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Smiley Smile Stuff => General On Topic Discussions => Topic started by: Jim V. on March 16, 2010, 09:38:57 PM

Title: Brian intentionally "changing" his voice
Post by: Jim V. on March 16, 2010, 09:38:57 PM
OK, so this type of thread has been done to death, but I want to see if we can reach a consensus on what really happened. As we all know, in 1975 Brian's singing voice changed. On the early version of "Ding Dang" and the demo of "California Feelin'" (according to those who've heard it) he still sounds reasonably like his old self. Then on "Back Home" from late '75 the voice is totally different.

But the question is, although I've heard conjecture, did Brian really want to "ruin" his voice? Or did he want to make it deeper? (I think it was once said he wanted to sound more like Frank Sinatra or something....)

Are there any real sources out there on this that gave us reasoning for all of this, or is it really true maybe he didn't even do it on purpose. I remember reading in Leaf's BB book, how he seemed to think Brian was "hiding" his old voice, possibly as a way to sabotage the band, and that it reappeared on songs like "Sherry She Needs Me' and "You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'". Obviously it didn't reappear and Leaf was being his usual overexcited self. His voice was pleasant on both songs, and on "Sherry..." his falsetto somewhat reminded me of the old days.  However, I also remember Leaf saying how "awesome" "Lazy Lizzy" was, as though it was a masterpiece. So yeah........

Anyways, so whats the evidence point to? I don't think he wanted to sabotage the band, but I think he may have wanted to change it in '75 but maybe he didn't even mean to do that much damage.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Reverend Rock on March 16, 2010, 10:11:22 PM
It seems I remember reading somewhere (in Leaf's book, perhaps) that he wanted his voice to sound deeper and more "manly" or something like that, and that he went through the whole cigar chain-smoking bit to get that quality in his voice.  It's never a good thing to start messing around with the actual mechanics of one's vocal chords.  The amazing thing is just how much of his voice actually came back.  He's lucky he didn't totally blow it.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Eric Aniversario on March 17, 2010, 12:48:54 AM
I'm always amused and confused when I hear Brian use the "lounge singer" voice during the live shows in the early 80' on the solo in Surfer Girl...also in the late 70's, it was crazy to hear Brian screaming his lungs out on Airplane...I wonder what was going through his head at the time...

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Nicko on March 17, 2010, 04:26:13 AM
The amazing thing is just how much of his voice actually came back.  He's lucky he didn't totally blow it.

Unfortunately, I think he mainly did. Brian has recorded some good vocals since then he sounds ok in concert on certain songs that are in his range but I don't think he was ever a genuinely good singer after the mid-70s.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: grillo on March 17, 2010, 07:07:30 AM
I understood that BW wanted his voice to match hi new, 'adult',look (beard, giant gut) rather than look like a bear but sound like a girl. Of course, I don't think he ever sounded like a girl, but he did and it seem like it was a real hang-up for him. The seventies didn't lend themselves to angelic voiced boys (according to my theory of BW's way of thinking) so he gargled razors and whiskey.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Jim V. on March 17, 2010, 09:46:13 AM
I understood that BW wanted his voice to match hi new, 'adult',look (beard, giant gut) rather than look like a bear but sound like a girl. Of course, I don't think he ever sounded like a girl, but he did and it seem like it was a real hang-up for him. The seventies didn't lend themselves to angelic voiced boys (according to my theory of BW's way of thinking) so he gargled razors and whiskey.

I believe that it was a hang up for him and that maybe he wanted to change it, but its somewhat odd that when he came back he produced "In The Still Of The Night" featuring him doing a falsetto and stuff on Love You like "Airplane" or "The Night Was So Young". Or his writing on BB85 and "In My Car" also seem like he was writing for his old voice. So I don't know if it was intentional.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: slothrop on March 17, 2010, 10:40:27 AM
My mind just reels at thinking how much cigarettes and coke one has to consume to change a voice that drastically. I like the later Brian voice. But, it took some time to grow on me, and I'm still very confused about how quickly it all happened.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Mike's Beard on March 17, 2010, 12:07:00 PM
I find it weird how sometimes the "new" voice sounded quite nice and fit well (Back Home, Our Team, end of Had To Phone Ya) and other times sounded horrid (Love is a Woman, Hey Little Tomboy). When it came to singing the high notes I guess with most of Brian's range gone they had to (or should have) be more selective with what he could do. Anyone who thinks his falsetto on "Sherry She Needs Me" is good must own a different version to mine. The best "new" voice vocals he done were for "Getcha' Back".

