The Smiley Smile Message Board

Non Smiley Smile Stuff => The Sandbox => Topic started by: retrokid67 on March 13, 2014, 11:34:27 PM

Title: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: retrokid67 on March 13, 2014, 11:34:27 PM
honestly, it is really sad that it's come down to this  :(. Jarhead  has apologized for his actions yet people still treat him like crap (which fuels more anger in him). those last comments on the "Hacked Again" thread were disgusting.   do you guys seriously take pleasure in this?  I don't understand.  ??? everyone here has one thing in common, our love for the BB.  I'm sure if any of the BB members were on this board they wouldn't be proud of this.  Just because he's young doesn't give you people the right to cyber bully, and I'm not just talking about him I'm talking about any person out there who's been cyber bullied.  if we all just focused on the Beach Boys and not this other crap this would be a much happier place.  and I know I'm guilty of this too but I'm willing to work on it.  None of us are perfect.

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: smile-holland on March 14, 2014, 12:56:38 AM
Okay, I just moved this to the Sandbox, where it belongs.

Lately I've seen a lot of unnecessary insults going back and forth, and that's not what we want to see here. I'm going to give a more extended repsonse later, but for now I'm asking, no, demanding all parties involved to STOP the insults and harassing. We're getting complaints from both sides, and to be honest both have a point. So for now please cool down !

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: Andrew G. Doe on March 14, 2014, 02:36:43 AM
do you guys seriously take pleasure in this?  I don't understand.  ??? everyone here has one thing in common, our love for the BB.  

Sadly, some do post here - or rather, did in the very recent past - purely to derail threads, cause dissent and generally behave like fuckwitted shitweasels. The music didn't come into it. Others were guilty of being short-tempered, arrogant and dismissive (like me). Thankfully, in recent months/weeks, it's settled down on a more even keel, mostly because the most persistent offenders have been either banned, or been issued with the Final Warning (again, like me).

Trust me, it's been far, far, far worse than you've seen. Some truly psychotic posters and posts.

I'm sure if any of the BB members were on this board they wouldn't be proud of this.

They read this board, and others. Mostly they find it amusing, but when it gets personal (abusing the younger family members), they stop smiling. Inferring someone's wife is a lady of easy virtue, for example. Nice. Very nice.

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: Paulos on March 14, 2014, 03:35:49 AM
That's it - I'm out. The quality of discussion on this board has been going downhill for some time now, I saw a spark of hope with the Big Beat thread which was excellent but it's gone back to polls and moronic Dennis threads (by 3 posters in particular). I'll check back from time to time to see if there is any actual news but for now so long, farewell, Au'voir, auf wiedersehen.

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: rab2591 on March 14, 2014, 05:04:25 AM
Just because he's young doesn't give you people the right to cyber bully

Here's the thing: There are PLENTY of young fans on here...and they don't feel ostracized by the older fans. Most of the young people here respect the etiquette of the board...They realize that members of the Beach Boys DO read this board - and they treat this place with the courtesy it deserves. They don't post 30 times a day. They don't talk about their school day on a general-topic thread.

This place is delicate - members here like to keep things on an even keel. When you rock the boat, expect backlash from other members. It's that simple.

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: filledeplage on March 14, 2014, 07:34:53 AM
Just because he's young doesn't give you people the right to cyber bully

Here's the thing: There are PLENTY of young fans on here...and they don't feel ostracized by the older fans. Most of the young people here respect the etiquette of the board...They realize that members of the Beach Boys DO read this board - and they treat this place with the courtesy it deserves. They don't post 30 times a day. They don't talk about their school day on a general-topic thread.

This place is delicate - members here like to keep things on an even keel. When you rock the boat, expect backlash from other members. It's that simple.
Agreed! I will miss Paulos.  (Please don't leave.)  I agree about the polls.  Maybe they should be in a separate designation.  But, I am very,very concerned about Internet security.  Having kids (adults, now) who took History of Rock and Roll, and maybe got BB introductions in academic context, that might have been one-sided. I read all those books that I find, to see what is being taught about the BB's and other bands from that era.  So I'm really looking with a critical eye.  Or that reflected a personal opinion of the author, rather than something more fact-driven, might feel that it was enough to dive in. 

