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176  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Anyone wanna psychoanalyze me? on: September 28, 2009, 07:26:58 PM
huhuhuhuhuhhuh, he said analyze

heheheh yea yea, heh analyze, hey butthead, i'm gonna analyze you

shut up, beavis!

177  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Here is a Mystery ... on: September 28, 2009, 06:33:31 PM
watch it descend into "What Beach Boy would you DO if, of course, you weren't completely straight"!

The question of who I would do depends on whether it would be a case of doing or being done.

To do : Carl (love the ass and tits), Al (already love petite girls, Al's the next best thing!)

To be done by : Dennis, Mike (hopefully he chants his mantra during his climax)

To make sweet love to : Brian, while Pet Sounds is playing, and I'd pretend that I'm Marilyn (although I have a chin).

And I would take voyeuristic pictures of Bruce changing his clothes and sell them on eBay for profit.
178  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike Love In Real Love on: September 28, 2009, 09:53:33 AM
John's thoughts : if I ignore him he'll get the idea

George's thoughts : oh god please shut up, please shut up, please shut up

Mike's thoughts : hell yeah, I'm with the Beatles  Cool
179  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Brianīs new Songs... on: September 28, 2009, 09:35:00 AM

Murry was Brian's father, for cryin' out loud.  By 1969, he couldn't have been unaware of the mental problems that Brian was having.

that's why I find it so touching

Murry may have been a jerk but jerks don't sit down to write songs with their son. it almost seems like Murry is channeling Brian's emotions a little bit, or trying to help him out in a way. plus, Murry also had his share of depressed episodes so it's not like he doesn't know the territory. how does Brian reflect back on Break Away these days? he likes it, right? must've been a good experience with Murry that day. maybe there was no arguing or bad words spoken, just love. maybe they went for lunch and talked about everything. it's sweet.
180  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Mike Love In Real Love on: September 28, 2009, 09:31:19 AM
Is it the real Mike, pre-death, or the new Mike?
181  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: BW and the Beatles' Revolver on: September 27, 2009, 10:55:37 PM
Paul is dead

Someone should've started a similar meme with the Beach Boys. Who would it have been though? Mike? The replacement Mike is the guy with the beard, the hats, the forays into mysticism... it would be more difficult to pull off since their lyrics aren't as cryptic on the whole and have less room for conspiratorial interpretation.

The original Mike Love in fact died of food poisoning while on his first trip to India.

In order to cover up this controversy the Beatles and Maharishi slipped out of the commune one night and found, hidden away in a leper colony, an albino Indian of similar height, build and facial structure as the deceased Mike Love.

Whisking him away back to the commune, traveling by Maharishi's magic carpet, they first stopped at a local farm and shaved a sacred cow of its reddish hair and carefully glued it to the face of the albino Indian to match Mike's beard.

Once back, they dumped the body of old-Mike in the Ganges and Paul McCartney hurriedly began teaching the new Mike all the Beach Boys songs.

Later that day, after mastering the Beach Boys sound and style, new-Mike helped Paul write lyrics to a song he was working on called "Back In The U.S.S.R".

Once back in the states, new-Mike's funny behavior was written off as his exposure to Maharishi's teachings. That or the food.

182  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: INLAND EMPIRE on: September 27, 2009, 10:32:51 PM
i've heard great things about this film, wanna see it. my exposure to Lynch is very small: Blue Velvet (Loved Dennis Hopper's performace), parts of Dune, and Mullholland Drive.

Actually just bought the extended cut of Dune two days ago.

Have you seen Eraserhead? INLAND EMPIRE is closer to that than his other films, I'd say, and yet it's entirely unique. In the same sense that Mulholland Drive focuses on the plights of women or a woman, so does IE.

