The Smiley Smile Message Board

Non Smiley Smile Stuff => The Sandbox => Topic started by: The Shift on February 18, 2009, 06:42:59 AM

Title: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: The Shift on February 18, 2009, 06:42:59 AM
Just read over on the Blueboard that AGD might have been asked not to participate in that sycophantic board's topics.

Is this true, Andrew?

Could it be that Brian Wilson has also been asked not to participate which would explain why he's never there any more?

The truth needs to be told - and I doubt we'll ever hear about the truth on the Blueboard!

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Andrew G. Doe on February 18, 2009, 10:16:41 AM
Well... can't speak for Brian, but yes, that's how it is. Had a spat with some lamebrain called "Ellis" who wouldn't believe that Scotty wrote the intro to "MAD", or that "Joy To The World" is a 1997 co-production with Joe Thomas. The trenchant response to all the evidence I provided (as he... or she) requested was "do you believe everything you read ?". At which, I freely admit, I got somewhat irked, and profanely so. Very shortly thereafter I got an email requesting I not post again for a while, from MdM, but only as messenger. The request originated further up the food chain.  ;D

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: ♩♬🐸 Billy C ♯♫♩🐇 on February 18, 2009, 11:33:38 AM

How is it that some people will not believe anything, no matter what kind of proof or evidence is provided?

That's the type of bullsh*t I have to put up with at work. I am a supervisor at a call center for DISH Network, and my agents get calls from customers who insist that their tv not having any power is somehow our proble. Uh, if it won't turn on, that has nothing to do with us!

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Wrightfan on February 18, 2009, 11:59:18 AM
Sounds like alot of people there are on your side Mr. Doe. Even Adsett wrote a poem in disgust of your removal  :lol

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Andrew G. Doe on February 18, 2009, 12:25:01 PM
It's a bit like reading your own obits, but without the inconvenience of actually croaking.  ::)

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Bicyclerider on February 18, 2009, 12:30:03 PM
Never let facts get in the way of an opinion.

The board lets you use profanity without ***'ing it out?  We can't do that here, can we?

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Peadar 'Big Dinner' O'Driscoll on February 18, 2009, 01:11:07 PM
MdM said what??....oh my god.!..and then you will never believe what AGD did....and now they are saying Melinda is involved...and Ellis too...this is just all too much for me:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Andrew G. Doe on February 18, 2009, 01:18:06 PM
Never let facts get in the way of an opinion.

The board lets you use profanity without ***'ing it out?  We can't do that here, can we?

I was profane with asterisks. :-)

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Jon Stebbins on February 18, 2009, 02:55:24 PM
I was going to put my two cents in over there, I tend to love the way AGD gets snippy with people...even if its me. Sometimes I get snippy back. But the bottom line is that Andrew is always in favor of the facts being presented, he likes to learn things, he likes to share his knowledge, he's not running for most popular boy in school, he's not a spinmeister, he's not a kool-aid drinker...he has respect for the way learning, perspective, context and truth enhances our understanding of The Beach Boys and their music. I respect that. So, I logged on over there to put forth such a statement, and then it came to me...why waste my fingertips on that place. I rarely do, its better spent here.  AGD is one of the only reasons I even read posts on that board anyway. Its their loss. Keep the faith dude.

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: carlydenise on February 18, 2009, 03:07:26 PM
so it is true...oh good grief....
This is causing quite a long thread over on the blue board.  Things cannot always be hashed out with great decorum on a message board, sometimes a ruckus will occur.......what ever happened to the male ego board, anyway......

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Wirestone on February 18, 2009, 04:14:01 PM
Frankly, actually having followed Brian online when the JT-produced "Joy to the World" actually came out, I can't believe someone would argue something so clearly factual. I mean, I have the original CD that has that credit. As I suppose AGD does.

Keep the faith.

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: ♩♬🐸 Billy C ♯♫♩🐇 on February 18, 2009, 04:20:01 PM
I was going to put my two cents in over there, I tend to love the way AGD gets snippy with people...even if its me. Sometimes I get snippy back. But the bottom line is that Andrew is always in favor of the facts being presented, he likes to learn things, he likes to share his knowledge, he's not running for most popular boy in school, he's not a spinmeister, he's not a kool-aid drinker...he has respect for the way learning, perspective, context and truth enhances our understanding of The Beach Boys and their music. I respect that. So, I logged on over there to put forth such a statement, and then it came to me...why waste my fingertips on that place. I rarely do, its better spent here.  AGD is one of the only reasons I even read posts on that board anyway. Its their loss. Keep the faith dude.

Well put Jon. Even if Andrew & I weren't friends, I'd still admire how he always tells the truth, like it or not, no B.S. Kinda like Simon Cowell, only with better musical taste.