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Sheriff John Stone on March 17, 2010, 12:32:00 PM
I know a few authors have speculated about it in their books, but I will never believe that Brian INTENTIONALLY tried to destroy his voice, or even intentionally tried to deepen it. Brian was mentally ill and drug addicted, capable of many irrational things, I just don't but that one. At that particular stage in his career, I didn't think he would even care enough about it to try.

And, if Brian was starting to think his voice was too high or feminine or whatever, it's ashame he didn't realize that age alone would take care of a lot of it. Everybody, including great singers like Brian Wilson, undergoes changes in their voice as they approach 30, 40, 50. His voice would've lowered naturally. I blame the change mainly on the cocaine scorching his vocal cords, permanently damaging his voice. It is amazing HOW BAD his voice got, not just the roughness, but his ability to hit notes and sing on key. With the exception of MIU (incredible when you think about it), Brian never did sing well again, not on a level with other professional singers, and certainly not on the level of the pre-1974 Brian Wilson.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Mike's Beard on March 17, 2010, 12:41:46 PM
They have got pretty crafty with disgusing the flaws in Brian's singing over the years. BWPS "Surf's Up" spring to mind. When it reaches the 'columnated ruins dominio' line 2 or 3 other voices very discreetly swoop in for the insanley high part. It was only when I heard it on headphones that I noticed Brian is blended out after the first word.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: jmc on March 17, 2010, 12:58:36 PM
I remember it being said that he was obsessed with Randy Newman's records and voice during the early 70's, and admired Randy's manly tone etc. (although I think this was from Wouldn't It Be Nice....).   

If you look at the direction the BB's were going in between 72'-75', fewer songs, if any, featured him with his dominant high voice and instead they were going for a more mature rock sound to get over that early 60's image.  Brian's change in voice could be a combination of the two......he wanted a manly tone so he increased his cigarette smoking (which may also be due to coke intake), and he noticed that the band was going in a more mature direction  and therefore why resist vices and go for the manly tone.....  It is well documented that he did increase his cigarette and coke intake in the early to mid 70's which would reduce your singing range considerably.....same for both Dennis and Carl (cigs) and their ranges were reduced as well. 

Brian's smoking in 75' and 76' was noticed by the others in the band.  If I remember correctly, there are quotes of either Dennis and or Mike saying something like....Brian shouldn't be smoking or keep the cigarettes away from Brian, etc. 

Of course, most of this was before the Endless Harmony success and the public actually wanting their early hits/style.  I've wonder if there was ever a moment when Brian thought....oh sh*t, everyone likes my old voice do I get that back?   Too much of an uphill battle at that point.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Wirestone on March 17, 2010, 01:00:38 PM
Brian isn't actually blended out in "columnated ruins domino." He just sings a lower harmony part, which is quite audible.

I was listening to BW88 this weekend and was shocked again at how uncomfortable he sounds on that record. Whatever one can say about his vocals in the 2000s, at least he has an easier approach to phrasing.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Andrew G. Doe on March 17, 2010, 01:10:37 PM
Brian can still hit those highs. When he chooses to.  ;D

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Paulos on March 17, 2010, 01:21:19 PM
Sadly he seems to choose shouting over hitting high notes most of the time.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Wirestone on March 17, 2010, 01:22:53 PM
True, AGD. Oddly enough, Brian in his late 60s has actually retained more of his 20-something range than compatriots Elton John or Bob Dylan. Not necessarily his 20-something pitch sense or breath control, but the pure range.

Also --

I think it's important to distinguish between BW's leads and backgrounds on 15BO and LY. In his leads, there are definitely times when he's trying for a "manly" sound -- like the tag to "Had to Phone You" and "Back Home."

But he also wants to keep the basic backing vocal structure of the band intact -- bass vocal, falsetto vocal, midrange harmonies -- and there was no one else to do them at the time. He had to take the falsettos when they were needed. So it leads to a kind of multiple-personality aspect. (And Brian had been conscious of the rough-voiced thing earlier -- look at "Baker Man.")