You don't need to be "older" to know the music, but, I think to get the "topics" in the music, it is important to know what was going on when Brian and Mike were writing, and the different phases they experienced, and grew from. To dismiss it is just being uninformed and close-minded, my opinion.  To me, that young people show interest is awesome, but more important that the story isn't "changed" because a fan likes one musician more than another. 

Just give each one his due.  They're mere mortals, after all.  ;)

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: Dudd on March 14, 2014, 01:27:11 PM
Yeah, the board's having one of its downers. Too many arguments probably resulting from too little happening. Things are getting messy and tedious and it may be worth us all just taking a break for the time being (though I realise that'd be difficult... I was told that'd be the equivalent of withdrawal  :P).

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: retrokid67 on March 14, 2014, 03:05:00 PM
Just because he's young doesn't give you people the right to cyber bully

Here's the thing: There are PLENTY of young fans on here...and they don't feel ostracized by the older fans. Most of the young people here respect the etiquette of the board...They realize that members of the Beach Boys DO read this board - and they treat this place with the courtesy it deserves. They don't post 30 times a day. They don't talk about their school day on a general-topic thread.

This place is delicate - members here like to keep things on an even keel. When you rock the boat, expect backlash from other members. It's that simple.

But he apologized for his actions and no one took it seriously obviously.  would you rather have him act like nothing ever happened?  I don't see how that's possible since we can't delete posts or threads, the most we can do here is lock them.

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: rab2591 on March 14, 2014, 04:18:14 PM
Just because he's young doesn't give you people the right to cyber bully

Here's the thing: There are PLENTY of young fans on here...and they don't feel ostracized by the older fans. Most of the young people here respect the etiquette of the board...They realize that members of the Beach Boys DO read this board - and they treat this place with the courtesy it deserves. They don't post 30 times a day. They don't talk about their school day on a general-topic thread.

This place is delicate - members here like to keep things on an even keel. When you rock the boat, expect backlash from other members. It's that simple.

But he apologized for his actions and no one took it seriously obviously.  would you rather have him act like nothing ever happened?  I don't see how that's possible since we can't delete posts or threads, the most we can do here is lock them.

We've all seen him apologize many times for various things...yet his apologies mean nothing if he doesn't change the habits that are irritating people in the first place. He promised to cut back on his posting...

Yes, I have been posting a bit too much around here lately. So I'm cutting down on that.

...yet in the last 4 days he's racked up nearly 60 posts (and he's managed to write nearly 1700 posts in just 8 months). That's a ridiculous amount of posting. He just needs to learn to ignore the posters that are bothering him and adhere to forum etiquette. That simple.

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: retrokid67 on March 15, 2014, 06:16:54 PM
Just because he's young doesn't give you people the right to cyber bully

Here's the thing: There are PLENTY of young fans on here...and they don't feel ostracized by the older fans. Most of the young people here respect the etiquette of the board...They realize that members of the Beach Boys DO read this board - and they treat this place with the courtesy it deserves. They don't post 30 times a day. They don't talk about their school day on a general-topic thread.

This place is delicate - members here like to keep things on an even keel. When you rock the boat, expect backlash from other members. It's that simple.

But he apologized for his actions and no one took it seriously obviously.  would you rather have him act like nothing ever happened?  I don't see how that's possible since we can't delete posts or threads, the most we can do here is lock them.

We've all seen him apologize many times for various things...yet his apologies mean nothing if he doesn't change the habits that are irritating people in the first place. He promised to cut back on his posting...

Yes, I have been posting a bit too much around here lately. So I'm cutting down on that.

...yet in the last 4 days he's racked up nearly 60 posts (and he's managed to write nearly 1700 posts in just 8 months). That's a ridiculous amount of posting. He just needs to learn to ignore the posters that are bothering him and adhere to forum etiquette. That simple.

