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1  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Feel Flows box set on: September 14, 2020, 07:55:07 AM
"I remember when Alan Boyd came to this site and implored fans to support the 68-69 set, and reminded everyone how important it was to do so. That it was extremely important for fan support to continue, and for the label to see that fan support continuing."

I missed this. If Alan were imploring fans to support Feel Flows, I would be more likely to jump in. I trust Alan.

December 22, 2018 (replying to GF's post the previous day) – y're welcome:

Quote from: guitarfool2002
But I'm proud to say I didn't pay a dime for them and got them for free online. My principle is, if certain names are attached and others left off of any project related to the Beach Boys, I don't give them a dime or a penny of my money. Best money I never spent.

Quote from: Alan Boyd
It is becoming so incredibly difficult to get the corporate support that enables these highly specialized niche oriented projects to happen at all. Proudly stating that you won't pay a dime for a project because I acknowledged AGD for historical research in the special thanks isn't just a matter of availing yourself of the YouTube option. It feels more like a sort of boycott.  And this time it hurts a little, because (as you may have noticed), there is no promotion for this year's stack of tracks. We're hoping and praying that people who appreciate the hard work that goes into these projects will support that work by buying copies/downloads and proving to Universal Music that there is a market for this kind of Beach Boys archival collection.

The attention and feedback you all have given over the years has been inspiring. As for the stuff between the message boards and whatever it is we stepped in that made you decide to not actually purchase our latest work.... I don't know what to say to that. I hope you'll change your mind, because we need all the help we can get out here.

Edited to correct date; apologies if anyone was confused.
2  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Hey guys: An Update on: July 22, 2016, 11:08:37 PM
Good to hear Billy, I hope things keep heading up!
3  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Pet Sounds Forum on: July 02, 2016, 03:17:05 PM
Such pure bullshit from someone who wasn't there. Jesus Christ, man, get off this GF and I were/are drinking buddies crapola and I'm somehow *favored*.

Sorry OSD, but it was Craig who dredged it back up, not I. Turn your venom on him.
4  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Pet Sounds Forum on: June 29, 2016, 11:19:07 AM
OSD and I have nothing to do with the PSF's creation.

Actually I suspect you were a fabulous inspiration!

I'm not even going to re-read that in an attempt to make sense of it, Craig.

In fact, such paranoid, conspiracy theory diatribes in which you refuse to accept even an ounce of what has been offered by various posters is another source of my personal discomfort. Everything's a campaign. Poor Billy's going through the mill and you're dredging up sh*t that the rest of the world is done with.

"Look on my works, you mighty, and despair!"

Heard that so many times here in recent months. And in despair.

Oh, please, John. Get off the paranoia tactic and address the issues you've rehashed. It is as clear as can be, whether you're able to comprehend it or not. Not paranoid, not a conspiracy theory, but simply the way things happened here for years. There were people here who stretched and bent the rules for years, and then other posters suggested the rules be applied differently because of the status, or maybe even the popularity of those breaking and bending the rules. Some of the same posters who were the loudest voices calling for the rules to be followed and bans to be issued were themselves breaking board rules and dodging them for years.

That's a fact, whether you want to accept it as such, or instead do like others seem to be doing and accuse me and anyone who addresses it as paranoid when it contradicts what you want to believe and continue to repeat.

That patronising, supercilious tone is another turn-off from this board.

That and your challenging "I can do no wrong" approach.

What was going on in PMs and out of sight of us mere mortal posters doesn't concern me so much as the way you've changed the mood here. I used to regard this place as an online home - and I'll still drop by from time to time to say "hi" to the folks - but it ain't the place I knew and loved.
5  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Pet Sounds Forum on: June 29, 2016, 09:53:06 AM
I'm not even going to re-read that in an attempt to make sense of it, Craig.

In fact, such paranoid, conspiracy theory diatribes in which you refuse to accept even an ounce of what has been offered by various posters is another source of my personal discomfort. Everything's a campaign. Poor Billy's going through the mill and you're dredging up sh*t that the rest of the world is done with.

"Look on my works, you mighty, and despair!"