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Dave in KC on February 18, 2009, 04:52:53 PM
Carlydenise, I think I remember you from The Male Ego Board. Thanks for reminding me how much I miss that place. This Board is VERY good but ME was quite unique with its cast of characters.

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: carlydenise on February 18, 2009, 05:25:53 PM
This last ME board didn't work out very well, it ended up being overrun with spammers.  The one before this last one was the best, it was the recess playground of BB land, I never laughed so hard than I did at some of the characters on the board.  I do miss it, I come to this board more often than the others, I love this board.

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Shady on February 18, 2009, 05:30:38 PM
How stupid, banned after a debate, what the hell is a board for.

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: TdHabib on February 18, 2009, 07:02:14 PM
who wouldn't believe that Scotty wrote the intro to "MAD", or that "Joy To The World" is a 1997 co-production with Joe Thomas.
One problem people over there (I very rarely post but am registered) seem to struggle with is that even if Scott wrote that portion of the tune and the lyrics, IT'S STILL GREAT and Brian still contributed. They never want to give other people credit. Yes Brian is a genius and yes he has done some mighty work on his own, but let's recognize the collaborators. The credits for MAD read "Wilson/Bennet." This is not just a problem on that board, but people need to realize that even if something is 50% Brian 50% another collaborator, it is still worth merit and shoudln't be shunned. Both sides get me a little angry: the side that deny other people collaborations and the side that say this is just another sham "Brian is Back" campaign. It makes me wanna scream...

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Howie Edelson on February 18, 2009, 07:49:54 PM
Andrew -- stick to these waters.
Pearls before swine.
It's like a really uninteresting, uncomfortable, and unsettling ongoing issue of TIGER BEAT over there.


Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: lance on February 19, 2009, 12:13:22 AM
who wouldn't believe that Scotty wrote the intro to "MAD", or that "Joy To The World" is a 1997 co-production with Joe Thomas.
One problem people over there (I very rarely post but am registered) seem to struggle with is that even if Scott wrote that portion of the tune and the lyrics, IT'S STILL GREAT and Brian still contributed. They never want to give other people credit. Yes Brian is a genius and yes he has done some mighty work on his own, but let's recognize the collaborators. The credits for MAD read "Wilson/Bennet." This is not just a problem on that board, but people need to realize that even if something is 50% Brian 50% another collaborator, it is still worth merit and shoudln't be shunned. Both sides get me a little angry: the side that deny other people collaborations and the side that say this is just another sham "Brian is Back" campaign. It makes me wanna scream...
Me too, bro. Beach Boys World seems full of these weird simplifications for some reason.

Title: eek! where am i?
Post by: the brightonian darkside on February 19, 2009, 02:08:48 AM
i find m'self whirling in circles,
faint 'duh-deh duh-deh, duh-deh duh-deh...' music envelops me;
i'm sucked into a black, black, triple black hole
and spat out into glaring, er, blackness!

- i'm only a lurker,
i'm out of my depth and dimension'
i'm about to say...
but, gee, this must be some sort of afterlife,
for i see a light,
a blinding white on grey light it may be,
but it's a light.
and there is life
- much of it looks like vaguely familiar flotsam and jetsam...

oh, blimey
- i've fallen into the smiley smile board!
that's what eventually comes of taking hidden vicarious pleasure.
one topples in  the end!
well, at least it ain't male egoland.
i'd be sloshing around in far too much testosterone .

it took the agd affair
to cause me to lose my balance.

oh -wrightfan,
it ain't poetry.
it's the way i write.

cheers y'all

- last night i bounced like a dambuster's bomb...
first post and not posted!
seems filter here is more extreme than over in - try again.
if it don't work,
i've had it here.)

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Loaf on February 19, 2009, 03:49:05 AM
Next thing you know, they'll dispute Bruce Johnston had any input on Deirdre.

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Shamoo on February 19, 2009, 06:03:30 AM
Did they totally lose their minds at the Blueboard!?  Banning a BB historian and the most interesting poster of all.
Now, all they have left is a bunch of louts like me.  Like banning Mick from the Stones. Well, Obama did promise change. :hat

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: carlydenise on February 19, 2009, 11:09:38 AM
The louts are usually the comic relief, which could use some more of on the board. 

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Alf64 on February 19, 2009, 03:05:35 PM
I guess what goes around, comes around AGD. Remember you banning me on the BBB board? Obviously that was a misunderstanding. I have cleared it up with her. However you didn't allow me back to that board. Gotta love karma.

 Anything I EVER post anywhere is with using manners no foul language. ( check you logs on the BBB board if you don't believe me)That would be rather childish since we are all adults. Regardless of how knowledgeable you are on The Beach Boys history, you should also show respect and be polite to others.  There is a polite way to be angry.

