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Smiley Smile Stuff => General On Topic Discussions => Topic started by: juliansuess on May 31, 2022, 09:32:25 AM

Title: Dennis' encounter with Charles Manson --> Alcohol addiction?
Post by: juliansuess on May 31, 2022, 09:32:25 AM
So yesterday I watched a movie about Charles Manson and his ties with the music industry in Los Angeles. The movie showed how Charles Manson and his 'family' moved into Dennis' house, and how he even showed up at Brian's home studio. Creepy, makes you think how members of the Beach Boys could have been killed, too!

Anyway, in the movie it said that Dennis was deeply troubled by having met Charles Manson, and that this encounter was what led to Dennis becoming an alcoholic.

Did Dennis' problems with alcohol appear at that time? Do you think Manson was the reason that Dennis became an alcoholic?

Title: Re: Dennis' encounter with Charles Manson --> Alcohol addiction?
Post by: Ian on June 01, 2022, 03:32:58 AM
Seems like an impossible question to answer-he was a guy who liked to party and at a certain point it started to become a problem. He had his share of crazy moments but seemed fairly together till 1977 when he slowly started to deteriorate. I’ve heard that after his 1971 hand injury he started drinking more-he felt a bit awkward standing onstage with no drums to hide behind. I have a 1965 interview where he claims that he doesn’t drink at all but who knows if that was true at that time.

Title: Re: Dennis' encounter with Charles Manson --> Alcohol addiction?
Post by: phirnis on June 01, 2022, 07:22:06 AM
I don't believe in simple cause-and-effect explanations when it comes to addictions as severe as, by all accounts, what Dennis went through. I wouldn't be surprised if his encounter with Manson was a contributing factor. Of course the other Wilson brothers had their problems with drugs and alcohol too at different points in their lives.

Title: Re: Dennis' encounter with Charles Manson --> Alcohol addiction?
Post by: 37!ws on June 09, 2022, 07:26:26 AM
From what I understand, Denny lived in fear of Manson for the rest of his life. As Ian sez, Dennis liked to party, so I imagine he would have had a problem regardless, but I'm sure the whole Manson thing pushed him much deeper than he ever would have gone at such a young age. He undoubtedly had a lot of other issues -- couldn't hold down a marriage to save his life, probably worried about Brian, probably concerned that Brian was getting all the attention, and just plain living a rock'n'roll lifestyle.

Title: Re: Dennis' encounter with Charles Manson --> Alcohol addiction?
Post by: DonnyL on June 12, 2022, 09:42:40 AM
Charles Manson being the reason Dennis drank? LOL no, sounds like something made up for that doc. If you want to point to any person, look no further than Dennis’ dad Murry.

I would even suggest than Dennis being open to Manson in the first place was potentially related to issues with Murry.

Title: Re: Dennis' encounter with Charles Manson --> Alcohol addiction?
Post by: Lawrence Watson on August 17, 2022, 06:50:59 PM
Dennis was already a heavy drinker long before Manson presented himself at his house.