Heard that so many times here in recent months. And in despair.
6  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Pet Sounds Forum on: June 29, 2016, 09:10:48 AM
Not so much "resolved" as "moved on from". These were just two of the issues that have made me feel far from comfortable posting here, especially as on one occasion I was warned that I'd crossed a line (or similar). When so many others here were regularly crossing lines with apparent impunity, it became obvious that some here were favoured more than others. One reason why so many questions arose over various bannings and the disappearance of various popular posters. I clearly wasn't the only one who felt that way, which is why the Pet Sounds Forum grew so popular so quickly. THAT, for me, helped resolve the issue.
7  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Pet Sounds Forum on: June 29, 2016, 01:36:16 AM
Which question? The ones asking about me posting about buying a beer at upcoming concerts affecting my ability to moderate a fan forum? Whether I had accepted or was accepting gifts or other forms of payment for moderating forums?

I was one of those who referred to either or both these issues (don't think I was the only one, but hey…)

The ref to you having a drink with OSD at a gig was triggered by the fact that quite a few folks had, at the time, been calling for him/her to be banned for constantly trolling negative posts about Mike Love, to the point of distraction. As you seemed to be a pal of his/hers, then it's an obvious question to ask – why was no action seen to be taken against a troll who was also, apparently, a mate of a mod? Were their actions tolerated because of a personal friendship? I think you answered that at the time, and I understand that an anti-trolling rule has since been introduced. Surely that was the end of it? I cannot believe that you've raked up such a toxic topic again, unless you've something to get of your chest with regard to it.

It was also me that asked whether you were receiving any payments, gifts or benefit in relation to your position as Super Mod at the BW board. I was curious to know whether your position there might influence the way in which you moderated any posts on this board which might be seen as pro- or anti-Mike, or pro- or anti-Brian. You also answered that at the time and assured us that you receive no payments, gifts or benefit and that your position as moderator here was not influenced by your position there in any way. Surely that was the end of it? I cannot believe that you've raked up such a toxic topic again, unless you've something to get of your chest with regard to it.

It's nothing more than looking for an assurance that everything is above board and that everyone is treated equally.  I asked, and was answered. It didn't need raking up again.
8  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Pet Sounds Forum on: June 29, 2016, 01:10:25 AM
Why hide the registrant and ownership/admin info on this domain? If all of this boils down to "it's just a freakin' message board", then what's the big secret? I can understand corporate and political interests doing it, I can understand those who broker and speculate domain names for profit doing it, but why a Beach Boys message board that peaks out at around 150-200 unique users and members? Every one of the boards I've known or have been involved with over the past decade and more have had admins and owners known by everyone. Susan's board, Junkstar's board, Charles' board, Jon and John's board, etc...

So why hide the registration?

Looks to me like it's nothing more than the agency used to do all the registering has done it in its own name instead of the client's.

The other options are too horrific to contemplate though.

1) That the PSF board is a front for ISIS, in which case we should all be hiding under the sheets and trembling.
2) that the PSF board is a front for the CIA, in which case we should all be hiding under the sheets and trembling.
3) That the PSF board is being run by an bunch of fans who wanted a different atmosphere, in which case no one needs hide under the sheets, trembling.

Still, I'm glad you're one the case and pursuing it with such dogged determination. Let us know when you get a result so we can all sleep easy.
9  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: So what did we all EAT today? + recipes. on: June 25, 2016, 12:21:30 AM
My CSA had burdock this week, which I've never prepared or eaten. In fact, while I'd heard of it, I couldn't have told you what it was (beyond "food") until I got the pre-pickup email yesterday. So while I have no idea yet what I'll do with it, I do look forward to figuring something out.

When I lived in the UK we had this weird soft drink called Dandelion & Burdock:

I remember it tasted unspeakably evil.

Anyway, good luck with the recipe. LOL

Now now, John, Dandelion & Burdock is the north's equivalent of Coca Cola. It is to us what Irn Bru is to Scotland, what Coke is to the US, or what Buckfast is to Glasgow! Made properly, fermented with natural ingredients (like dandelion, and burdock) it's a very ancient drink. And it's delicious!
10  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Pet Sounds 50 track listing on: June 24, 2016, 01:53:10 PM
There's also the GV anniversary release to come later this year. Why throw all their eggs away in one premature basket? Patience is a virtue!
11  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Happy Birthday Brian on: June 20, 2016, 11:21:18 PM
Do you think he is logging in here on his birthday to read these?