Really, it's Lynch at his most bizarre and yet masterful. The film may feel torturous to watch or disorienting. You may want to escape. All part of the plan. He pulls you in. If you acquire IE I suggest the following context for watching it and getting the most out of it (although it requires several viewings to even begin grasping) : late at night around midnight or a few hours earlier if you can't stay up until 3am on nay night ; in complete darkness, no lights or even dull lamps should be left on, likewise no glaring electronics ; should be viewed on the biggest and best screen you have, preferably not a tiny laptop screen ; should be heard through the best sound system you have as Lynch's soundtracks are always great and in IE many of the more darkly atmospheric pieces of music were composed and created by him himself and are best appreciated at a compelling volume on good speakers, it really will make a huge difference ; watch it sober (although I've seen it while on various drugs its most effectively disorienting qualities shine more when you're sober ; and last but not least, NO INTERRUPTIONS!!! Pee before you turn it on and keep an empty water bottle next to you if you're a guy, and get any drinks or snacks ready so you don't get up and miss things. If you really have to get up and walk away, like if your house is burning or you're being robbed, pause the film first.

A note about the digital camera style : Lynch is generally better known for being a great visual artist and films like Eraserhead have a distinctive filmy quality to them. With IE, David dumped the big cameras and all that work and filmed the entire thing on some sort of handheld device. Some people feel it doesn't work, some think it does. I am of both opinions at different times. Sometimes I wonder whether the film could've become an instant classic had it been filmed on something more than a handheld digicam but the capabilities of the handheld make for some compelling scenes and very realistic scenes.

If you enjoyed the mindfuck aspect of Mulholland Drive then INLAND EMPIRE will appeal to you - although, beware, it's much less commercial and very dark.

I hope you enjoy it , feel free to bump this thread whenever you get round to seeing it (this post goes out to everyone else, too)!
183  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Here is a Mystery ... on: September 27, 2009, 07:53:25 PM
roles reversed:

184  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: How did they ever think to record Sloop John B ? on: September 27, 2009, 07:39:07 PM
185  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / How did they ever think to record Sloop John B ? on: September 27, 2009, 07:34:11 PM

Just kidding. You needed a chuckle.
186  Smiley Smile Stuff / The Beach Boys Media / Re: The *official* Brian/BB picture thread on: September 27, 2009, 05:50:24 PM

Note: Billy Hinsche behind mask, far right.

Damn, that's new to me.

Long time since I've come accross a BB pic I haven't seen.  Grin

Thanks for posting.

Wow, Mike looks great here, as does Carl. Very cool look for both of them around this period. Mike was at his peak, I think.
187  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Meaning of Spanish chant on IJWMFTT? on: September 27, 2009, 05:10:12 PM
several years ago i was in an automobile listening to the stereo mix of it and kept rewinding the last half minute or so for as long as the ride lasted. carol's bass line is great. i often see paul mccartney crediting brian's use of bass as an inspiration, and unaware beatle fans crediting paul for being ahead of his time, but i think some of carol's playing from those few years is great, distinctive stuff.

Carol isn't on that track. It's Ray Pohlman on Fender bass and Chuck Berghofer on the string bass.

ahahhaa, oh well

ray pohlman ftw

188  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Have you gone through a [insert name] phase? on: September 27, 2009, 04:38:26 PM
I can somewhat relate. I'm a female, so I wasn't trying to copy the way Brian looked or dressed, but whenever I start getting really into someone, I have this habit of picking out all the things I have in common with them. And usually (probably just because I want to), I find a lot of similarities. Which sorta freaks me out a bit when I think about it now, considering what a troubling time Brian had mentally way back when...

It seems a little dumb, and when I think back to some of the people I did this with, I'm like, "What was I thinking, we're NOTHING alike..." I still do see many similarities between us, though, like in the way we think and act about certain things. For example, when I was younger (probably 13-15, old enough to know better), I was convinced that someone had set up cameras in the ceiling in my room, so I refused to get dressed/undressed, talk to anyone, or really spend a lot of time in there. When I read about Brian thinking his house was bugged, it reminded me of that time. I think the "cameras" turned out to be something from the wood in the attic that was poking down because we had foundation problems.

