to time. That whole release should have been delayed in order for them to finish it. Talk about misplaced priorities (which is usually what The BBs have the market cornered on)  LOL

Off topic I suppose, but the only reason "Now and Then" wasn't finished was George Harrison. Apparently he just didn't wanna do it. Time had nothing to do with it.
180  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: This week in BB history June 20-30 on: June 29, 2019, 06:31:01 AM
Regarding Carl's work on the "Beckley Lamm Wilson" album, while this wouldn't completely save the material, a ground-up re-recording pretty much re-doing everything but the vocals would help quite a bit.

I semi-rediscovered "They're Only Words" when it was playing on the SiriusXM channel last year; I think that one's probably the best one. That would have been a good one to partially re-record with the BBs backing Carl or something.

Even just a remix would help that Carl material to some degree. But re-recordings from scratch with more organic, acoustic instrumentation, and then with Carl's vocals grafted back on, would be interesting to hear and surely less "90s Adult Contemporary" sounding.

The best way to revisit that material would probably be to rework those Carl tracks along with other as-yet-unheard Carl demos/recordings. I've been convinced for quite some time now that his estate HAS to be sitting on some demos and/or other unreleased material that Carl worked on in the 80s and 90s. Obviously, there's some Carl-centric stuff in the BB vaults. But for one random example, I believe there's a post-BB '85 interview where Carl references having written a bunch of additional songs with Robert White Johnson. Surely some demos are around of that stuff. And who knows, maybe some of *that* stuff sounds kind of drippy and AC too. But there's gotta be some interesting Carl stuff to work with. Carl singing background on "This Is Elvis" can't be as good as it gets.

I hear what you're saying, but I think even if this is done, it would be nothing more than a curio. First of all, even though the album was released after Carl's passing, I have to assume that his songs at the very least were probably at least close to finished (if not fully finished) before he died and therefore I think he got the songs right in his mind. So for someone, heck, even Brian, Mike and Al, going in an rejiggering one of these songs would kinda be disrespectful in my opinion unless it was just a straight up cover.

I just think that these "fix up this album or this project" thing that's been going on kind wanders into some weird territory. Like how last year Bowie's Never Let Me Down was somewhat re-recorded to sound "less '80s" because David had talked about from time to time, and had even had one of the tracks remixed for a compilation release in 2008. I've heard differing things about Bowie's involvement in actually getting the project off the ground, but at the least we know recording didn't start until long after Bowie's passing. And now that we have this different version, is it good? I suppose that's in the eye of the beholder. But the problem for me is that Bowie never got to hear any of these re-workings, so I can't take it as any more "definitive" than the original 1987 version. But perhaps it's not supposed to be definitive, but instead is just supposed to be another view of the material in different clothing as it were.

Now perhaps I'm misunderstanding, and if so, I do apologize. And I will say, if the guys ever did another album or something, or if there was some Carl rarities thing and they wanted to amend what I assume to be the somewhat unfinished "It Could Be Anything" (also known as "Where We Are") I think that would probably be okay, if they were given the okay by Carl's kids. But then I go back to this...aren't there better things to do? Probably.
181  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike working on yet another new album on: June 27, 2019, 11:42:42 PM
So I'll be the first to say it, I don't hate the unreleased "California Beach" as recorded in the late '70s by The Beach Boys. It's that kinda harmless fluff like "It's a Beautiful Day" that I'm sure the group could still knock out in their sleep if they wanted to. But this remake, egh, I don't know. I feel like a lot of the songs Mike are doing these days are being recorded at slower tempos because his voice isn't up to the challenge for the more "rocking", up-tempo things. But regardless, it definitely pulls back on the punch that the original "California Beach" had. I suppose I need more time to fully decide how I feel, but I think it's fair that we put this song in the "Mike Love trying recapture 1963" bucket with "Camp California", "Goin' To The Beach" and a handful of others.

Tell your Teach, we're gonna make it out to California Beach? OMG.....UGH!

I don’t want to find fault where there isn’t any but I’m not sure what to make of this:

I’ll tell my boss why don’t you tell your teach...?

Am I reading too much into this or is this about a working aged man and a girl in high school?


That lyric also caught my eye/ear but I guess I forgot about it kinda quickly. But yeah, kinda weird. But not so weird considering this a song originally recorded (and therefore likely composted) not long after "Lazy Lizzie" and "Hey Little Tomboy" from the same group.
182  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Beach Boys 2019 Tour Thread on: June 27, 2019, 09:42:39 PM
So I was sat sideways on from the state for this and could reasonably see what each person was playing.