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: oldsurferdude on February 19, 2009, 07:44:31 PM
I guess what goes around, comes around AGD. Remember you banning me on the BBB board? Obviously that was a misunderstanding. I have cleared it up with her. However you didn't allow me back to that board. Gotta love karma.

 Anything I EVER post anywhere is with using manners no foul language. ( check you logs on the BBB board if you don't believe me)That would be rather childish since we are all adults. Regardless of how knowledgeable you are on The Beach Boys history, you should also show respect and be polite to others.  There is a polite way to be angry.
Polite is not a valid word in the agd vocabulary bank. Mr. "how dare you have your own opinion!" has been properly "dealt with". :lol :lol :lol

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Mark A. Moore on February 19, 2009, 07:46:56 PM
Wildly entertaining !!

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Andrew G. Doe on February 19, 2009, 10:04:52 PM
Wildly entertaining !!

Isn't it just ?  ;D

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Shady on February 20, 2009, 10:05:05 AM
(posted by Soude Grenouille on February 20, 2009 at 9:27 am)


down below, it's suggested that it was because he stated that BW had collaborators on certain songs. Seems unlikely, but who can say?

AGD actually offended me with his assertion that I can't really be a fan, because I don't know Brian and Marilyn's wedding date. But hey, I got over it....

Did you really say that AGD?

LMAO, That's too funny.

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Andrew G. Doe on February 20, 2009, 11:46:37 AM
Didn't actually say that, but was a tad surprised he didn't know Bri & Mar's wedding date.

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Jason on February 20, 2009, 02:55:21 PM
Andrew's a scruffy old geezer who's so lame he got tha banhamma on tha bloo. Where's the JUSTICE?!? :)

Seriously, I'd take a ban from the blueboard as a good thing. While I somewhat agree that, sometimes, "polite" isn't in Andrew's vocabulary when it comes to certain things, objectivity most certainly is, and that's a concept that escapes even the smartest, most knowledgeable blueboarder. Andrew's removal from that forum just proves that. There's nothing fun about a message board that's all about fellating Brian's ego among other things.

This quoted post in my siggy says it best about Andrew. I mean that in the nicest possible way. :)

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Andrew G. Doe on February 21, 2009, 02:21:39 AM
Eh... seven day wonder - they'll get over it, especially when the posts start vanishing. No-one died, no-one got hurt. Life goes on. It's only the 'net, not real life.

Two final thoughts: I agree with most of the character assessments - online, I can be patronising, curt, dismissive and less than diplomatic. Like Jon said, not in it for the popularity (in real life, I'm just a pussycat).  And, due to something "Ellis" let slip in the last few days, I have a very shrewd idea of who he - or she - is, or at the very least where they hang out. Which deduction is most instructive.  ::)

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: ♩♬🐸 Billy C ♯♫♩🐇 on February 21, 2009, 10:45:08 AM

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Joy B on February 21, 2009, 12:15:46 PM
AGD is both a pussycat and a big old teddy bear.  I was going to add that latter comment to my mini AGD fan rave on the blueboard, but then thought ...mmm, better not.  Not on the blue. 

It'll all blow over.

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Noble Surfer on February 21, 2009, 08:37:48 PM
wow :o sometimes I wonder about that place over there ::)

Title: hmmph
Post by: carlydenise on February 22, 2009, 03:50:35 PM
it started back up on a thread I started, and now the whole thread is gone....oh poo! :P >:(  well fine, then....

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Andrew G. Doe on February 22, 2009, 10:05:17 PM
Like I said, when the posts start vanishing...

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: The Heartical Don on February 24, 2009, 02:37:47 AM
Like I said, when the posts start vanishing...

Although I am firmly with you AGD, I must admit that I had to laugh out loud about the silliness of it all. The blueboard, well, it can be pretty infantile a lot of the times, can't it?

'Brian before I was born I already knew, in my mom's womb, that there was your great art, and I vibrated and kicked around a lot to it. When I was born the first thing I shouted was: 'Ding Dang!', honest! And when I'm in an OAP home I will be seducing the nurses to the tune of 'God Only Knows'. Promised!'

Sad to say, this message got deleted, because it had the word 'womb' in it. According to the rules, only 'cabbage' is allowed.

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: carlydenise on February 24, 2009, 04:57:56 AM

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: The Heartical Don on February 24, 2009, 05:23:01 AM

Thank you, my pleasure!

Title: Re: AGD... it cannot be!
Post by: Alyn on March 09, 2009, 02:15:44 PM
Like I said, when the posts start vanishing...

Like on BBB you mean.