Y'never know! Wink
12  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Pet Sounds Forum on: June 20, 2016, 10:57:43 PM
Definitely understood. At what point does 'enough' truly become 'enough', though? If one person says they will *never* back down, then at what point do we cut our losses and say 'hey, this guy is out of base, out of line, but no matter what we do he will, he will hold to it' and cut our losses?

From my own personal experience...people generally don't change their stripes, esp. when questions of honesty/dishonesty come into play.

Billy, can I suggest that you go with Hey Jude's suggestion and lock the thread anyway? Craig can always re-open it if be feels be has more to say on the subject, then lock it again as he leaves?
13  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Pet Sounds Forum on: June 19, 2016, 02:04:16 PM
How is it hiding it if you publicly announce it?

Ask whoever paid the extra fees.

You're going to have to explain "extra fees" Craig, for the benefit of the rest of us.
Before he explains, there is no hidden or extra fees. When additional storage or whatever is needed in the future it will be handled at that time.

The fees have nothing to do with storage, data usage or transfer, available bandwidth, or anything in that realm. You're not answering the question.
There was no up front fees, period. swedishfrog  and I paid for the domain name. As of June 19, 2016 at 4:32pm edt, that is all I was charged for.

Doc, there are options that can be selected and paid extra for versus the defaults when setting up and registering a domain with a host service or company, beyond whatever costs might come in the future for bandwidth, ad-free services, and related issues. I'll let you fill in the details for everyone. If it is as you portray it, let everyone know so they're not hearing it from a third party.

Bloomin' heck… I'm angry at myself for revisiting this thread and posting anything at all.  G'night…
14  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Pet Sounds Forum on: June 19, 2016, 01:24:48 PM

You're right Adam, post modified.
15  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Pet Sounds Forum on: June 19, 2016, 01:16:10 PM
How is it hiding it if you publicly announce it?

Ask whoever paid the extra fees.

You're going to have to explain "extra fees" Craig, for the benefit of the rest of us.
16  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Oops on: June 12, 2016, 12:06:36 PM
Craig, please, ease up before your blood pressure gets the better of you.

I was honoured to receive an early invite to the board shortly after it was foundered. I checked it out, liked what I saw, and invited a few folk I regard as friends and others I'd had pleasant dealings with here and elsewhere. I'd've invited plenty more if I'd had the time but I have a job, two young kids and four new copies of Pet Sounds to listen to, so time is limited.

I've no investment there, no vested interest. I'm not an admin or a mod, nor am I paying for hosting or a thing. I just like it there.

Debbie I'm really sorry you weren't one of those who received an invite from anyone but, as has been stated, it's a very open place and everyone seems to be made welcome.

Craig, have you considered joining? Without the burden of moderation, you might find it a chilled experience. I'm enjoying posting there without having to consider whether my posts will bring out a tirade of ridicule or abuse, or whether I might be added to a watch list.

Gotta go, the Mrs has chores for me.
17  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Orlando on: June 12, 2016, 11:01:49 AM
Deeply saddened by the news from Orlando. So much goes on upon this planet that I cannot comprehend.

Thoughts with, and deepest condolences to all those affected. If I were the praying type, I'd be praying for the families, the friends, the innocent slain.
18  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Oops on: June 11, 2016, 01:45:29 PM
You really don't read very well, Mr. Manning, don't you? I said very clearly that it's said in the new forum.
john, feelsflow keeps silent because he knows he said that. Since you check that place, check his posts, go back to 3rd page, post from May 31, 2016, at 12:59am.

Quote from: Will Harris
And obviously, as the SS haters can register here, this board unfortunately needs an ignore button too.

Well, here's your post, and nowhere does it mention the new forum. To be frank I wasn't aware you'd started visiting it, let alone monitoring it so closely.

john, I said many times but it fell on deaf ears that when this topic was in the Welcome, the posters deleted their posts. He implied it's done by the mods. & I told him you deleted your posts yourself. The way he talks to you "john k, this thread has become the strangest [...] Posts appear, sometimes for a mere few hours before being deleted" etc. as if he didn't think in the slightest that you could delete the posts too.
Besides, john, is it OK for you that Will referred to the Smiley members "SS haters"?