I’m convinced Bruce’s keyboard either isn’t plugged in or isn’t in the mix at all. When his fingers were on the keys nothing changes. Is he miming? Playing for his own monitors?

Those in the know say he's really playing and that's only in his ear monitor for the most part to help with vocals and whatnot. And apparently if they play "Disney Girls" you can hear it in all its 1980s DX7 glory.

Now don't take any of that as gospel, I may have it slightly (or fully) wrong.
183  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: This week in BB history June 20-30 on: June 27, 2019, 05:32:01 PM
Yeah-there is no doubt that 1990-1997 was really a series of missed opportunities.  The potential was there for something great-but somehow all we got was SIP and Stars and Stripes!!!! Orange Crate Art was the best LP from that stretch of time.  Such a shame that Carl's last recording years were wasted so greatly on mostly mediocre crap.  I do love "Like a Brother" though-it's a hard song to listen to now that he is gone without getting a little teary.

I agree about "Like A Brother" for sure Ian. I also think "I Wish For You" is even better to be honest, especially now as a father.
184  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Beach Boys 2019 Tour Thread on: June 27, 2019, 02:09:15 PM
There was a political moment where Mike implied an American politician (AOC?) wanted to ban air travel which then led on to a Brexit comment that I didn’t quite understand but Bruce certainly enjoyed it  LOL

Ugh. So politics are once again rearing their ugly head into Beach Boys land. Perhaps Mike and Bruce will revamp "Bush vibrations" to "Trump vibrations" for next year's election? Just freaking wonderful.

185  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: This week in BB history June 20-30 on: June 21, 2019, 07:42:47 AM
Thank you so much for these "week in BB history" posts Ian. Please keep 'em coming if you can!

Now the real interesting thing is Carl (?) apparently saying that Mike Love's Celebration project "doesn't mean sh*t." Kinda doesn't jibe with the "go along to get along" Carl we think we know, though I guess I'd say this is still a late '70s quote, so it makes sense.
186  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Do we have any definitive info on \ on: June 14, 2019, 12:13:39 PM
recording date 3 / 2 / 1974....... a jam ..... no vocals

Hey there Mark! Thank you for the reply, but I'm not sure what you mean here. I know that apparently "Brian's Jam" and "Clangin'" were recorded on that day, but was the basic track for "Ding Dang" recorded that day? Or is "Brian's Jam" the basic track for "Ding Dang"?
187  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Do we have any definitive info on \ on: June 14, 2019, 09:29:28 AM
I'll have to dig around for the exact source on this, but engineer Earle Mankey said the first thing he ever recorded with Brian was Ding Dang. Apparently it was a Carl session, Brian happened to be there, and one way or another they ended up recording that too just to make the most of the studio time. If "Is This Really Love" was that song Carl was working on, the June 10 '74 date would make sense. IIRC Earle's first session with the Beach Boys in general was Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me in January that year so it'd have to be '74 at the earliest. And I don't think it could be later than that, because Brian speaking at the start sounds like his younger voice.

Not sure on the exact date but there's an interview with Brian from early '74 where he talks about working with Roger McGuinn recently (also mentions him owning a secret laser beam), so Roger's recollection of it being the Landy era is probably mixed up. There's also the "Brian's Jam / Clangin'" session at Brother in March which I think is another variation with no vocals that exists in the vaults. Whatever the date, the Ding Dang on Love You is from before Rollin' Up to Heaven and the Caribou trip for sure. In the '76 live rehearsal they sing the "alley oop" parts from Rollin' that don't feature in Ding Dang.


This is from David Leaf's book (in the context of stuff Brian did around '74) -

Brother Studio engineer and record-producer Earle Mankey remembers the first time he worked with Brian in the mid-70s. "At one session of Carl's, somebody said to Brian, 'Let's cut a track,' and he said, 'I have this great song, it's called "Ding, Dang."' It was a legendary track, and it was around, as I understand it, for a long time."

This is from an article in '77 -

Earle remembers the first time he did a session with Brian. "About a year and a half ago, before 15 Big Ones was released we did some basic tracks and Brian was very tense in the studio. We recorded a version of 'Ding Dang', and a few weeks later waxed a song called 'Back Home.'
"Things started clicking," Earle recalls. "Carl came into the booth when we were playing back the track and said, 'Earle! This is the way it used to be! This is it! You're seeing it! It's happening now!"

Wow, thank you so much wjcrerar!