Just weird, quirky things like that....I'll stop now while you all think I'm just a little odd, lol.

always paranoid that SOMEONE is watching or listening or hearing your thoughts is a definite sign of some mental illness

if i thought there were cameras watching me i'd be deliberately bizarre and put on a good show

it is interesting though to consider how these people may influence us. what if brian was together mentally through the years, didn't use drugs, didn't overeat, took great care of his family and looked out for his friends, etc...? would we also incline towards such behavior due to his power of influence?

it's like the whole issue of people becoming enamored by the myth of kurt cobain and other such people. what if the commonly accepted belief that kurt was depressed and killed himself turned out to be untrue? that's the major inspiration for many of the conspiracy theorists - to dispell that rumor in order to help others who identify with Kurt and feel that they must also meet a similar end since, if he couldn't make it, how could they? this is an important issue - most celebrities tend to lead less than noble lives, and their power of influence is incredibly strong, on a religious level due to the mass availability of their product, images, etc. for example, if all the tv and radio and cd and internet stuff was around in, say, the Prophet Muhammad's day, the entire earth might've been converted due to the power of his influence which affected the whole of Arabia in just 20 years time.
189  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Meaning of Spanish chant on IJWMFTT? on: September 27, 2009, 04:28:50 PM
So is this any other person's favorite Pet Sounds song? it has a great, rolling movement to it that I love.

several years ago i was in an automobile listening to the stereo mix of it and kept rewinding the last half minute or so for as long as the ride lasted. carol's bass line is great. i often see paul mccartney crediting brian's use of bass as an inspiration, and unaware beatle fans crediting paul for being ahead of his time, but i think some of carol's playing from those few years is great, distinctive stuff.

i love that rehearsal video of brian and his band going through the song. brian sitting on a couch reading the lines as he goes along, the rest of them singing, some of them totally enamored by the song.
190  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Cool, Cool Water on: September 27, 2009, 04:22:29 PM

I see a bit of Al there.


What's with nobody trolling the board the last few days.

I dunno, what's with your ugly face?

191  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Meaning of Spanish chant on IJWMFTT? on: September 27, 2009, 11:27:03 AM
I think the news came out on this when Mark Linnet was remixing the album for stereo and heard those backing vocals isolated for the first time. Brian was asked about it, but had no recollection of recording those vocals and expressed astonishment that they were even in the mix (nothing too suprising there!). Given that Brian and the boys had earlier recorded a German version of "In My Room" and would later drop in a bit of French to "In My Window", Brian probably thought it would be cool at the time to have some Spanish language lyrics in there...and then promptly forgot about them.

Strange! They can definitely be heard on the mono, but they sound like distant winds. It's perfect really, isn't it? Like a long lost gem found peaking out of the ground. I find it hard to believe that Brian didn't remember or know they were in the mix since they can clearly be heard. Maybe he just didn't listen to the album much over the years.
192  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Brian is on Twitter on: September 27, 2009, 11:23:47 AM
I've never been to the Twitter website and don't intend to ever. What is it? Is it something where someone updates regularly with what they're doing?

I don't like that very much. I don't like people knowing what I'm up to and have no interest in knowing what others are up to unless it's something significant and worth sharing.

Although ... imagine Brian with Twitter 20-30 years ago!

4:00 : Eugene is pulling up the drive

4:10 : quidhwieuhisdjhfksdjhfw wiefoijsoifhkjsdhf kdjsfhjhiweodfjwiejdoij e

193  Smiley Smile Stuff / 1960's Beach Boys Albums / Re: 20/20 on: September 27, 2009, 10:45:52 AM

Do It Again 4/5
The Nearest Faraway Place 4/5
Our Prayer 4/5
Cabinessence 5/5

Is this some kind of sick joke? Our Prayer is a 5/5 like Cabinessence. It's so lush and beautiful on this album. Totally undeserving of being in the same 4/5 category as Do It Again and, ugh, The Nearest Faraway Place.
194  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Meaning of Spanish chant on IJWMFTT? on: September 27, 2009, 10:42:32 AM
Is there a story behind the inclusion of it? I'll have to listen again later but I seem to recall it being fairly buried in the mix on the mono. I wonder who the first fan was to hear it and understand it?
195  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Here is a Mystery ... on: September 27, 2009, 09:55:09 AM
You're all so insecure. What's wrong with admiring someone's beauty or lack of beauty? This is the universe, we all belong.

