The Smiley Smile Message Board

Smiley Smile Stuff => General On Topic Discussions => Topic started by: sleeptalk on October 03, 2009, 11:54:52 PM

Title: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: sleeptalk on October 03, 2009, 11:54:52 PM
there are a lot of moments in the beach boys canon that, even if just for a fleeting moment, take a really unexpected turn into the sublime. some of my favorites are: the heart-melting vocal/harmonica outro to "don't go near the water" (TOTALLY out of the blue for such an otherwise straightforward, down-to-earth tune), the piano progression surprise at the end of "tears in the morning" (underrated song all around), and not one but two heavenly swells of emotion in "cuddle up." there's also the absolutely awesome first ten seconds of "east meets west" (especially for an '80s recording!) before it totally goes to sh*t.

what are some of yours?

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: nobody on October 04, 2009, 12:06:01 AM
end of Wind Chimes on Smiley

end of Wonderful on Smiley

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Eric Aniversario on October 04, 2009, 01:09:59 AM
The last thirty seconds of Love Surrounds Me take me to a different place, and I'm reminded of why I'm a Beach Boys fan...little lost moments like these that take me by surprise because they slip out of my consciousness until i hear them again.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Jay on October 04, 2009, 01:34:07 AM
I've always liked that "nah nah nah" part from the Smiley version of Wonderful. There is also a part in With Me Tonite that I like. It's near the end of the song, where you hear these "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh" vocals in the background, and the vocal almost goes to a whisper. There is also that great ending to I Wanna Pick You Up that's totally out of the blue. Same with the second half of the song Endless Harmony.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Pretty Funky on October 04, 2009, 01:49:32 AM
Mount Vernon and Fairway (A Fairy Tale)

The BB vocal segments...Wow!

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Andrew G. Doe on October 04, 2009, 02:02:38 AM
The chorus of the demo of "Midnight's Another Day" - if that doesn't make all your bodily hair stand to attention, you're probably dead.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: GLarson432 on October 04, 2009, 02:06:29 AM
The snippets of Walk On By and Old Man River are incredible to me.

Unexpected beauty, indeed...  It's great to be a Beach Boys fan!

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Eric Aniversario on October 04, 2009, 02:11:12 AM
The snippets of Walk On By and Old Man River are incredible to me.

Unexpected beauty, indeed...  It's great to be a Beach Boys fan!
I agree...the instrumental outtro with the horns...fantastic!

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: hypehat on October 04, 2009, 03:49:52 AM
end of Wind Chimes on Smiley

That bit JUST before whispering winds is absolutely incredible.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: smile-holland on October 04, 2009, 03:51:15 AM
The "deep and wide"-bit on Time To Get Alone.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: doc smiley on October 04, 2009, 06:16:08 AM
the ending 30 seconds of Brian's "Melt Away"

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Sheriff John Stone on October 04, 2009, 08:35:45 AM
Good topic, sleeptalk. I'm gonna have to go back to good old Dennis for a few....

On "Thoughts Of You", at the end, when Dennis sings, "Silently, silently you touch my face....", and the strings come in with the gives me a mental picture of the Harmony sailing away, over the Pacific Ocean, with a defeated Dennis siiting there, looking out over the horizon. Very emotional.

On "Love Remember Me", Dennis sings "I wanna love...", then, "Remember me....", then that chorus really gets going, singing, "My love comes gently down on you...", and Dennis is exhorting, "Come on, come on...". Genius...

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Mr. Wilson on October 04, 2009, 09:20:18 AM
Dennis Wilson..1st song side 2 off lp..Is that the song..Time.??..That song is so cool with so many twists + turns.. With the horns blaring away..    The grande coolie dam chant is one great moment..Especially live..

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: phirnis on October 04, 2009, 09:20:49 AM
The ascending background vocal part (sung by Mike?) in the second verse of "A Day in the Life of a Tree". Truly sublime.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Chris Brown on October 04, 2009, 12:03:42 PM
The ascending background vocal part (sung by Mike?) in the second verse of "A Day in the Life of a Tree". Truly sublime.