However, I do need to ask about this interview where Brian talks about McGuinn. I feel like I have listened to or read like two or three Brian interview from 1974. Do you know where this one comes from?
188  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Do we have any definitive info on "Ding Dang"? on: June 13, 2019, 08:17:17 PM
So, I've noticed that at least for the first two decades of The Beach Boys career, we've pretty much nailed down the recording dates and sessions and whatnot for nearly every song that we know of. However, there is one song that it has seemed we've never been able to figure out the specifics on. And that song is "Ding Dang."

Some say it was recorded in 1973, but then I see something about a session for a June 10, 1974 session. And then the vocals, I'm not sure I can place them. Just by my feeling, they feel mid to late '70s-ish, but perhaps I'm wrong. Also, there is the issue of the very, very similar "Brian's Tune" (also known as "Rollin' Up to Heaven" which was recorded late in '74. So was this recorded after or before "Ding Dang"?

Plus I'm pretty sure you have the song's co-writer, Roger McGuinn saying that it was written together while Brian was trying to duck Gene Landy and his crew, which obviously wouldn't make sense if the song was already done and dusted by mid 1974.

I suspect this might just be something that is left vague, but I figured I'd ask anyways just to see if anybody knows anything.

Anybody got any concrete info on when this one was done.
189  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Brian Wilson - 2019 Tour Thread on: June 11, 2019, 09:14:44 PM
I would go see a "Brian Wilson Orchestra" show, as long as they made clear that Brian wouldn't be there, and it would essentially be a "Tribute" type of show. But I'd want it to be the "original" band from 1999 to the early 2000's...which would include Scott Bennett, among the others. I know, I know....that's a very controversial thing to say or even think about.

I don't think Bennett's on-stage contribution was or is integral enough to *need* him to be on stage. The band had enough changes just in the first couple of years that I don't feel a need for a replication of that original lineup. I don't need Joe Thomas and Steve Dahl, and I think D'Amico is as good on drums as Hines or Sucherman were. I might actually prefer D'Amico. I think Lizik is a fine bassist but has never been super to my taste, so if, say, Al fronted an amalgamation of BW backing guys, I wouldn't mind him bringing along Ed Carter or something like that.

I think Al (in conjunction with maybe Blondie and/or Marks) could front a pared-down version of Brian's band that's more affordable, consisting of Al, Matt, Darian, Probyn, D'Amico, some bassist (Carter or Lizik, etc.), and maybe one more ancillary guy to play keys and/or guitar. All of Brian's guys are great, but I think a slimmed-down Al-fronted tour could work without an extra percussionist, guitarist, keyboardist, and woodwind player, especially if he did a bit more Al-centric and Brother-era material and a bit less of the Summer Days/Pet Sounds sort of stuff.
My comments on Scott are based on some YouTube videos, now no longer available unfortunately. Watching the interplay between Scott and Taylor during Marcella was part of the fun in watching it. He's also a damn good guitar player.

He's also a convicted rapist, so why are we even going down this road?

This is by no means a defense for Scott's actions. Consider the notion that video surveillance were as prevelant in the 60's-80's as it is now. Where would Mike Love and Dennis Wilson be now?

I'll just leave that there.

There's been some....iffy....stuff said about the guys from time to time, but I think this is too much RubberSoul. I personally think you are usually a great poster, but this is beyond the pale. I think at the very least we can give Mike and Denny the benefit of the doubt that they aren't rapists.
190  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Brian postponing tour the day before it starts. on: June 10, 2019, 07:43:16 AM
I'm sure somebody has beaten me to it, but in case nobody has seen the Brian Wilson Facebook page just posted this:

"Brian, Melinda and the Wilson family would like to thank all of you for your wonderful notes and good wishes. Brian looks forward to feeling better and seeing you again this Fall. Love & Mercy."

So I think it's reasonable to think that maybe Brian's getting some much needed rest and maybe some kinda treatment and that he will be back doing what he does soon and back on the road in the fall.

I think I speak for everyone here that all we want is for Brian to be of sound mind and body, at least as much as a 77 year old man can be. If he doesn't feel up to touring and/or recording, so be it. And if he feels best still getting out there and touring and maybe recording some new stuff, that's wonderful too. He's given us so much over his life that just his presence in today's world is good enough for me.
191  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Brian postponing tour the day before it starts. on: June 06, 2019, 11:37:06 AM
You know, I'm thinking that for those who are very worried (count me among them) it could be that Brian just mentally knew he couldn't handle these upcoming dates. He just didn't have it in him. I remember when I was 19 I knew that I wasn't going to be able to handle another college semester away from home. I freaked, I guess I'd say I had a breakdown. And that was that. I dropped out (just for that semester) and later went back to school after getting my head back in shape. Or shoot, just while typing this, perhaps it was another 1964 plane type deal for Brian. He just realized he couldn't do it. The brain is a crazy thing and who knows what pushes us to certain points.

