The Smiley Smile Message Board

Smiley Smile Stuff => General On Topic Discussions => Topic started by: the captain on December 31, 2016, 12:56:58 PM

Title: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: the captain on December 31, 2016, 12:56:58 PM
I'm stealing the thread idea SJS began at PSF. What would you most like to see from the Beach Boys and/or its various affiliated personnel in 2017? This is what I said there, and, in that it has only been like half an hour what I guess I still think. (Also, look! I don't hide out exclusively in the General Music or Sandbox forums. Does this post renew my board membership for another year, or do I have to write a check, too?)

My wishes for 2017:

I want new studio material, and if it's going to be half so dramatic as last time, I'd rather it just be Brian with any combination of Al, Blondie, Dave, and Brian's band. (If Mike and Bruce were interested in participating and making new material--material that isn't about rhyming sun and fun [fun, fun] 75 times a song or so delusional about who they are as to insist upon playing the role of dirty old leering men on the beach just begging for somebody to call the cops--then I'm all for that, too.)

It can--as I've been dreaming for years now--dribble out a tune at a time online, if that's how Brian is feeling it. Or an EP here and there. Or an album. Whatever. But new stuff that he wants to create, that's what I want. And if I'm going to get selfish, I'd like to have fewer Brian leads and more Al, Darian, and Matt. Let Brian add the lines he's capable of enunciating in his own range and the better singers sing the tougher or wordier parts.

No suites. No themes. Ideally few-to-no covers. Just songs. They can rock, they can be sweet, they can be weird, they can be clever, they can be stupid. Just songs.

As for Beach Boys material, I'd like to see more archival stuff, with an emphasis on unreleased studio material over live stuff or alternate takes.

And hopefully none of them dies this year. Though at this point it wouldn't surprise me with any of them.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: clinikillz on December 31, 2016, 01:15:29 PM
I wish for a stereo remixed Wild Honey with bonus tracks and outtakes.
I wish for a special release of Sunflower with bonus tracks and outtakes. Ditto Surf's Up.
I wish for the 4/4 version of Big Sur to be released officially.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Adult Child on December 31, 2016, 01:18:24 PM
I really can't imagine them recording any new material this year as the Beach Boys. Also, as cool as that would be, I think 'Summers Gone' was about as perfect as a final Beach Boys song as they could come up with.

It'd be great if Brian released a solo album with Al, Ricky, Dave, & his band but it wouldn't be the Beach Boys obviously. Even though Brian is and was always by far the most important member, it kinda wouldn't and couldn't be the Beach Boys without Mike (and Bruce too I guess, though especially Mike). Hell, That's Why God Made the Radio didn't really feel right without Carl & Dennis.

I was taken aback abit by the sort of "I'm old now and I know it" attitude of 'From There to Back Again' through 'Summers Gone' on TWGMTR. It was refreshing to hear Brian and the boys (whoever else wrote it, I can't imagine Mike writing it) facing the feelings of their reality as opposed to pretending they were 18 or whatever getting it off with school girls and endless youth and all that stuff (which seems to be Mike's whole trip and the unholy subconscious reason for that damned hat he has to wear I always felt). It'd be cool if Brian wrote some really personal songs about how he feels now. I feel, and the autobiography I guess is a sign, that he's more comfortable now in his skin than he's been in years because he's accepted the past and maybe (even though he supposedly moved on 20 or so odd years ago) he's finally moved on to living for today. Not the album, of course. But I don't mind if he doesn't really. He deserves to do nothing if he wants to.

It'd be really cool if they could release a Brian's Bedroom Tapes album, or boxset with a neat booklet with information and all that. Even though there's kind of a mystique about those songs rarity (like there was with Smile) there are too many songs from that period that I don't think would ever slip online otherwise and I really need to hear the original demo of 'Til I Die'. That boxset would be amazing.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: acedecade75 on December 31, 2016, 01:18:34 PM
 I wish they all could be California Girls...   Sorry!

