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126  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love and Mercy Soundtrack on: August 13, 2015, 08:40:26 PM
Also available as a lossless download from Ponomusic:
127  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love and Mercy Soundtrack on: August 13, 2015, 08:12:26 PM
128  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love and Mercy Soundtrack on: August 13, 2015, 06:50:23 PM

It's August 14th, down under (I'm sure you hate that phrase).

I'm going to keep checking this evening on the US iTunes. Hoping they put it up before I turn in. Thanks for posting the link to the NZ iTunes. It was nice to hear the clear samples.
129  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love and Mercy Soundtrack on: August 13, 2015, 02:30:24 PM
Anyone seeing a listing for the download on iTunes or Amazon Music yet? It appears as though they may be rushing the digital release of this for awards season (Grammies at least), so I realize this may not be on the usual timetable. But usually a day before release they have some sort of listing if not previews. Curious if they'll get that all up by tomorrow morning.

Nothing yet. I think iTunes releases that just "appear" like this do so early in the morning Eastern Standard Time..6-7 AM.

130  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love and Mercy Soundtrack on: August 13, 2015, 09:30:38 AM
Am I the only one who's really disappointed they didn't throw in at least one goodie from the archives? Something from the Bedroom Tapes?

I'm hoping maybe there will be some sort of archival release of that nature around the time "I Am Brian Wilson" comes out next year, maybe.

131  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love and Mercy Soundtrack on: August 13, 2015, 08:12:19 AM
Good find guys...


And of course...they got me again. I'll end up buying the soundtrack download tomorrow, because I have no ability to delay gratification. LOL And I'll turn around and buy the CD release in September. Same with the movie on iTunes August 25th. I have to have it immediately..that bonus material is calling to me. But I'll still buy the BD in September, have had it pre-ordered since mid July.

This is me...

132  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love and Mercy - News and Reviews - First clip is out. on: August 12, 2015, 05:18:24 PM
there is a lot 'white' in the '80s scenes to emphasize the 'clinical-ness' of the era -- stuff like that I'm willing to swallow. Also confirmed by Pohlad himself, which helps.

Yes and the set designer said during an interview he was aiming for a 'cooler' pallet in the 1980s scenes. And 'warmer' in the 1960s scenes. To try and draw contrasts between how Los Angeles looked in the different eras.
133  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love and Mercy - News and Reviews - First clip is out. on: August 12, 2015, 12:44:48 PM
I meant to post this before. American Cinematographer (July 2015) "Harmony & Discord".
134  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love and Mercy - News and Reviews - First clip is out. on: August 12, 2015, 12:20:38 PM
Something else that's pretty subtle is during the opening highlights montage. There's a quick 4-5 second scene of the band seated at a table with Mike introducing them all: "Yea, we've all grown up in Hawthorne California. Brothers here: (pointing) Dennis, Brian and Carl all grew up in the same house.." and as Mike says "Carl" Carl sits forward to introduce himself "Carl".

Obviously, this is a way to fix in your mind that his (and Dennis') characters will factor into the story and we should make note of them. I know it's just a story telling device but it's clever in the way it was executed. I thought.
135  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love and Mercy - News and Reviews - First clip is out. on: August 12, 2015, 07:17:03 AM
Thanks for sharing the Japanese material, JCM.

I had the same reaction to the more subtle scenes, but it took 3-5 viewings to soak a lot of it in.  Given that Pohlad produced "Tree of Life," I also assumed he appreciated imagery and would use it in a film where he had to pack so much life and so many people into a single film.  I think the man did a brilliant job and I'm looking forward to the dvd so I can really soak it in and am really hoping for extensive actor/director/writer/cinematographer commentary.  Mid-Sept, right?

Sept 15th for the Blu-ray/DVD release, yep. Soundtrack listed for Sept 18th.

HD Digital download available from iTunes, Google Play and Amazon on August 25th. Gotta be honest, I'm not going to wait and get the BD. I gots to see the extras NOW!!! Smiley
136  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love and Mercy - News and Reviews - First clip is out. on: August 12, 2015, 07:10:57 AM
I absolutely agree that there are not many 'accidents' in this film. The fact that the "bed montage" calls back to that specific scene, with Dennis missing from the railing, cut to reflection of water from the pool. None of that is an accident.