Perhaps I'm wrong, but who knows?
192  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: What Happened to jeffrey Foskett?? on: June 01, 2019, 06:32:36 AM
Hope he’s ok. He does not look healthy at all .

Really? I think Jeff looks pretty good. He's 63.
As for Bruce, he and Mike have looked and dressed like old men for a decade and a half. They look like they're living at Del Boca Vista with Jerry Seinfeld's parents. But they're in their late 70s, so...

This is my favorite post ever LOL LOL


Also, Bruce gave me a pen. But he really wanted it back. Kinda messed up.
193  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike working on yet another new album on: May 31, 2019, 09:20:35 AM
In some cases, he's literally dusting off old recordings (e.g. "Cool Head") and just sticking them on albums.

In the case of "Cool Head" I will say it's one case of Mike getting it right. He got a good recording of it, which is probably his best "solo" song in like 2003, and released it on The Beach Boys' Songs from Here & Back in '06 and instead of screwing it up over a decade later, like he did with some of the other material from around that time, he left well enough alone.
194  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike working on yet another new album on: May 31, 2019, 08:26:19 AM
It's interesting that Mike hasn't sought out a Terry Melcher-type collaborator to continue to write new material that much. Yes, there are a few actual originals (or newly polished-off songs) on the recent albums. But beyond the glut of cover versions and BB re-recordings, most of the "originals" on the albums have been songs written decades ago.

One would have thought that Mike's continual stated desire to "write songs from scratch" alone in a room with Brian would have sprung at least in part by a desire to write new music in general. Yet, we don't see him seeking out alternate avenues to write a ton of material with other writers (at least in terms of what's released). It tends to reinforce the feeling some fans have that Mike's "alone in a room" thing with Brian had more to do with taking issue with *others* writing with Brian and getting writing credits/royalties.

Agreed that it's a shame that now that he is finally putting out new albums that he either hasn't written new material to put on them, or at least taken older unreleased stuff and reworked it for this new one. Whatever we wanna say about Unleash The Love, at least he was finally getting some of his his own better material finally out there on his own album ("Cool Head", "Daybreak" in an arrangement more like the First Love version, "Too Cruel" and "I Don't Wanna Know"). One would think that he has more unreleased (or at least super rare) material that is work another look, but perhaps not, and that's why we end up with one "new" original that is around 40 years old ("California Beach") and a bunch of covers and re-records (and even some re-recorded covers apparently).
195  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike working on yet another new album on: May 30, 2019, 10:50:20 PM
Maybe it got lost or nobody cares, but doesn't anybody else kinda find it lame that Mike is covering a song (and probably band) that he has never heard/heard of? Maybe I'm being too hard on him, but I don't know.

And yes, it's the same feeling I had about Brian working with Lana Del Rey (like....why? Whats the point?)

The Ramones are a massive band. They're essentially a brand. They started 45 years ago, when Mike was 33. They covered The Beach Boys, worked with Phil Spector. They're one of the most recognizable American bands. There's no possible way Mike hasn't heard of them nor heard I Wanna Be Sedated or Blitzkrieg Bop. They're also a band that borrowed enough elements of early rock and roll that Mike very well could be into them, or at least certain songs.

It's not like Mike is covering The Descendents. The Ramones are a very well known band.

With that out of the way, there's really no reason for this cover to exist, but it's fine.

Hey startBBtoday, I totally understand what you are saying. I agree that pretty much everybody at least probably in American and Britain probably know at least one, two or even three Ramones songs. They are a brand. You can probably buy their tee-shirt at Wal Mart or Target. But still, these are The Beach Boys we are talking about. And I can definitely imagine a world where both Brian Wilson and Mike Love have no fucking clue who the Ramones are, or maybe at best have only heard of them, but couldn't name a song. Perhaps I'm selling them short though, and it's more than possible you're right.

I still stand by the fact though that Mike probably had never heard of "Rockaway Beach" until somebody recently played it for him though.
196  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike working on yet another new album on: May 30, 2019, 03:30:46 PM
Maybe it got lost or nobody cares, but doesn't anybody else kinda find it lame that Mike is covering a song (and probably band) that he has never heard/heard of? Maybe I'm being too hard on him, but I don't know.