I understand. that "Hail SMiLE Brian" stuff was unnecessary though.

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: bluesno1fann on March 27, 2014, 07:14:49 PM
disco lifestyle "shudder" .. what? anything that you "shudder" at is probably the best thing ever, it's probably the most fun thing in the world. Catch a Wave "shudder" .... snorting coke and dancing to Kc & The Sunshine band "shudder". I feel like I want to punch you.

I want to punch Al RIGHT in the sunnies. Is that better?


TRACKS!!!!! TRACKS!!!! OH NOO What if i cant cover them!?!?!! NOOO.then Ill have to go to smileysmile hell with best friend of jarhead ethan j clarke NOOOOOOO   what if I have disease does that make this okay or if i post some dead pics AUTISM!!!!

sucide emoticon Please! 

I just unsuccessfully trolled Jarhead or got trolled BY him, I can't figure out which. Either way, I now deserve to die. Suicide emoticon please??

Everyone else is allowed to share their opinion (I even explicitly stated IMHO as well as all opinions are subjective), and this kind of sh*t doesn't happen to them. I am aware that I can be unintentionally annoying at times, but no one deserves any of this. Just saying, that kind of behaviour should not be tolerated at all, especially when it's unprovoked. Not to mention his spamming derailing rant kept on going for 4 posts after I chose to stop replying. Had this happened to any other person (or any other forum), the guy would have been banned ASAP.

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: retrokid67 on March 27, 2014, 07:26:40 PM
disco lifestyle "shudder" .. what? anything that you "shudder" at is probably the best thing ever, it's probably the most fun thing in the world. Catch a Wave "shudder" .... snorting coke and dancing to Kc & The Sunshine band "shudder". I feel like I want to punch you.

I want to punch Al RIGHT in the sunnies. Is that better?


TRACKS!!!!! TRACKS!!!! OH NOO What if i cant cover them!?!?!! NOOO.then Ill have to go to smileysmile hell with best friend of jarhead ethan j clarke NOOOOOOO   what if I have disease does that make this okay or if i post some dead pics AUTISM!!!!

sucide emoticon Please!  

I just unsuccessfully trolled Jarhead or got trolled BY him, I can't figure out which. Either way, I now deserve to die. Suicide emoticon please??

Everyone else is allowed to share their opinion (I even explicitly stated IMHO as well as all opinions are subjective), and this kind of sh*t doesn't happen to them. I am aware that I can be unintentionally annoying at times, but no one deserves any of this. Just saying, that kind of behaviour should not be tolerated at all, especially when it's unprovoked. Not to mention his spamming derailing rant kept on going for 4 posts after I chose to stop replying. Had this happened to any other person (or any other forum), the guy would have been banned ASAP.

Yes! this is the kind of stuff I was talking about and this is recent (he just got back from his break).  Jarhead told me a while back about double standards in this forum and I certainly see it now.  Everyone lashed out on us with our "Denny rants" (though we apologized for it) but no one (besides the mods) says anything about this? Really?!  this was way worse and it wasn't even him "being annoying" this time.  >:(

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: pixletwin on March 27, 2014, 07:40:21 PM
To be fair that was only 6 posts, but retro and jar filled pages of back n forth. Still, by the time I noticed his pistes it was over.

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: bluesno1fann on March 27, 2014, 07:42:51 PM
To be fair that was only 6 posts, but retro and jar filled pages of back n forth. Still, by the time I noticed his pistes it was over.

That was back in the 20/20 thread, and we stopped when we were firmly asked. And we never made absolutely disgusting comments like he did, and he only left because he chose to get offline. In other words he got away with it.
Plus we felt bad for what we did, we deeply regretted it and we have been very careful on your threads since. This jerk is entirely unrepentant and he probably would do it again when given the chance

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: retrokid67 on March 27, 2014, 07:50:12 PM
To be fair that was only 6 posts, but retro and jar filled pages of back n forth. Still, by the time I noticed his pistes it was over.