Carl's line "We just gotta to stick together brothers. We just stick together, it'll all be okay", I think, is meant to illustrate that he is the brother trying to hold all of it together and will be that anchor for the brothers and the band in the years to come after Brian relinquishes control. And yes, it's deep.

This film is only 121 minutes and there is so much ground covered or implied that perhaps a casual viewer would miss. Obviously it didn't slip by many of us. Even though the focus of the film is 1965-1967 / 1985-1987 (more or less) there are so many nuggets sprinkled throughout that deftly illustrate off screen events or go a long way to imply off screen events.

Thankfully, this movie was made for grown ups with reasoning and deductive skills and not a birth-rise-fall-rise story. How horrifying that would have been.
137  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love & Mercy Blu-Ray/DVD Official thread on: August 12, 2015, 06:52:51 AM
Geez you guys are a tough crowd. Someone asked the question..and others tried to guide them on the choice. Not everyone is up technology.

That said, I think a slide show would be good. I'll volunteer to provide still photos and narrate.  LOL
138  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love and Mercy - News and Reviews - First clip is out. on: August 11, 2015, 04:59:29 PM
Yes, I caught the Dennis on the edge thing.  And if I remember correctly, isn't here a scene at the end of the movie, I believe mixed in with the 2001 montage, that shows Brian and Carl on the deck, but the railing is absent and Dennis is no longer there?

Yepper. And the next frame after that is a reflection of the pool.
139  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love and Mercy - News and Reviews - First clip is out. on: August 11, 2015, 01:17:13 PM
Sorry for cross-posting (also posted this in the BD/DVD thread) but I wanted to make sure people saw these. I was giddy when I found them.  Razz

The film recently opened in Japan and I was cruising through the Japanese Facebook site for the film (I know, I need a life).. but I saw two still photos that I hadn't seen elsewhere. And, the cool thing is that both seem to be from 'deleted scenes'.

The first one looks like a scene from the screenplay where Marilyn is asleep in bed and Brian is listening to "Be My Baby" over and over again on his headphones.

This one is a little harder to identify but there is a scene in the screenplay where Brian is watching the tv and sees some news about a fire and says "LA's burning!" and has kind of a freak out because he thinks the Fire Tapes caused the fire.

Hoping these and more are included among the deleted scenes included on the BD/Digital release.
140  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love and Mercy - News and Reviews - First clip is out. on: August 11, 2015, 09:21:24 AM
Yes, there are metaphors throughout the film that allude to future events, some subtle and some not-so-subtle. There are many layers that are presented within the confines of 121 minute running time. Perhaps more than are immediately evident to the casual viewer. Multiple viewings definitely do reward those that wish to dive in.
141  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love and Mercy - News and Reviews - First clip is out. on: August 10, 2015, 06:52:19 PM

"Well piss on you, Al".

Enjoy your vacation!
142  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love & Mercy Blu-Ray/DVD Official thread on: August 10, 2015, 05:26:09 PM
To piggyback on what you guys are talking about. Most DVD players, on down to the PS3 and PS4 do a pretty marvelous job upscaling regular DVDs. Mind you, if a Blu-ray release for the same title is available, that's always preferable.
143  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love & Mercy Blu-Ray/DVD Official thread on: August 10, 2015, 06:17:56 AM
Debated on whether or not to post this here or in the 'main' thread about the movie. Kind of felt like it belonged here.

The film recently opened in Japan and I was cruising through the Japanese Facebook site for the film (I know, I need a life).. but I saw two still photos that I hadn't seen elsewhere. And, the cool thing is that both seem to be from 'deleted scenes'.

The first one looks like a scene from the screenplay where Marilyn is asleep in bed and Brian is listening to "Be My Baby" over and over again on his headphones.

This one is a little harder to identify but there is a scene in the screenplay where Brian is watching the tv and sees some news about a fire and says "LA's burning!" and has kind of a freak out because he thinks the Fire Tapes caused the fire.