And yes, it's the same feeling I had about Brian working with Lana Del Rey (like....why? Whats the point?)
197  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike working on yet another new album on: May 30, 2019, 01:13:14 PM
Some guy named Jorah posted this on that other board. A boardie over there thought it was by HeyJude under a pseudonym (which I definitely took as a compliment). But anyways, I've been permission to repost by Mr. Mormont. So I figured I'd throw his thoughts in here if anybody cares...

I don't post on the "Endless Harmony" board and never have. I read it sometimes. But I don't post on that or any other BB board under pseudonyms or otherwise. I've been on the BB interwebs for coming up on 25 years and haven't thus far been dragged into *that* particular accusation.

I've reached out to someone via e-mail on the other board and asked them to let that poster on that board and any other needed parties over there know that whoever that is on the EH board, it isn't me. If anyone here could also help me let folks on that board know, that would be much appreciated.

Trust me, nobody wants to drag me into this sort of BS. Bad idea.

Golly HJ, I think you took that a bit too seriously. Obviously it was myself posing as Jorah on that board and I outed myself as that poster on that board.

I was simply paying you a compliment by saying that somebody thought that I was you. I suppose from now on I will no longer try to good naturedly engage you. My apologies, seriously. Did not want to drag anybody into anything.  Undecided
198  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Career mishaps?? on: May 30, 2019, 01:10:17 PM
I don't know if this has been mentioned or not, but I think not releasing the original version of Oh Darlin' with Brian singing was a mistake. I was just listening to this last night(a few times in a row, actually), and it's much better than I remembered. I think it's much, much better than the slower and, frankly, boring version. The Brian version is a little more uptempo, and it shows that at least in the studio, Brian was capable of delivering a very good vocal. It would have also given him much more of a presence on a studio album by the group when they sorely needed it.

The version of "Oh, Darlin'" with Brian singing uses the same backing track as the eventual released version. Barring slight tape speed variations on the circulating versions, the backing tracks are the same (obviously the final released version had more overdubs).

I actually like the song, the composition itself, and I particularly have always liked the dissonant backing vocals during the bridge.

But no version of the song was ever going to change the band's fortunes in any way. Again, I like the track, but its production is cheesy and wonky, the arrangement is pretty limp and cheesy, the lyrics aren't that great (either version). That circulating Brian scratch vocal, while certainly interesting to fans and scholars (there aren't a ton of KTSA-era Brian leads), is pretty choppy and a bit croaky. Definitely sounds like a guide/scratch vocal.

But any version of the song was never going to be a hit or even released as a single. I think a vastly rejiggered version of the song, with more organic, sparse production, possibly some rewritten lyrics, could have been quite good.

I'd love to see an expanded KTSA with the Brian lead and all sorts of other tracks from the era. But I wouldn't say not releasing a creaky Brian guide vocal was in any way a career misstep.

I agree with Jay that not releasing "Oh Darlin'" with Brian on lead was a misstep while I also agree with HeyJude that it wasn't a truly fatal misstep as by that point, nobody really cared by then anyways.

But anyways as for all Brian's Beach Boys material, especially from Today! on, I don't think you could find a more forgettable song (or at least a more forgettable recording). Carl's vocal redefines the word workmanlike and is also a bit sleepy, the backing track absolutely plods and Bruce's "God only knows" during the tag is just the kinda self referential embarrassment that makes it tough to be a Beach Boys fan sometimes.

It's crazy because after all this time dismissing the song as a useless piece of nothing, when I heard the version with Brian on lead, the song suddenly became alive. Not a great, classic song by any stretch, but a decent album track. I assume the Carl vocal was chosen because of commercial considerations, though perhaps Brian wrote it for him?

As far as the production, it's just Bruce Johnston through and through. Cardboard, boring, no balls but at the same time not light enough to be pleasantly light (if one gets my idea, I know it's hard to communicate on this kinda thing via text). However, as bad as the production is, I think blame has to go to the songwriters (Brian and Mike) for not giving enough of a crap to have this promising tune turned into a big stinky pile by release.
199  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike working on yet another new album on: May 30, 2019, 12:26:14 PM
Some guy named Jorah posted this on that other board. A boardie over there thought it was by HeyJude under a pseudonym (which I definitely took as a compliment). But anyways, I've been permission to repost by Mr. Mormont. So I figured I'd throw his thoughts in here if anybody cares...