Always sounded like Al to me, but yeah that's a really cool part.  The whole tag of that song is incredible.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: nobody on October 04, 2009, 12:26:53 PM
dunno if this really counts anymore but i think certainly it was intended to be a moment of unexpected beauty, although the whole song is beautiful if you ask me and most people ...

after the "gotta keep those..." bit on Good Vibrations ... after the vocals fade ... when the bass stays on the F note and the organ too , then the AAAAAAAAHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wave of harmony comes back in on an Eb/F thing i think ... it's just brilliant, and beautiful, and when you play that song loud and that part happens, wow! the reverb on the voices sounds so good, too, just perfect. real moment of bliss there.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: punkinhead on October 04, 2009, 12:36:17 PM
'Deep and wide'  on Time To Get Alone
the track and vocals to Kiss Me Baby, simply amazing
track to Our Sweet Love
'the constalations are stars that form animals, Cleo and Capricorn too' on Solar System
'Star Light, Star Bright' on American Spring's version of This Whole World
Around the end of Sweet Mountain,'raindrops raindrops' is it Brian or Mike?
The first vocal "sigh" on the beginning of Don't Worry Baby
The vocals on Hushabye
Carl's vocal on Good Timin'
vocals on I went To Sleep
Denny's vocals on You are My Sunshine
Vocals on Let the Wind Blow
The emptiness/lonely feeling that My Diane gives
vocals on Breakaway
Sweet Sunday Kinda Love
Denny's Tug of Love, You and I, and Love Remember Me

EDIT: I forgot to add Surfer Girl in Hawaii (from the GV box set) and the track to In The Back of My Mind

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: buddhahat on October 04, 2009, 03:43:14 PM
the piano progression surprise at the end of "tears in the morning" (underrated song all around)

yeah I like that bit too. Talking of Bruce songs, I love the break in Disney Girls where there is a finger click or something and then they all sing "Love, Hi Rick, Hi Dave etc." probably getting the words wrong but anyway, I love that bit - there's something incredibly moving and nostalgic about it.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: oldsurferdude on October 04, 2009, 03:49:36 PM
the line "...until I die " along with the incredible ending of the song.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: nobody on October 04, 2009, 04:03:20 PM
not in a song but ... whenever I see Brian talking or being interviewed or whatever and he suddenly lights up in that characteristically childlike way of his, totally unpretentious and just beaming with enthusiasm, if for but a moment, it's always an unexpected moment of beauty for me to see

also... whenever i see footage of brian and his band off-stage or in studio, he typically seems fairly detached or just aloof, sort of drifting around while everyone else is connected, but occasionally he drops in and does or says something that almost says "i was here all along" and provokes an interesting reaction.

i heard about that in relation to some indian classical musicians ... they would deliberately allow the flow of the piece to 'drift' both in time and melodic form, giving you impression that they had lost the plot, so to speak, or creating a sort of uneasy feeling of drifting yourself as listener, then sneakily they'd pull you right back with a few triumphant twists and leave you with a feeling of subtle joy that you'd been taken for such a ride ... almost like walking with someone who is not familiar with the territory, allowing the feeling to develop in him that you're lost, then make a sudden turn that reveals the way was never lost at all and it was only an illusion

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Nicole on October 04, 2009, 04:33:44 PM
I love the part in Endless Harmony that starts where Carl goes, "We sing do do do..." It's not a fantastic song, but I really like that part.

Also, "...But she knows me, knows me so well, that she can tell I really love her," in She Knows Me Too Well, and the long, "Ahhh," crescendo in Barbara.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: TdHabib on October 04, 2009, 04:49:38 PM
The end of both "I'll Bet He's Nice" and "Let's Put Our Hearts Together." First is the brilliant wall of harmonies, just beautiful... and the latter is the way Brian sings "Together, together, together you and I."

Also the way the chorus surges in on "Forever," with Brian's harmony highest and most prominent, then followed by those beautiful ahh, ahhs under "I'd be so happy loving you." The best, the greatest...

One I'd like to just whisper is one that has nothing to do with the BB but immediately entered my mind when the question was posed. The middle eight ("well I wake up with the morning...") of "Nobody Loves You When Your Down and Out" by Lennon on Walls and Bridges. I literally almost fell out of my chair when I heard that!

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: punkinhead on October 04, 2009, 04:56:00 PM
for some reason, back when i first got the Sunflower/Surfs Up twofer, I couldnt stop listening to Tears in the Morning, I was singing it on the way to high i kinda just play it every now and then, maybe I burnt myself out on it.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Magic Transistor Radio on October 04, 2009, 05:02:49 PM
The tail end (no pun intended) of Dennis Wilson's All I Want to Do. Umm, but seriously folks...

I could name so many. Brian Wilson solo albums are full of them. Sunshine from Imaginations has a really nice tag "Baby, don't be afraid to call..."

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Sheriff John Stone on October 04, 2009, 05:18:58 PM
The end of "Let's Put Our Hearts Together." ....the way Brian sings "Together, together, together you and I."