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: the captain on December 31, 2016, 01:23:28 PM
I wish they all could be California Girls...   Sorry!
Hey, between their money and modern science, they could be.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Adult Child on December 31, 2016, 01:30:36 PM
Also it would be cool if someone could compile a book full of Brian interviews throughout the years. I've seen a Lennon on Lennon book and a McCartney on McCartney book at the store recently and I'm sure there's one for Bob Dylan and it'd be cool to see all the things he's said about various things over the years. As good or not as his memory might be these days, I think a collection of all the most in depth interviews he's done would give a more complete picture of his own thoughts on his music (however much he's really talked about it). For someone as amazingly talented and brilliant as he was (and is), he rarely really talks about the music, and never really has in depth as far as I can remember ever reading.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: AKA on December 31, 2016, 03:04:14 PM
I'd love a Brother-era rarities and outtakes compilation, or even a Sunflower/Surfs Up sessions box set.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Adult Child on December 31, 2016, 03:10:55 PM
I'd love a Brother-era rarities and outtakes compilation, or even a Sunflower/Surfs Up sessions box set.

They (the actual Beach Boys) attempted to rerecord the instrumental bits for 'Surfs Up' before eventually deciding that the original was better. Their attempt would be cool to hear.

A collection of Dennis rarities would be cool, to show his "journey" or whatever as an artist. He really bloomed in that period (69/70).

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Emdeeh on December 31, 2016, 05:20:34 PM
I'm hoping for something special for Wild Honey's 50th. It would also be nice if Brian decided to tour Smile again in 2017.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: “Big Daddy” on December 31, 2016, 08:18:05 PM
I hope Mike releases his new solo project recorded with Michael Lloyd. It’s apparently ready to go. Please Mike…

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: “Big Daddy” on December 31, 2016, 08:21:38 PM
I wish for a stereo remixed Wild Honey with bonus tracks and outtakes

This would make my life.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Surfer on December 31, 2016, 09:43:53 PM
My Wish is to see a Dennis Wilson Box Set
I would see a official Release of Add Some Music and LandLocked
Some New Material of songs like Soul Surfer a song to Dennis Wilson because He was the Surfer of the Band
Release a new CD of New Surfin and Hot Rod and songs about Girls

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: The LEGENDARY OSD on December 31, 2016, 10:24:47 PM
Here's hoping that myKe luHv's license to tour as the Beach Boys is revoked. The sooner, the better.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: William Bowe on December 31, 2016, 11:26:27 PM
My wishes for the Beach Boys in 2017:

1. Pack it in.
2. Bonus-packed reissues of everything up to 1979 (beyond which I'm not really interested, not counting solo Brian).

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Rocky Raccoon on January 01, 2017, 01:59:17 AM
I'd like to see a DVD/Blu-Ray release of their best concert clips and music videos.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Peadar 'Big Dinner' O'Driscoll on January 01, 2017, 03:03:12 AM
If nothing else happens except Mike declines the offer to play for Trump then I would take that right now. Have no prob if he wants to play as the endless summer band or whatever but not the Beach Boys.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: donald on January 01, 2017, 03:45:27 AM
Would be nice to see some deep cuts covered by others have wide commercial success and to see some of same deep cuts featured prominently in some wide release films.    I certainly don' t anticipate anything new in terms of recordings that would rattle my world.  I would like them to remain healthy and maybe smoke the peace pipe together.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Scaroline No on January 01, 2017, 08:01:35 AM
My wishes echo much of what's already been said, but I want to put them out into the universe anyway!

- Continuing health and happiness for Brian, Al, Blondie, Mike, Bruce, David, and all of their band mates, dearest friends, and loved ones, above everything else.

- New music - While a new album would be amazing, that might be asking for a bit much.  I'd love to see Brian bring back the vinyl single format - I think if anyone has the cred to do it, he does  :bw

- No autotune. We know your voices, guys, and we love them just the way they are, at this stage of your lives. Just do what you know you can and use the talents of others to help you out where necessary  :)

- Regardless of what happens on January 20th, I wish for the Beach Boys to be able to maintain a positive reputation with their fans both casual and hardcore, and that no one will feel inclined to give up on something they cherish or trash their record collection over a concert. My personal hope is that there is no inaugural performance under the Beach Boys name, but since I have no control over that, I'm going to control only what I can, and that is my attitude. I'm not going to let something like that affect my devotion to this great, great band.

- And if Brian would tour Smile again, I'd be on cloud 9. I missed that the first time around and I'd practically give my right arm to experience that!

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: JK on January 01, 2017, 08:13:53 AM
And hopefully none of them dies this year.