That was back in the 20/20 thread, and we stopped when we were firmly asked. And we never made absolutely disgusting comments like he did, and he only left because he chose to get offline. In other words he got away with it.
Plus we felt bad for what we did, we deeply regretted it and we have been very careful on your threads since. This jerk is entirely unrepentant and he probably would do it again when given the chance

and he isn't the only one who's unrepentant either, there have been other people too who leave disgusting comments and get away with it.  people argued with us for months after we left the survivor threads but no one says anything about this?! I'm confused  ???  we (Rei in particular) has never threatened anybody and when Pixletwin told us to stop spamming we actually did, yet on the petition thread (before the hacking issue) we asked for people to leave us alone and they didn't  >:(

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: Niko on March 27, 2014, 08:05:02 PM
Why is the thread title "you should be ashamed of yourselves"? Who is it directed at and why should they feel shame? Should every member of the board feel ashamed for not being upset with those posts you quoted? Or is this just a thread for that kind of thing, telling everyone what they are doing wrong. In that case I'd like to say I don't like the thread title. It offends me  :)

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: retrokid67 on March 27, 2014, 09:04:27 PM
Why is the thread title "you should be ashamed of yourselves"? Who is it directed at and why should they feel shame? Should every member of the board feel ashamed for not being upset with those posts you quoted? Or is this just a thread for that kind of thing, telling everyone what they are doing wrong. In that case I'd like to say I don't like the thread title. It offends me  :)

the title was originally aimed at the last posts made on "Hacked Again" and I originally typed my opening sentences there but by the time I pressed the post button, the thread had been locked, so I made a thread that was particularly talking about that but in a way it's a general thing too.  it's really about all of us here

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: halblaineisgood on March 28, 2014, 12:43:53 AM
disco lifestyle "shudder" .. what? anything that you "shudder" at is probably the best thing ever, it's probably the most fun thing in the world. Catch a Wave "shudder" .... snorting coke and dancing to Kc & The Sunshine band "shudder". I feel like I want to punch you.

I want to punch Al RIGHT in the sunnies. Is that better?


TRACKS!!!!! TRACKS!!!! OH NOO What if i cant cover them!?!?!! NOOO.then Ill have to go to smileysmile hell with best friend of jarhead ethan j clarke NOOOOOOO   what if I have disease does that make this okay or if i post some dead pics AUTISM!!!!

sucide emoticon Please! 

I just unsuccessfully trolled Jarhead or got trolled BY him, I can't figure out which. Either way, I now deserve to die. Suicide emoticon please??

Everyone else is allowed to share their opinion (I even explicitly stated IMHO as well as all opinions are subjective), and this kind of sh*t doesn't happen to them. I am aware that I can be unintentionally annoying at times, but no one deserves any of this. Just saying, that kind of behaviour should not be tolerated at all, especially when it's unprovoked. Not to mention his spamming derailing rant kept on going for 4 posts after I chose to stop replying. Had this happened to any other person (or any other forum), the guy would have been banned ASAP.
   You just say 'IMHO' so you can cover your ass once someone challenges you with an obnoxious post of their own. You don't seem very humble when it comes to your opinions. You're proud of them and think that  they're important.   ***cue a flurry of PM's from retrokid and jarhead to BILLYC. "OOH HELP US!!!! he should be shamed!!!WAAAAHHH WAHHAH!!*****

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: halblaineisgood on March 28, 2014, 12:44:52 AM

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: bluesno1fann on March 28, 2014, 01:04:53 AM
disco lifestyle "shudder" .. what? anything that you "shudder" at is probably the best thing ever, it's probably the most fun thing in the world. Catch a Wave "shudder" .... snorting coke and dancing to Kc & The Sunshine band "shudder". I feel like I want to punch you.

I want to punch Al RIGHT in the sunnies. Is that better?


TRACKS!!!!! TRACKS!!!! OH NOO What if i cant cover them!?!?!! NOOO.then Ill have to go to smileysmile hell with best friend of jarhead ethan j clarke NOOOOOOO   what if I have disease does that make this okay or if i post some dead pics AUTISM!!!!

sucide emoticon Please!  