Yes! I was gonna mention that one, too. For about five seconds, "the voice" was back.

Nicole's Carl choice reminded me of another later beautiful moment of Carl's. At the end of "Forever" - from Summer In Paradise - Carl lets loose with some of the most emotional singing of his career. It's almost like he was holding it in, and just couldn't take it anymore, and cuts loose. The highlight of the album for me...

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: punkinhead on October 04, 2009, 07:31:41 PM
Yeah Magic Transistor!

I've always been a fan of that part too!

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Dr. Tim on October 04, 2009, 07:46:32 PM
"Good Timin'" was unexpected for me at the time.  The L.A. album had arrived at my radio station just before my shift, I cued that song up to audition it and after the first 10 seconds I said "I'm opening my show with this" and I promptly went out and bought it the next day.

I could rhapsodize about GOK but that's EXPECTED beauty, doesn't count here.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: punkinhead on October 04, 2009, 08:11:44 PM
I actually really love the ending to Lady Lynda, that "oooo lady, won't you lie lady...."   it's good!

I think Mike's beauty moments are his first cut of Big Sur and All I wanna Do

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Aegir on October 04, 2009, 08:18:27 PM
The last few seconds of I Wanna Pick You Up. The rest of the song, the group vocals are ridiculous. During the "I wanna pick you up, rock you back and forth and make you smile" part, it seems like they're all just singing the melody. They sound like the middle-aged bearded weirdos they are at that part. Then the end, the "she's going to (little baby go to) sleeep" is a beautiful angelic choir.

The intro/outro of In the Parking Lot is so beautiful compared to the rest of the song. I feel they did that on purpose.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: SG7 on October 04, 2009, 08:33:03 PM
The end of I Know There's An Answer. Just such a great groove at the end.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: GLarson432 on October 04, 2009, 09:26:39 PM
"Talking of Bruce songs, I love the break in Disney Girls where there is a finger click or something and then they all sing "Love, Hi Rick, Hi Dave etc." probably getting the words wrong but anyway, I love that bit - there's something incredibly moving and nostalgic about it."

No wrong words,  It's an obvious reference to Ozzie and Harriet's offspring.  Rick(y) Nelson and Dave Nelson.  It's a reference to 1958 when that show was highly rated and the music video began.  As Rick's career began they would add him in some (it made no sense why but; usually in front to the staircase in the house and the Jordannieres were magically there to provide music and background singing.

David Nelson is a solid citizen as far as I know.  A realtor in LA or something.  Rick(y) died in 1989.  Here is a link that some might find interesting...   It's from Phil "Vang" Volk, the bass player for the original Paul Revere and The Raiders. 

For whatever reason the website won't allow me to insert the direct link to what I'm referring to.  Try this...  If this doesn't get you there directly then go to History and The Stone Canyon Band.  About halfway down is the Brian/Beach Boy clonnection.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Reggie Dunbar on October 04, 2009, 10:43:38 PM
The last couple minutes of "Trader".......still gives me chills.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: sleeptalk on October 04, 2009, 10:53:24 PM
I think Mike's beauty moments are his first cut of Big Sur and All I wanna Do

this is going off-topic, somewhat...but mike wrote "all i wanna do?" damn! also, "sad sad summer" is an underrated mike gem.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Aegir on October 04, 2009, 10:55:56 PM
It's a Brian/Mike cowrite, but unlike most Brian/Mike cowrites, people give Mike most of the credit for All I Wanna Do.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Eric Aniversario on October 05, 2009, 01:25:37 AM
The last couple minutes of "Trader".......still gives me chills.

Agreed!  Both the studio and live versions.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Sam_BFC on October 05, 2009, 08:20:10 AM
I heard the word, wonderful thing, a children's so-o-o-o-ng :)

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: The infamous Baldwin Organ on October 05, 2009, 08:29:49 AM
I'm always spellbound for "Little Pad" on Smiley Smile.

There's a lot of weird chaos going on in that album (while is a favorite of mine), but that's a little gem that sort of balances out the weirdness.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Magic Transistor Radio on October 05, 2009, 09:52:02 AM
Yeah Magic Transistor!

I've always been a fan of that part too!