My #1 wish and prayer. Let all the surviving Boys continue to do just that!

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Hickory Violet Part IV on January 02, 2017, 10:41:56 PM
Release of the Durrie Parks Heroes and Villians acetate featuring I'm in Great Shape.

Hi by the way. I used to post here but haven't for some years.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Magic Transistor Radio on January 02, 2017, 11:00:46 PM
I wish that either the Beach Boys or Brian's or even Al's next album were produced by Jason Lytle of Grandaddy.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Cool Cool Water on January 05, 2017, 01:31:36 PM
Brian Wilson to tour the 'Love You' album. He hinted on the Q&R on here a few years back, however, doubtful to happen anytime soon. You never know mind!  :hat

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: KDS on January 05, 2017, 01:34:45 PM
I'd like to see a DVD/Blu-Ray release of their best concert clips and music videos.

I'd love to see this. 

And maybe some DVD of full shows.

(Have to be careful what I wish for.  They might release a way too expensive set a la Pink Floyd)

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Scaroline No on January 07, 2017, 02:18:59 PM
You know, I don't know if this is a thing that could happen but... a release of *everything* Brian Wilson ever did with the Wrecking Crew. All together.

*everything worth hearing*

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Tacos on January 08, 2017, 08:45:57 AM
I wish that either the Beach Boys or Brian's or even Al's next album were produced by Jason Lytle of Grandaddy.

I wish 1967 Brian Wilson and 1997 Jason Lytle could collaborate.  Still holding out for this new Grandaddy record coming out in a couple months.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Rocker on January 08, 2017, 10:18:04 AM
Wishes for the Beach Boys in 2017:

Just end it, please!

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: SMiLE Brian on January 08, 2017, 10:29:13 AM
Agreed, the amount of live vocal processing on Mike's voice is getting ridiculous. His voice is a croak at this point.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: You Kane, You Commanded, You Conquered on January 08, 2017, 11:24:47 AM
I hope for a relatively drama-free year.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: guitarfool2002 on January 09, 2017, 07:37:22 AM
Fact-check the self-appointed fact-checkers.

Cut the whitewashing schtick, cut the bullshit, and deal with the facts.

Let the legacy of the band remain the legacy of the band from here to eternity.

Stop the lying and distortions in the name of grudges, agendas, or pure ego.

A chicken in every pot.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Senator Blutarsky on January 09, 2017, 02:46:45 PM
New studio album from Brian w/ Al and w/Blondie having a prominent role on guitar. Mike stopping by the studio with Bruce and taking lead vocals and co-writing  a couple songs.

As far as the Beach Boys, I'm kinda indifferent. Mike can keep it going.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: MikestheGreatest!! on January 09, 2017, 05:46:08 PM
Do they even really exist anymore?  Not as far as I am concerned.  Even the 2012 reunion was sorta bogus.  But as a studio production band, lots of their music has been kind of bogus.   Though a lot of it really good and from MIU on, a lot of it really bad....

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Moon Dawg on January 09, 2017, 06:45:58 PM
  Peace and good health for all The Beach Boys and their families.

  A Surf's Up reissue w/ bonus tracks.

  Archival live releases from the 70s.

  Any new music they care to release.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: guitarfool2002 on January 10, 2017, 08:01:09 AM
I have one: The full 40 minutes plus of the 1966 Good Vibrations recording session video footage. It was reported this footage was shown to a UK fan gathering that was a paid/ticketed event, so why isn't it also being made available for all fans to see if it already got a private screening?

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Lonely Summer on January 10, 2017, 03:54:32 PM
Not expecting any new material from Brian, I think he's basically done as far as recording. Mike does need to get his solo disc out, though, way overdue. Would be nice to have a good biography of Carl, that book from last year was sooo disappointing. How about a "best of Carl" to go with that? A compilation of his best BB's vocals, solo stuff, guest vocals on other people's records...I could listen to that forever.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: guitarfool2002 on January 10, 2017, 05:00:33 PM
A Brian Wilson collection/compilation of his personal picks for the set along with some choice demos and outtakes would be a nice release to see in 2017. With new liners and notes, of course.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: JK on January 11, 2017, 03:51:41 AM
Wishes for the Beach Boys in 2017:

Just end it, please!