I just unsuccessfully trolled Jarhead or got trolled BY him, I can't figure out which. Either way, I now deserve to die. Suicide emoticon please??

Everyone else is allowed to share their opinion (I even explicitly stated IMHO as well as all opinions are subjective), and this kind of sh*t doesn't happen to them. I am aware that I can be unintentionally annoying at times, but no one deserves any of this. Just saying, that kind of behaviour should not be tolerated at all, especially when it's unprovoked. Not to mention his spamming derailing rant kept on going for 4 posts after I chose to stop replying. Had this happened to any other person (or any other forum), the guy would have been banned ASAP.
  You just say 'IMHO' so you can cover your ass once someone challenges you with an obnoxious post of their own. You don't seem very humble when it comes to your opinions. You're proud of them and think that  they're important.   ***cue a flurry of PM's from retrokid and jarhead to BILLYC. "OOH HELP US!!!! he should be shamed!!!WAAAAHHH WAHHAH!!*****

Seriously, what the f*** is your problem? You should be banned for the sh*t you've been saying, at least I don't threaten to physically harm anyone or act like a total unrepentant arsehole. And if you don't like other people posting and you just go on derailing rants, maybe it should be YOU who should "GETT OFF !!!" this forum!

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: retrokid67 on March 28, 2014, 01:06:12 AM

IMHO you need help  :-\

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: RangeRoverA1 on March 28, 2014, 04:21:03 AM
Ill have to go to smileysmile hell with best friend of jarhead ethan j clarke NOOOOOOO   what if I have disease does that make this okay or if i post some dead pics AUTISM!!!!
For someone who rarely hangs about here*, you've got excellent memory. I don't recall Rei/Jarhead mentioning anywhere that he's friends with Ethan. Not even in his introductory post, typical "My friend used to be a member of this board, his name Ethan J. Clarke, & so I also decided to join in this community". Wonder in what thread you saw this info.

*Though maybe you read this board offline like filledeplage, Alan Smith, Mikie (sometimes), the captain, rn57, seltaeb, Amy B. (not sure), JohnMill (maybe), EgoHanger (came to this habit later) & some others, only logging in if you're really willing to write.

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: Please delete my account on March 28, 2014, 04:37:36 AM
Ill have to go to smileysmile hell with best friend of jarhead ethan j clarke NOOOOOOO   what if I have disease does that make this okay or if i post some dead pics AUTISM!!!!
For someone who rarely hangs about here*, you've got excellent memory. I don't recall Rei/Jarhead mentioning anywhere that he's friends with Ethan. Not even in his introductory post, typical "My friend used to be a member of this board, his name Ethan J. Clarke, & so I also decided to join in this community". Wonder in what thread you saw this info.

*Though maybe you read this board offline like filledeplage, Alan Smith, Mikie (sometimes), the captain, rn57, seltaeb, Amy B. (not sure), JohnMill (maybe), EgoHanger (came to this habit later) & some others, only logging in if you're really willing to write.

You're scaring me a little here, Marianne. What else do you know about us all?

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: pixletwin on March 28, 2014, 05:27:16 AM
This thread is a drama magnet. Best ignored.

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: RangeRoverA1 on March 28, 2014, 05:30:40 AM
You're scaring me a little here, Marianne. What else do you know about us all?
Here's more scary things: I know the folks who go under "hidden" status. They are Roger The Shrubber, Emdeeh, guitarfool2002, Woodstock, Smile Brian, Jarhead (the last 3 chaps were "online" before, though), monicker, Wirestone, Peter Reum, The Real Beach Boy, Sheriff John Stone, buddhahat, Fishmonk, KittyKat, Aegir (though he also used to be "online"), Ed Roach (?), I. Spaceman (from the past members) & other 20+ I didn't sort out (but will, don't worry!). Generally, this isn't that difficult to find out.

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: Please delete my account on March 28, 2014, 05:43:48 AM
I'm not surprised it's possible to find out, I'm just surprised you're that interested!