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: buddhahat on March 17, 2010, 02:39:10 PM
My mind just reels at thinking how much cigarettes and coke one has to consume to change a voice that drastically. I like the later Brian voice. But, it took some time to grow on me, and I'm still very confused about how quickly it all happened.

It's something akin to what happened to Keith Richards' face in the late 70s. see a photo of him in the late 60s, then one 10 years later and he looks like a different guy. They were clearly taking powerful drugs in those days ...

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: oldsurferdude on March 17, 2010, 02:51:39 PM
Although enhanced somewhat, he sounded exceptional on "Imagination". No shouting, hitting the high notes with what seemed like ease. Protools??

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Andrew G. Doe on March 17, 2010, 02:54:47 PM
Although enhanced somewhat, he sounded exceptional on "Imagination". No shouting, hitting the high notes with what seemed like ease. Protools??

Very probably... and having his vocals stacked some 36-layers high probably helped too. Dammit, if I triple-track myself, even I sound some good.  :lol

Title: Re: Brian intentionally
Post by: ♩♬🐸 Billy C ♯♫♩🐇 on March 17, 2010, 02:58:22 PM
Hey, I got a pro-tools set up Andrew and a synth...up for some Love You covers? :lol

In all seriousness, one thing must be made clear...Brian may have overdubbed his vocals numerous times, but not all were playing in unison. From what I've been told, each vocal track basically have a few phrases in each. So basically the vocals were a giant comp. Not out of the ordinary at all, but it's amazing how many have a misconception.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally
Post by: Andrew G. Doe on March 17, 2010, 03:25:03 PM
Hey, I got a pro-tools set up Andrew and a synth...up for some Love You covers? :lol

My man, I've sung "Solar System" live... complete with bathrobe !

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Jim V. on March 17, 2010, 05:37:23 PM
Brian can still hit those highs. When he chooses to.  ;D

Seriously you think he could still hit those highs? I was listening the "Surf's Up" 04 and I realized that they shouldn't have double or triple tracked him or whatever they did at the end. It should have just been his voice. Would have sounded better IMO.

But anyways, how the hell did he become so undisciplined in so short a time. I mean it wasn't just how the vocals sounded, it was what seemed like the lack of professionalism. Like his phrasing would just seem really half ass. I don't get it.

Thing is though, I don't try to imagine "what if" or anything like that though. I just accept Brian as he is, and if the songs/vocals are good, they are good. And if they aren't, they aren't. And plus sometimes I don't wanna hear the sweet voice, sometimes I want the gruff voice, or his older age voice. So it's all good.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally
Post by: Magic Transistor Radio on March 17, 2010, 05:57:04 PM
My favorite Brian voice is his soft midrange voice like in Sail Plane

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Reverend Rock on March 17, 2010, 06:45:22 PM
I'm just thankful he can still sing...period.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally
Post by: ♩♬🐸 Billy C ♯♫♩🐇 on March 17, 2010, 08:11:36 PM
Hey, I got a pro-tools set up Andrew and a synth...up for some Love You covers? :lol

My man, I've sung "Solar System" live... complete with bathrobe !

Holy mother of f***... :lol

I actually did an album of Love you covers, in all seriousness.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally
Post by: Andrew G. Doe on March 17, 2010, 10:52:06 PM
Hey, I got a pro-tools set up Andrew and a synth...up for some Love You covers? :lol

My man, I've sung "Solar System" live... complete with bathrobe !

Holy mother of foda... :lol

I actually did an album of Love you covers, in all seriousness.

Back in 2005, 2006, Beach Boys Britain did the whole album live, with period analog synths. It was awesome.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally
Post by: ♩♬🐸 Billy C ♯♫♩🐇 on March 17, 2010, 11:20:03 PM
Sounds like a blast!

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: MBE on March 18, 2010, 04:26:54 AM
Brian told me that he wanted to try something different and several of his friends have told me that he did try to destory his old voice by chain smoking. Because the change was so quick I think it was honestly on purpose.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Jim V. on March 18, 2010, 08:29:06 AM
Brian told me that he wanted to try something different and several of his friends have told me that he did try to destory his old voice by chain smoking. Because the change was so quick I think it was honestly on purpose.