Hoping these and more are included among the deleted scenes.
144  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love & Mercy Blu-Ray/DVD Official thread on: August 07, 2015, 04:08:15 PM
This isn't really "news" but I see on iTunes that the Pre-Order listing has been updated to include iTunes Extras. As of this writing, the explore iTunes Extras section lists the following (same as the BD & DVD, but with actual running times on the Featurettes):

A California Story: Creating the Look of Love & Mercy" Featurette (10 min :48 sec)
"A-Side/B-Side: Portraying the Life of Brian Wilson" Featurette (25 min : 32 sec)
Deleted Scenes (No info yet)
Audio Commentary with director/producer Bill Pohlad and executive producer/co-writer Oren Moverman

Just passing it along.
145  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love and Mercy Soundtrack on: August 07, 2015, 03:35:18 PM
What does it mean when you're Losing It? That you're falling off the Deep End.

This is very true. My reasoning was based on the sequencing but "Deep End" makes just as much sense based on the sequence of the CD. Good call.

I was just looking on the B&N website and noticed the Sales Rank was 118. Considering last week it was like 200,000 something, that's pretty sweet.
146  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love and Mercy Soundtrack on: August 07, 2015, 07:51:31 AM
Having only seen the film once, I'm not an expert on the Ross score bits. But if there is any substantial amount of his score missing from the CD, that would be a bummer. I don't mind interspersing other tracks when there's room for it and the score is there in full. I would hope, if there is a substantial amount of missing score, a separate digital release of the unedited version might surface (and/or appear on CD via an indie label).

Yea, it's a little hard to tell because some of the translations might be off. To better describe where each of these fit in the film, maybe the following will help (these titles are from & the EPK, plus film credits):

Black Hole - Heard as the film opens, after the short prologue scene with Paul Dano. The complete darkness that eventually illuminates the single ear. Just a beautiful sound collage that takes you inside Brian's head.

End Date - Heard as Elizabeth Banks and John Cusack say goodnight after their first date. It's very faint and brief. Unless there is a translation issue, this isn't present on the CD.

Believe - Heard as Cusack & Banks converse over dinner and he explains where he is in life at this point. I believe this track is reprised when they make love later in the film. Also, I think, at several other intervals where Melinda is pensively thinking about what to do.

Silhouette - Heard as Dano lays on the hood of his Corvette Stingray and hears sounds. Hal Blaine's character approaches and they converse.

Headphones - Heard when Murry's character comes to the studio during the recording of "Caroline, No" and plays the acetate of "I Live For the Sun" to chastise Brian. Dano retreats from the control room to the studio and puts on the headphones only to hear voices and a cacophony of noise. Unless there is a translation issue, this isn't present on the CD. And maybe that's because of the inclusion of "I Live For the Sun". I'm just speculating. However, this track in the film is unhindered by dialogue so if you wanted to you could probably extract the audio from the DVD or BD. Maybe this is "Losing It"?

Knives and Forks - Self explanatory. Not on the soundtrack, at least it doesn't appear so.

Deep End - Heard as Dano flails in the deep end of the pool, seeminly drowning in his emotions and "SMiLE". Like Headphones, this is dialogue free so it could be extracted more or less intact. Unless there is a translation issue, this isn't present on the CD.

B&M Studio - Heard as Landy's character interupts Banks & Cusack while she comes to see him in the studio and she pleads with him to leave. Unless there is a translation issue, this isn't present on the CD. Although, I think this might be "I'm Right Here".

Baby No Morph - Heard as Dano sits at the edge of the pool and Marilyn's character calls to him 'she's got your smile'. It's pretty brief. Unless there is a translation issue, this isn't present on the CD.

Bed Montage - Heard as Cusack lays in bed and enters a 'wormhole' and has the "2001" moment.

Into Mercy - Heard as Brian asks Melinda to drive him home. Very brief. I guess this is retitled on the CD as "Intersection".