Besides, you've been staring at pictures and listening to them boyz sing to you for quite a while now ... what's up with that? Got something to tell us?  Shocked
196  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Brianīs new Songs... on: September 27, 2009, 09:52:59 AM
In fact, I'd go as far as to say that Scott is Brian's best collaborator since Van Dyke Parks during the original Smile album.
Breakaway is better than anything in TLOS. So, Murry Wilson is a better collaborator than Scott.

Ok, enough of Monthy Python for today.  Grin

That's no surprise. Murry rules. Without Murry there'd be no Beach Boys - fact! (well, very logical assumption!).

And Brian doesn't deny his dad's musical influence. It's not odd to me at all that together they churned out a good song. I find it touching, actually. Can anyone shed more light on the story of Breakaway? I was aware that Brian and Reggie are credited for it but don't know how they came to work together, why they did, how it went, etc. Personally I think of Murry as a big softy, a deeply insecure man needing lots of love, who puts on a thick coat of hardness to survive in the world and to appear important. Of course I could be wrong - maybe he was the monster he's made out to be, but when I hear him criticizing the boys at the Rhonda sessions, things like that, I hear only concern in his voice. After all, he didn't say "don't sing from your hearts", did he? And Murry's 'yelling' seems to be more a thing of him having one of those loud and distinct voices and using it to rise above others. I've known some people like that, they're not that bad if you give 'em a playful poke in the belly or a tickle.  Smiley
197  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Brianīs new Songs... on: September 26, 2009, 11:46:59 PM
I always think of Love You as a collection of songs one might sing playfully with one's child or something like that. "Solar System" is just waiting to become someone's favorite childhood song. Perhaps if I sire children I will play them Love You a lot and see what they think.
198  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Brianīs new Songs... on: September 26, 2009, 11:12:52 PM
My mistake- I meant "Still I Dream Of It"- good melody, godawful lyric.  

Forgive me if this next thing sounds harsh; I'm just throwing this out here for discussion.   And I know this puts me at tremendous odds with a lot of folks in the next generation of Brian's fans, too, but I've never gotten the pretending that "Johnny Carson" and stuff like that is "brilliant".   To me it's sort of demeaning to him and what remains of his dignity. That material is the product of some dark problems he was going through, and I'll always hold it a little against the whole band for letting it get out there in that form. If Brian had actually died as a result of that period- coked himself to death, or dug his grave and leaped from the roof into it-  I wonder if we'd find his unraveling so cool. I don't know, maybe it'd be more so.  

In about 1990 there was an independent label tribute CD with some good stuff on it, but one band turned in a mocking version of "Johnny Carson".  Some tribute to Brian. That's what they got of his career?  Really? I hated 'em for that.

I just can't stand seeing the guy who wrote "Caroline, No" mock-revered for the lunatic emotional-problem stuff like "Johnny Carson".  The stuff that makes non-Beach Boys fans cringe makes me cringe even more. There, it's always bothered me, I said it, have at me.  I'm a spoilsport. Bring on the rotten tomatoes. Just one guy's opinion, anyway.

In another thread or maybe this one or somewhere tonight there was some discussion about a tape with Brian playing piano with some friends or whoever around. He played some Ding Dang I think and someone asked which record it was from. "Beach Boys Love You" Brian said, then said something like "that thing was great" and everyone shared a knowing laugh.

199  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Who let Bruce write songs for the album? on: September 26, 2009, 11:08:37 PM
I feel obliged to man up here and say that "Deirdre" is one of my favorite post-Capitol Beach Boys songs and I can't imagine Sunflower without it.  Wouldn't want to change that excellent album one bit.

When was "When Girls Get Together" recorded? From memory it sounds like it was that same period of time. I'd exchange that for "Tears In The Morning". If it weren't for the slightly wandering melody the former would be a truly great song I think. Or maybe that's what makes it so great already.
200  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Brianīs new Songs... on: September 26, 2009, 10:56:10 PM
Agreed. I hope Scott becomes a permanent collaborator for Brian. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that Scott is Brian's best collaborator since Van Dyke Parks during the original Smile album. Can you imagine if Bennett today could work with the Brian of the late 60s-early 70s?

Who did Brian work with doing tracks like Sail On Sailor? I think that sort of thing was another peak in his collaborations. I dunno if Scott has the depth to offer up any profound words, no offense to him.
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