Hmm, he honestly told you that he wanted to try something different? Well I guess we just have to accept that as good of a reason as any. However, did he need to destroy his old voice to sing in a different way? Hmm. Yeah it does seem to be on purpose. But maybe we'll hear some more info and figure out what this is all about.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally
Post by: punkinhead on March 18, 2010, 08:53:39 AM
My favorite Brian voice is his soft midrange voice like in Sail Plane

Lets make a list of other songs that Brian has these type of peaceful vocals

Title: Re: Brian intentionally
Post by: matt-zeus on March 18, 2010, 10:30:03 AM
My favorite Brian voice is his soft midrange voice like in Sail Plane

Lets make a list of other songs that Brian has these type of peaceful vocals

That's my favourite era of Brians voice, the 67 - 72 ish time. 'Busy doin Nothing', 'I'd love just once to see you' etc... his falsetto is great around this time too, quite feminine and 'thinner' but still reall cool.

Brian can still hit those highs. When he chooses to.  ;D

Seriously you think he could still hit those highs? I was listening the "Surf's Up" 04 and I realized that they shouldn't have double or triple tracked him or whatever they did at the end. It should have just been his voice. Would have sounded better IMO.

He does nail the 'Childrens song' bit though, not sure if they fiddled with it but it sounds all Brian to me, no Foskett doubling.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally
Post by: Reverend Rock on March 18, 2010, 11:05:11 AM
My favorite Brian voice is his soft midrange voice like in Sail Plane

Lets make a list of other songs that Brian has these type of peaceful vocals

That's my favourite era of Brians voice, the 67 - 72 ish time. 'Busy doin Nothing', 'I'd love just once to see you' etc... his falsetto is great around this time too, quite feminine and 'thinner' but still reall cool.

Brian can still hit those highs. When he chooses to.  ;D

Seriously you think he could still hit those highs? I was listening the "Surf's Up" 04 and I realized that they shouldn't have double or triple tracked him or whatever they did at the end. It should have just been his voice. Would have sounded better IMO.

He does nail the 'Childrens song' bit though, not sure if they fiddled with it but it sounds all Brian to me, no Foskett doubling.

I would put his BWPS performance of "Windchimes" in my own personal top ten "Best Brian Wilson Lead Vocals Ever".

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Mike's Beard on March 18, 2010, 12:20:33 PM
I love his Doo Wop early style of singing the best, it's just beautiful. Once the material started to change it was obvious it wouldn't fit in anymore with what they were doing.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Sheriff John Stone on March 18, 2010, 12:52:10 PM
Brian told me that he wanted to try something different and several of his friends have told me that he did try to destory his old voice by chain smoking. Because the change was so quick I think it was honestly on purpose.

Snorting large volumes of cocaine can accomplish the same thing - and the damage is permanent. I'm not sure that smoking in such a short span could achieve those results. Or so I've read.... :police:

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Mike's Beard on March 18, 2010, 01:00:58 PM
80-100 cigs a day. So you can end up sounding like Marge's spinster sisters on "The Simpsons"? Just the thought of it makes my throat feel sore! Surely if you can sing as well as Brian could, training yourself to sing in a lower key couldn't have been that much of a stretch?

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Amy B. on March 18, 2010, 02:35:05 PM
80-100 cigs a day. So you can end up sounding like Marge's spinster sisters on "The Simpsons"? Just the thought of it makes my throat feel sore! Surely if you can sing as well as Brian could, training yourself to sing in a lower key couldn't have been that much of a stretch?

I can't even imagine 100 cigarettes a day. True, that's 5 packs, which a lot of people smoke per day. But still. Even if you only sleep 5 hours a night, that's 19 hours in which to smoke 100 cigarettes. Blech.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally
Post by: ♩♬🐸 Billy C ♯♫♩🐇 on March 19, 2010, 10:05:30 PM
Gotta remember though, he was doing a LOT of white at the time. That makes you smoke more...

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Ganz Allein on March 19, 2010, 10:35:44 PM
Tony Bennett did a lot of cocaine and pot for several years, yet his voice stayed strong and he never lost pitch/phrasing control.  A lot of singers have done tons of coke, but can you name one who's had such a sudden change in his voice like Brian had? The closest I can think of is Evan Dando of the Lemonheads. He fodaed his voice up pretty bad when he was addicted to crack, but it recovered after he kicked his habit.  In Brian's case, it had to be an intentional destruction of the voice (with cigarettes, cocaine, or whatever) to have it change so much so fast, especially if people who know him are saying so. Have Al, Mike, or Bruce ever commented on the vocal change?