Are you talking about All I Want to Do or Sunshine? :)

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: punkinhead on October 05, 2009, 09:50:41 PM

speaking of sunshine........Soulful Oldman SHunshine is beautiful and underrated

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: shelter on October 05, 2009, 11:49:42 PM
Time To Get Alone: DEEP and WIDE.
Child Is Father Of The Man: the part where it slows down and the strings play the melody from Surf's Up.
Cuddle Up: between 3:01 and 3:30.
God Only Knows: every damn second of the song.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: LostArt on October 06, 2009, 06:14:19 AM
I heard the word, wonderful thing, a children's so-o-o-o-ng :)

That's a good one, isn't it?  There are so many simply beautiful moments in Beach Boys music, it's hard to call any of them 'unexpected'.  I'll throw one out there, though, that hasn't been mentioned yet.  The first time I heard Please Let Me Wonder I was floored when the chorus kicked in.  I think it's that unexpected F9 (or whatever it is) chord that the vocals harmonize on the word 'Please'.  Beautiful!

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: variable2 on October 06, 2009, 06:44:58 AM
"Together, Together, Together you and I."
Amaj7, D/E, Gb, Bmaj7, Bbm7, Abm7, Db7, Gb.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: TdHabib on October 06, 2009, 04:30:57 PM
I heard the word, wonderful thing, a children's so-o-o-o-ng :)
On BWPS, this is actually one my favorite...most heart-tugging moments in Brian's last thirty or so years...his voice is so poignant and's shattered but the cracks tell a story. He is a broken man too tough to cry.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Eric Aniversario on October 06, 2009, 10:06:11 PM
Child Is Father Of The Man:

"Easy my child it's just enough to believe

(I believe -I believe - I believe)

Out of the wild, into what you can't conceive...

You'll achieve..."

Made me misty-eyed at one of Brian's Smile shows.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Jay on October 07, 2009, 12:32:47 AM
This might be getting into bootleg territory, so I hope this post is allowed. Thewhole track is miraculous, but listen to 2:10 onward. If the note at 2:13 doesn't put your heart in your throat, something is wrong with you.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Shady on October 07, 2009, 11:09:36 AM
Too many to mention, but 'deep and wide' and the end of Sur'fs Up.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Pinder's Gone To Kokomo And Back Again on October 08, 2009, 05:18:56 PM
How about after the guitar solo in Marcella when the drums drop out and it's the sleighbells and the guitar/bass riff and then Mike comes in with "One arm over my shoulder"...... ?

Love Love Love it!

Whenever I listen to "In Concert" I end up repeating that moment countless times.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Pinder's Gone To Kokomo And Back Again on October 08, 2009, 05:29:38 PM
Or, as for completely unexpected moments of beauty: I listen to Getch Back on Beach Boys 85 at least once a day, so I will usually let "It's Getting Late" go for a bit before I realize I haven't pushed the "stop" button, or lifted the needle, but if I ever make it to Carl singing "It's gettin late-late-late-late..... my jaw drops and I suffer through the rest of the song.

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Aegir on October 08, 2009, 07:39:19 PM
You put on the whole LP just to listen to one song? Get the 45!

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Pinder's Gone To Kokomo And Back Again on October 08, 2009, 07:48:27 PM
i do have the 45 but I lost my plastic adaptor thing for the big hole in the middle!  :(

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: punkinhead on October 08, 2009, 08:27:12 PM
Speaking of that part on Marcella, I've always liked Blondie singing: "Marcella heeeyyy" sung by Jeff Foskett on Brian's live set....which equally sounds as good

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: rogerlancelot on October 08, 2009, 08:42:52 PM
Jumping in a bit late. How about the guitar solo in "Let The Wind Blow" from In Concert? The "Listen, Listen" bit into the string instrumental on "Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder)"? The fade on "This Whole World"?

Come to think of it, there are far too many unexpected moments of beauty on BB records especially if we go into the Denny territory...

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Eric Aniversario on October 08, 2009, 10:38:16 PM
Speaking of that part on Marcella, I've always liked Blondie singing: "Marcella heeeyyy" sung by Jeff Foskett on Brian's live set....which equally sounds as good
:o Whoa, I just had a eureka moment thanks to your post...I had never really thought about what Blondie was singing during that me it was one of those unknown lyrics I would sing along to with some nonsense words..."awesena heyyy"...


Before someone beats me to it:

 :thud :thud

Title: Re: moments of unexpected beauty
Post by: Eric Aniversario on October 08, 2009, 10:47:23 PM

Come to think of it, there are far too many unexpected moments of beauty on BB records especially if we go into the Denny territory...

It's fun to list a few favorites, but to list them all would take away some of the magic, I think.  It's always cool to hear a song I haven't heard in a while and get to a part I had forgotten about and experience it almost anew all over again!