Wise words indeed. But wait until after I've seen Mike's Boys in June. ;D

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: KDS on January 11, 2017, 12:04:47 PM
I hope that Mike continues to add some different album tracks on his setlists (maybe at the expense of Pisces Brothers). 

New BW album without Joe Thomas at the mixing board.  What Joe did was fine for Imagination, TWGMTR, and NPP.  But if Brian really wants to do a rock and roll album (the tiny bit of River Deep Mountain High he did in Baltimore this August sounded great), please leave Mr. Thomas out of it. 

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: bonnevillemariner on January 11, 2017, 01:53:36 PM
New album from Brian with as much involvement from the others as possible. I know it's a pipe dream, and would run completely afoul of their now ossified grudge dynamic, but it'd be cool to see Mike and Bruce contribute somehow.  

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: The LEGENDARY OSD on January 11, 2017, 02:50:37 PM
New album from Brian with as much involvement from the others as possible. I know it's a pipe dream, and would run completely afoul of their now ossified grudge dynamic, but it'd be cool to see Mike and Bruce contribute somehow.  

Those two morons would add nothing to a Brian album whatsoever.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: KDS on January 11, 2017, 03:05:40 PM
New album from Brian with as much involvement from the others as possible. I know it's a pipe dream, and would run completely afoul of their now ossified grudge dynamic, but it'd be cool to see Mike and Bruce contribute somehow.  

That would be pretty cool, but if Mike and Bruce somehow got involved with the project, that would likely add extra pressure to call it a Beach Boys album. 

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: rab2591 on January 11, 2017, 03:21:57 PM
New album from Brian with as much involvement from the others as possible. I know it's a pipe dream, and would run completely afoul of their now ossified grudge dynamic, but it'd be cool to see Mike and Bruce contribute somehow.  

Those two morons would add nothing to a Brian album whatsoever.

Gotta agree with you. It would end up turning into a compromise album like TWGMTR was. Just let Brian be Brian, work with who he wants with the material he wants. I wrote this on the BW forum, but here is my dream for a Brian Wilson Rock n Roll album:

"I would love to see this album come out. I would also like to see it as a concept album of sorts. Yes, Brian could just go ahead and do a straight album of 12 or so covers.....or he could make this album mimic that of a 60s radio station. The opening could have the sound of someone cycling through radio stations, then BAM you hear a radio station jingle (like the 'Wonderful KYA' radio spot) then the DJ (they could find a classic disc jockey from back in the day to do the narrations) could introduce the first song.

Between every few songs you could have an advertisement or two (for the Radiant Radish and sandbox pianos haha). Before the last song have the DJ conduct a short interview with Brian himself. Make the last song be an original tune that Brian writes with Scott that is inspired by all the songs on the album."

This was before Scott got indicted. Make it a new solo song he writes with anyone he's comfortable with writing with.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: branaa09 on January 11, 2017, 04:29:52 PM
Not expecting any new material from Brian, I think he's basically done as far as recording. Mike does need to get his solo disc out, though, way overdue. Would be nice to have a good biography of Carl, that book from last year was sooo disappointing. How about a "best of Carl" to go with that? A compilation of his best BB's vocals, solo stuff, guest vocals on other people's records...I could listen to that forever.

Your kidding right? Brian is working on a new album, read his biography. Music for Sensitive People is the name he has so far.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: rab2591 on January 11, 2017, 05:37:32 PM
Not expecting any new material from Brian, I think he's basically done as far as recording. Mike does need to get his solo disc out, though, way overdue. Would be nice to have a good biography of Carl, that book from last year was sooo disappointing. How about a "best of Carl" to go with that? A compilation of his best BB's vocals, solo stuff, guest vocals on other people's records...I could listen to that forever.

Your kidding right? Brian is working on a new album, read his biography. Music for Sensitive People is the name he has so far.

Yeah, I wouldn't bet against Brian putting a new album out. Ever hear him at soundchecks? The guy seems to constantly work on rock and roll classics with his band. And if those soundchecks are any indication this rock and roll album is going to fucking rock (Brian Wilson style). Also when he is working on those rock classics at soundcheck the guy is 10000% in control - it's like hearing the Pet Sounds Sessions all over again.

Has Ray Lawlor been around here in a while? I wonder if he knows anything about any new recording...?