Wow. Michael sounds pretty wobbly on this one. I applaud him for trying to "rock" a bit more but I have to say that in the studio, perhaps Mike shouldn't be doing leads like this kind anymore. It's kinda like Brian on the verses of 2017's "Run, James, Run" in that these quicker rockers are just too wordy and energetic to get truly great performances from these guys anymore. Just as Brian voice is better suited to ballad type material these days ("Please Let Me Wonder" live, "Summer's Gone", "Whatever Happened"), Mike is now at his best when he's doing a "Cool Head, Warm Heart", "Daybreak Over the Ocean" or "Kokomo" type deal. It's Alan Jardine who is best doing the uptempo leads these days. Or the least having Alan double Mike like he did on "Beaches In Mind". And all this is yet another reason that Brian, Mike and Al should at least be recording together. But hey, that's their choice(s).

Lastly, it kinda makes me feel a wee bit uncomfortable when they are doing work with artists/cover artists that they have no knowledge of. I myself would be incredibly surprised if Mike Love knows a single Ramones song and/or has ever heard of them, outside of seeing people where their tee-shirt. Same for Brian. Though I could see both actually kinda liking music like "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend" and maybe even something like "Judy is a Punk" I just don't think Mr. Lifestyles-of-the-Rich-and-Famous, jet-setting, PMRC supporting Mike Love has ever given more than possibly a few thoughts of the Ramones. Just as I can't imagine Brian truly being able to name a pop star who came to prominence after, say, Phil Collins or Lionel Richie. For whatever reason, the guys don't seem connected to contemporary music after around the mid-'80s. Honestly, as far as influences, you don't hear much past the late '60s for Brian, while with Mike you usually have your doo-wop and early rock influences, though I suppose Buffett's "trop-rock" may have been an influence for later work.

But then sometimes I get surprised, like when you have Brian talking up Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, which I never thought he would like, or Mike's Bruno Mars love (though I get the feeling Mike saw him on TV and just kinda put a wish out there to work with him, I never got the feeling that Mars was ever approached by the Love camp, nor would he likely accept. For whatever reason, probably the best Mike could do is these days is Hanson, who ain't so current). Al and Bruce eem to be a bit more plugged in (in their own respective ways) with Al occasionally singing the praises of relatively newer groups like the Fleet Foxes and Bruce (ugh) talking about modern day country (which let's be honest, mostly is a massive corruption of the great country music that was made during the 20th century).

Lastly, sorry for going way off track there. But the idea of any of The Beach Boys covering a punk tune kinda made me snicker and I had to post. My b.
200  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike working on yet another new album on: May 29, 2019, 11:11:35 AM
I'm not a Mike hater, but I'm not going to pretend I listen to his solo stuff. If it's not going to be good anyway, then I'd prefer he at least make his covers his own. And a SIP-style Rockaway Beach certainly would at least be funnier than what I'm hearing in the 38-second sample, which just doesn't really need to exist, as is.

Certain songs on Summer in Paradise (Still Surfin', Lahaina Aloha, title track) are guilty pleasures of mine because a. they're catchy and b. because of the kitschy production. Those songs wouldn't really be interesting at all without the datedness of the electronic drums and 80s/90s guitar tone.

Might be an unpopular opinion, but that album cover certainly doesn't fit what I'm hearing from the 30-second sample of Rockaway Beach.

You know startBB, you actually kinda nailed it there. A lot of us have complained over the years about the '79 version of "Here Comes the Night", The Beach Boys '85 and Summer In Paradise, along with some giving Brian Wilson '88 some grief as well (though I personally love it).

It seems like so many of us wanted a return to a more "natural" recording, and with that we'd get more "classic" tunes. But really, and maybe it's just me, but I'd take the craziness of "Crack at Your Love" and it's recording over something like the more "natural" sounds of most of Gettin' In Over My Head just like I'd take the insanity of Summer In Paradise or that crazy '80s bombast of "Getcha Back" over Mike's new "Rockaway Beach" cover or "Make Love Not War" or whatever crap that is.

Now for material like That Lucky Old Sun, That's Why God Made The Radio, No Pier Pressure (excepting "Runaway Dancer"....yeesh) and yes, even Mike's "Cool Head, Warm Heart" and his solo version of "Daybreak Over the Ocean", these are (in my opinion) well written and well-recorded songs, at least instrumentally (as I know there are many about the vocal processing on both guys solo records) and therefore we are lucky that he weren't recorded in a super dated or tacky style.
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