It's great to see my innocuous topic being put to such good (and positive) use. :=)
See, feelsflow? I was right, john is easygoing & he didn't mind it being moved here.
19  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Oops on: June 11, 2016, 08:30:05 AM
Besides, john, is it OK for you that Will referred to the Smiley members "SS haters"?

Please remind me where he said that.

Only reference I can find to such a phrase was not by Will, but by monicker, five years ago – only it was in relation to the album Smiley Smile and the use of the Baldwin organ:

The Baldwin/Smiley Smile haters just don't know where it's at.
20  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Oops on: June 11, 2016, 08:26:02 AM
. From now on, PS is PS, period. It's a fact of life.

21  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Thread for various insignificant questions that don't deserve their own thread! on: June 07, 2016, 05:39:19 AM
What's the quote of Brian about Suicide and why you shouldn't do it?

It's somewhat urgent at this stage, I have a friend who's in a bit of a bad state, and I'm seriously concerned about what he may do.

"It only makes things worse. You can't solve anything by killing yourself. I mean, things can only get better, but if you're dead, they may not."

My thoughts are with your friend.

Best wishes for your friend.
22  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: Pet Sounds 50 track listing on: June 06, 2016, 08:21:09 AM
Best Buy-exclusive version of the Pet Sounds 50th anniversary edition will include a bonus “God Only Knows” / “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” 7″ single:

Looks like it’s on yellow vinyl? Also looks like it might be an offer for the single instead of an actual single on-package.

Probably the same pressing HmV is offering as a stand-alone exclusive in the UK.
23  Non Smiley Smile Stuff / The Sandbox / Re: Pet Sounds Forum on: June 05, 2016, 07:37:04 PM
GF didn't decide alone though to ban Mr. Doe. You gotta agree that no BBs historian or regular Joe, but esp. somebody whose work is to correct facts should be respected for doing nasty thing as slandering Brian's wife JUST because he doesn't like her. Brian's family is not his business. It's not about not liking "Andrew", not sure how you came to this conclusion.

I wasn't talking about only AGD.  The issue here isn't even about his ban.  I don't have issue with it and neither do the vast majority of people here. 

Hard to have an issue about it when we still know nowt about the detail behind the innuendo. We just have to believe the little we're told. Again, we're told it's to do with Brian's wife. Nothing more. And that is worse than nothing. Would rather that tidbit wasn't in the public realm.
24  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: The Observer: It’s Time to Destroy ‘the Legend of Brian Wilson’ on: June 05, 2016, 05:55:35 PM
Mr. Manning, what Disney Boy (1985) said is anything but "sensible" post. Nobody forced Mr. Lee to apologize, he had an option not to. DB's post is uber-emotional overreaction which didn't help any. What he doesn't understand is that people didn't merely complain about OregonRiverRider - his private information was passed and, as I read it, lies about some of it. It's not OK.

Let's not feel bad for his ban. Your post about moderators not doing their job should be in the Sandbox thread. Not sure why you raise it here.

Well, I mentioned it here cos "here" is where that particular conversation has been taking place for a while now.

We'll have to agree to disagree on the other matters. I've missed ORR's beef about what went on in PMs and have no wish to know - or to attempt to second-guess - the detail.
25  Smiley Smile Stuff / General On Topic Discussions / Re: The Observer: It’s Time to Destroy ‘the Legend of Brian Wilson’ on: June 05, 2016, 05:23:58 PM
Been away for a few days and just spent an hour if my life reading this thread, catching up.

What a waste of an hour.

Seems the board is becoming more and more about the "fans", the feuding fans, rather than the music and the band. Everyone piling in, mods and posters alike… Emily, in the absence of moderation, on the phone trying to moderate the unmoderatable… rare sensible posts earning their author a seven-day timeout, more innuendo about PMs and who said what and who called who a smelly pig…

No wonder lots of good folk are dissuaded from posting here.

And just for the sake of being on topic, I read the article in question. Some good points, some dismissible points. Nothing to warrant burning The Observer in the street as one poster seemed to be suggesting. The world's still turning… and fer fex's sake, this is all about a pop group. Some folk need a sense of perspective.

Night night.
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