The Smiley Smile Message Board

Non Smiley Smile Stuff => General Music Discussion => Topic started by: Emily on January 13, 2016, 10:01:30 AM

Title: Streaming services and device
Post by: Emily on January 13, 2016, 10:01:30 AM
This probably doesn't deserve its own thread, but I don't think there's a general music thread for questions that don't deserve their own thread.

I'm going to cave and subscribe to a streaming service. Does anyone have any opinions or information that will help me make a choice among them?

Also, can anyone recommend an inexpensive Bluetooth and Wi-Fi device that I can get for the sole purpose of receiving the service and sending it to my speakers?


Title: Re: Streaming services and device
Post by: undercover-m on January 13, 2016, 12:28:51 PM
Apple Music seems more confusing to me than Spotify. At least, the new iOS Music app is more confusing.

Before people start getting into hissy fits about music streaming and how little it pays artists, in its defense, I use music streaming to get to know more artists....... and then I end up buying their bandcamp/vinyl, so in the end, I do support artists :P.

Anyway, Spotify is cool just because it's so easy to make playlists and share them with your friends. Although I have heard that Google Play and Tidal pay artists better?

Amazon has a ton of bluetooth speakers. My friend got this one (http://"") for a white elephant gift exchange, and it looks really cool (they don't have an aux input I don't think, though). If you're not looking for light-up speakers, then there are these (http://"") little boxes (http://"") that seem to work pretty well.

I have these from a Christmas gift. I hook up bluetooth and my record player to them. They're bulky but they're nice for a poor college student who doesn't have money/space for nice speakers :P.

If you find yourself using those apple headphones that come with iPhones, you should also switch to something like these (http://""). They're not Bose but at least I think they're good.

Title: Re: Streaming services and device
Post by: The Cincinnati Kid on January 13, 2016, 04:05:21 PM
I use Spotify.  Don't have the premium version, not worth it to me.  I'd rather sit through a minute or so of commercials.  But I just use it to listen to music I already bought when I don't feel like getting out my phone or iPod. 

Title: Re: Streaming services and device
Post by: Emily on January 13, 2016, 04:58:51 PM
Thanks guys. This is a good start for me.
Spotify sounds good. I will pay because it's mainly for my daughter to find new music and I don't like her to be exposed to much advertising, for both of our sakes!

Title: Re: Streaming services and device
Post by: Peadar 'Big Dinner' O'Driscoll on January 14, 2016, 02:28:01 AM
Stick with Vinyl..


but seriously I pay for Spotify and its great for discovering stuff

Title: Re: Streaming services and device
Post by: Emily on January 14, 2016, 06:43:19 AM
I love that cartoon!