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: JK on January 12, 2017, 05:10:17 AM
Has Ray Lawlor been around here in a while?

Officially, not since his October 26, 2016 post about Brian and the book-signing issue...

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Scaroline No on January 12, 2017, 05:51:48 AM
Has Ray Lawlor been around here in a while?

Officially, not since his October 26, 2106 post about Brian and the book-signing issue...

JK, I had a feeling you were a time traveller :)

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: JK on January 12, 2017, 06:47:33 AM
Has Ray Lawlor been around here in a while?

Officially, not since his October 26, 2106 post about Brian and the book-signing issue...

JK, I had a feeling you were a time traveller :)

Haha. I keep doing that. Typing with two fingers isn't all it's made out to be.

Either that or Ray Lawlor is a time traveller. ;D

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: rab2591 on January 12, 2017, 08:11:12 AM

"I don't get it Doc. I mean, how can all this be happening? It's like we're in hell or something."
"No, it's Washington DC, although I can't imagine hell being much worse!"

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: rab2591 on January 12, 2017, 08:14:19 AM
Has Ray Lawlor been around here in a while?

Officially, not since his October 26, 2016 post about Brian and the book-signing issue...

Thanks for the info. I hope he comes back to shed some light on the any new album updates.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: SMiLE Brian on January 12, 2017, 08:29:46 AM

"I don't get it Doc. I mean, how can all this be happening? It's like we're in hell or something."
"No, it's Washington DC, although I can't imagine hell being much worse!"

Rab! :lol

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: bonnevillemariner on January 12, 2017, 08:58:39 AM
It would end up turning into a compromise album like TWGMTR was. Just let Brian be Brian, work with who he wants with the material he wants.

Good points.  Ok, screw Mike. I wouldn't mind Bruce in the vocal stack, though.

I don't care what type of album Brian releases; I just want something. My only request might sound kinda harsh.  I wish for tons of Brian vocals, stack-o-Brian's, etc., but where he shines the most these days is non-lexical vocals (oohs, ahs, etc.). So I'd rather see more of these and fewer actual lyrics sung by him.  I also wish for a return to the soaring, swooping falsetto. I want it up front and strong, like the good old days.  Matt can pull that off. Use him.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Lee Marshall on January 12, 2017, 09:19:50 AM
It is ever-so obviously over.  Before you squeeze that last dollop of bullshit out of it a day.  What was once great, valid, interesting and unique...what was once a trailblazing source of sound and sonic delights, what was once one of the 'toppermost' touring bands on the planet has shrunk in terms of influence, importance and abilities to the point now that they've become the entertainment world's version of a BAD SMELL.  They won't go away.

Go away.  [and take that 'love' guy with you.]  It's  O V E R.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: rab2591 on January 12, 2017, 09:41:28 AM
It would end up turning into a compromise album like TWGMTR was. Just let Brian be Brian, work with who he wants with the material he wants.

Good points.  Ok, screw Mike. I wouldn't mind Bruce in the vocal stack, though.

I don't care what type of album Brian releases; I just want something. My only request might sound kinda harsh.  I wish for tons of Brian vocals, stack-o-Brian's, etc., but where he shines the most these days is non-lexical vocals (oohs, ahs, etc.). So I'd rather see more of these and fewer actual lyrics sung by him.  I also wish for a return to the soaring, swooping falsetto. I want it up front and strong, like the good old days.  Matt can pull that off. Use him.

Agreed. I thought Bruce sounded fantastic on TWGMTR. I doubt any involvement would happen between him and Brian, but given how weird things have been in their world anything is possible at this point.

Brian sounded phenomenal on 'One Kind of Love' (he hit some amazing high notes in there), and his Disney albums had top-notch lead vocals. So I think he should do some leads, but I totally agree that Brian should do more "oohs" and "ahhs" and also give Matt some lead vocals. Al still sounds like he's in his 30s - USE this voice for recordings, it's kind of a miracle that he still sounds like he did in their heyday. Don't just waste all that talent on live performances, but use it to record some timeless songs.

Blondie has a rockin voice, and wouldn't it be great if Brian recorded a Rolling Stone's song for his cover album, and gave Blondie the lead? He kicked serious ass on Wild Honey these past tours...put that energy into an album and I could foresee some good charting.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: CenturyDeprived on January 12, 2017, 10:21:22 AM

"I don't get it Doc. I mean, how can all this be happening? It's like we're in hell or something."
"No, it's Washington DC, although I can't imagine hell being much worse!"