I also get it that, even more than something like "Made in California" that's weirdly targeted in part at hardcore fans yet still includes a ton of stuff they already have, this L&M soundtrack is targeted at a wider, different audience. (Though, I'd still say a good hunk of anyone with even a passing interest in the film and soundtrack probably already own the three BB classics.).

I'm still obviously very happy to see this released. I guess I can't get too worked up about possible missing score cues considering I don't know how much, if anything, is missing.

I'm thinking some of this stuff might be 'lost in translation' or maybe retitled for the CD release. It may all be there after all...
147  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Love and Mercy Soundtrack on: August 06, 2015, 11:02:49 PM
OK, so I'm not saying this is cemented but after doing my thrice (or more) per day web searches (sue me) I found this:

1. The Black Hole – Atticus Ross and Leopold Ross
2. Don’t Worry Baby – The Beach Boys
3. Silhouette – Atticus Ross and Leopold Ross
4. God Only Knows – Paul Dano
5. God Only Knows – The Beach Boys
6. Believe – Atticus Ross, Leopold Ross and Nick Chuba
7. Good Vibrations – The Beach Boys
8. Losing It – Atticus Ross
9. I’m Right Here – Atticus Ross and Leopold Ross
10. The Bed Montage – Atticus Ross, Leopold Ross, The Beach Boys, The Four Freshmen
11. Intersection – Atticus Ross
12. Love and Mercy (Live) – Brian Wilson
13. One Kind of Love – Brian Wilson

Atticus Ross score tracks in bold. Missing are at least 2-3 tracks from listed in the films credits and in the EPK (notably, "Silhouette" and "Headphones"). Of course, that could come down to translation differences. Still marvelous feeling to have stumbled across this info! Even if the soundtrack is missing a few bits of score, I'm very pleased we'll be getting what we get. Hoping that "Good Vibrations" includes some of the isolated vocals heard in the film. And the "Bed Montage" is splendid because of the use of the isolated Mike Love vocal "these things I'll be...til I die". Very exciting!

Who knows if this is what we will get state side and in the UK but it's definitely official, it's on the UME Japan site after all.

Here's the translation, using Google, of the Japanese text:

"In public than 8/1, the original soundtrack of the movie Brian Wilson Certified "Love and Mercy melody that does not end" will be release.

Digital release August 14 plan.

Contents, movie ending song "One Kind Of Love", original music three songs of Beach Boys, the Beach Boys by Paul Dano, who played Brian officers cover, such as the score by Atticus Ross is recorded You.


That August 14 date is curious, digital release of the film or the soundtrack? Of course the date listed on most sites (Amazon, B&N, Best Buy, FYE) is September 18th.

Had to pass it along..
148  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Thread for various insignificant questions that don't deserve their own thread! on: August 05, 2015, 02:23:18 PM
I think it's cool and perhaps ironic, if you choose to look at it that way (and I do), that in "Love & Mercy" we have both Paul Dano & John Cusack to portray Brian.

Ironic (or not) because of the art imitates life in a way. It took both Paul McCartney & John Lennon to equal Brian Wilson, in my opinion.
149  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Why do you hate Mike Love? on: August 05, 2015, 01:17:51 PM
I think most people that perhaps not hate, but, have a strong occasional dislike of Michael Edward Love do so because of his "humility", or lack thereof.

Air Quotes

150  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Combine "The Beach Boys Today!" and "Summer Days" into a single album on: August 03, 2015, 09:59:04 PM
For fun, I decided to combine both albums into a single 12-track album and here's what I came up with.

Side A:
Do You Wanna Dance?
When I Grow Up (To Be A Man)
Dance, Dance, Dance
Please Let Me Wonder
Kiss Me, Baby
She Knows Me Too Well

Side B:
California Girls
Girl Don't Tell Me
Help Me Rhonda
Let Him Run Wild
In The Back Of My Mind
And Your Dream Comes True

I think that's a pretty killer single album. I'm sure the track listing could use some shuffling.
Again, this is just a fun endeavor, in no way suggesting that "Today" or "Summer Days" aren't good records but there is some filler.

So, what track list would you come up with?
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