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: XY on March 19, 2010, 11:55:35 PM
I know someone who smoked a couple of ciggies while having a cold. After that, his speaking voice was around 1 octave deeper and didn't recover.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Mr. Cohen on March 20, 2010, 01:24:26 AM
 Brian sounded pretty happy about his voice around '76/'77. He bragged in an interview about how his voice was the one most suited for the older audience of "30 to 40 year old listeners" out of the group. We know he admired Frank Sinatra and other lounge singers at the time (or even the deep-voiced The Righteous Brothers, as he covered two of their Spector produced songs around the time), and it's easy to see how he might have intentionally been trying to make his voice sound that way. I believe that he smoked cigarettes because he enjoyed them, but to go from what we would assume to be your average smoker to 3-4+ packs a day is a bit ridiculous, even if you snort cocaine. Unless, that is, it was an intentional change. We'll never know for sure, but it's believable...

Title: Re: Brian intentionally
Post by: tpesky on March 20, 2010, 06:49:23 AM
Tony Bennett did a lot of cocaine and pot for several years, yet his voice stayed strong and he never lost pitch/phrasing control.  A lot of singers have done tons of coke, but can you name one who's had such a sudden change in his voice like Brian had? The closest I can think of is Evan Dando of the Lemonheads. He fodaed his voice up pretty bad when he was addicted to crack, but it recovered after he kicked his habit.  In Brian's case, it had to be an intentional destruction of the voice (with cigarettes, cocaine, or whatever) to have it change so much so fast, especially if people who know him are saying so. Have Al, Mike, or Bruce ever commented on the vocal change?

I believe that Al has gone on record as saying he believed Brian intentionally tried to change/destroy his voice.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: slothrop on March 21, 2010, 11:03:33 AM
If Brian really did intentionally try to destroy his voice it just goes to show what a disturbed mental state he must've been in at the time.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: the captain on March 21, 2010, 11:09:55 AM
I consider Brian's statements that he intentionally wrecked his voice to sound manlier as analogous to his statements that he chose to shelve Smile because the public wasn't ready for it: the best excuse he could think of at the time.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Ganz Allein on March 22, 2010, 06:18:59 PM
Brian sounded pretty happy about his voice around '76/'77. He bragged in an interview about how his voice was the one most suited for the older audience of "30 to 40 year old listeners" out of the group. We know he admired Frank Sinatra and other lounge singers at the time (or even the deep-voiced The Righteous Brothers, as he covered two of their Spector produced songs around the time), and it's easy to see how he might have intentionally been trying to make his voice sound that way. I believe that he smoked cigarettes because he enjoyed them, but to go from what we would assume to be your average smoker to 3-4+ packs a day is a bit ridiculous, even if you snort cocaine. Unless, that is, it was an intentional change. We'll never know for sure, but it's believable...

The fact that he never seemed to be upset about his voice change is more evidence that he was intentional about making it sound that way. It also could've been a passive-aggressive reaction to the "Brian's Back" campaign - "I'm back? I don't wanna be, but if I have to, check out how I sing now!" (Although if the campaign started after his voice changed, that theory is merda.)

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: adamghost on March 22, 2010, 06:41:42 PM
I've asked this question around a few places.  Nobody seems to know for sure, but the consensus of belief is that it was deliberate.

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Mr. Cohen on March 23, 2010, 05:10:11 PM
Look guys, it was all joke, Brian's voice hadn't really changed!

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: Jim V. on March 23, 2010, 06:33:06 PM
Wow! He sure sounds a lot like Carl there! How'd that happen?  ;D

Title: Re: Brian intentionally \
Post by: send me a picture and i'll tell you on March 24, 2010, 11:54:22 PM
This is obviously from post-1998, when Brian filled in for Carl after he died.  You know, I always thought he sounded more like Carl since getting the teeth done, which actually means this clip must be from after 2004. 


This clip shows how tight that band is-- someone starts Barbara Ann on an F, and the entire band enters perfectly in G major!