Rab! :lol


Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: The LEGENDARY OSD on January 12, 2017, 12:40:24 PM

"I don't get it Doc. I mean, how can all this be happening? It's like we're in hell or something."
"No, it's Washington DC, although I can't imagine hell being much worse!"

Rab! :lol


Priceless!   :woot :woot

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: CenturyDeprived on January 12, 2017, 12:59:43 PM

"I don't get it Doc. I mean, how can all this be happening? It's like we're in hell or something."
"No, it's Washington DC, although I can't imagine hell being much worse!"

Rab! :lol


Priceless!   :woot :woot

Wheeeeeeennnn some loud bigot tries to put me down
To say only his sexual orientation is great
I tell him right away
Now (even though N.O.W. sucks) what's the matter buddy, why you peekin' in my bedroom
While the Prez brags about rape
So be true to your fool now!

At least Bruce can adjust the mic Pence. I'm sure Pence will regret not being able to work his magical conversion therapy on Jack Rieley. Too gosh darn late on that one.  Maybe if Pence finds a DeLorean he can go back in time to fix Jack.

But hey, the bright side is that there's still living BB collaborators like Boy George and Elton John for Mike & Bruce-approved Pencypoo to do his conversion magic on!

The only wishes are for the band to stay clear from association with homophobic, bigoted assclowns.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Lonely Summer on January 12, 2017, 11:40:41 PM
Not expecting any new material from Brian, I think he's basically done as far as recording. Mike does need to get his solo disc out, though, way overdue. Would be nice to have a good biography of Carl, that book from last year was sooo disappointing. How about a "best of Carl" to go with that? A compilation of his best BB's vocals, solo stuff, guest vocals on other people's records...I could listen to that forever.

Your kidding right? Brian is working on a new album, read his biography. Music for Sensitive People is the name he has so far.
I suppose he might put something out eventually, but new music is not where it's at for Brian these days. I suspect he will tour Pet Sounds awhile longer, then maybe tour Smile again. I really don't expect any new music from any of these guys at this late date. The new stuff doesn't sell, the casual fans want the old stuff, and that's what Mike, Brian, Al, Bruce and David will be playing for the rest of their lives.
As for new releases, I am more interested in seeing/hearing some good stuff from the vaults at Capitol and Brother Records. How about an expanded Beach Boys in Concert with some Dennis songs? As good as that double album was, I can think of many songs that would be nice to add - Forever, Long Promised Road, Surf's Up, It's About Time...

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: rab2591 on January 23, 2017, 10:08:43 PM
Not expecting any new material from Brian, I think he's basically done as far as recording. Mike does need to get his solo disc out, though, way overdue. Would be nice to have a good biography of Carl, that book from last year was sooo disappointing. How about a "best of Carl" to go with that? A compilation of his best BB's vocals, solo stuff, guest vocals on other people's records...I could listen to that forever.

Your kidding right? Brian is working on a new album, read his biography. Music for Sensitive People is the name he has so far.

To add to this I hope they mix any possible rock cover album in mono with Brian's guidance. I've been listening to BBs mono albums all night long and there is some kind of power behind such mixing. It could only benefit the sound of Brian's modern studio work.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: job on January 27, 2017, 10:06:59 AM
I'd love a Brother-era rarities and outtakes compilation, or even a Sunflower/Surfs Up sessions box set.


Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Hickory Violet Part IV on January 27, 2017, 11:49:59 AM
My wish this year is the same as always.

Plane to LA.

Time machine back to August '66.

Invisibility cloak.

Digital recorder and a stack of SD cards.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: Mr Fulton on January 27, 2017, 02:20:41 PM
I want the Brian Wilson Bedroom Tapes released!!

Brian said last year that they would come out

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: wingsoveramerica on January 27, 2017, 03:21:40 PM
That stereo mix of Wild Honey that was made back in 2012.

Title: Re: Wishes for Beach Boys 2017
Post by: PetSmile on January 27, 2017, 07:08:46 PM
Would love stereo Smile mixes and a full release of Lei'd in Hawaii (including the Wally Heider Heroes and Villains without Mike's monologue and Sloop John B live).