The reason I don't log in except to post is that otherwise I would look in the "total time spent online" box and it would say something like "20 years, 8 months, 16 days and 32 minutes" and I would have to hang my head in shame.

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: smile-holland on March 28, 2014, 05:50:50 AM
I thought I made it clear yesterday - in the "Beach Boys Survivor #27: L.A. (Light Album) thread - but I'll say it one last time:


Jarhead, retrokid and halblaineisgood: agree on not liking each other, and stop bringing up this matter on the board again and again. If you want to play kindergarten, do it outside (and as for this board: ignore or through PM)

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: RangeRoverA1 on March 28, 2014, 05:59:27 AM
I'm not surprised it's possible to find out, I'm just surprised you're that interested!

The reason I don't log in except to post is that otherwise I would look in the "total time spent online" box and it would say something like "20 years, 8 months, 16 days and 32 minutes" and I would have to hang my head in shame.
Yep, that stuff can be fun. I'm just a little bit more observant than some of you, I suppose.

Tbh, I've also taken this step to quickly log in-log out to have less total time than it would (although I do think it's a wrong/kinda secretive thing to do).

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: bluesno1fann on March 28, 2014, 02:51:41 PM
Ill have to go to smileysmile hell with best friend of jarhead ethan j clarke NOOOOOOO   what if I have disease does that make this okay or if i post some dead pics AUTISM!!!!
For someone who rarely hangs about here*, you've got excellent memory. I don't recall Rei/Jarhead mentioning anywhere that he's friends with Ethan. Not even in his introductory post, typical "My friend used to be a member of this board, his name Ethan J. Clarke, & so I also decided to join in this community". Wonder in what thread you saw this info.

That's because he isn't. I don't know the guy, let alone being friends with him. halblaineisgood was just making a stupid comment during his (drunken?) rant

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: bluesno1fann on March 28, 2014, 06:08:20 PM
I thought I made it clear yesterday - in the "Beach Boys Survivor #27: L.A. (Light Album) thread - but I'll say it one last time:


Jarhead, retrokid and halblaineisgood: agree on not liking each other, and stop bringing up this matter on the board again and again. If you want to play kindergarten, do it outside (and as for this board: ignore or through PM)

I guess you have a point, but I'm just not happy at all that halblaineisgood is unrepentant and instead of apologizing for making his hateful comments and his wishes of punching me, he kept going on with the hate. I find all this strange as before all this, me and halblaineisgood hadn't crossed paths.
But the saddest part is the total lack of sympathy from everyone here (except retrokid). It's like no one cares at all about what he said to me. Hell, Woodstock was even laughing about it! Had this happen to anyone else, their responses would most likely be much different. Which is why Retrokid made this thread in the first place.

I hope you understand why I feel this way. No one deserves to have been treated like that, especially unprovoked, and get away with it

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: Niko on March 29, 2014, 05:30:08 AM
I'm not surprised it's possible to find out, I'm just surprised you're that interested!

The reason I don't log in except to post is that otherwise I would look in the "total time spent online" box and it would say something like "20 years, 8 months, 16 days and 32 minutes" and I would have to hang my head in shame.
Yep, that stuff can be fun. I'm just a little bit more observant than some of you, I suppose.

Tbh, I've also taken this step to quickly log in-log out to have less total time than it would (although I do think it's a wrong/kinda secretive thing to do).

I've noticed some of the people who appear offline, but not those who remain logged out to just read. That takes some pretty good observational skills.

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: Niko on March 29, 2014, 05:31:45 AM
I guess you have a point, but I'm just not happy at all that halblaineisgood is unrepentant and instead of apologizing for making his hateful comments and his wishes of punching me, he kept going on with the hate. I find all this strange as before all this, me and halblaineisgood hadn't crossed paths.
But the saddest part is the total lack of sympathy from everyone here (except retrokid). It's like no one cares at all about what he said to me. Hell, Woodstock was even laughing about it! Had this happen to anyone else, their responses would most likely be much different. Which is why Retrokid made this thread in the first place.

I hope you understand why I feel this way. No one deserves to have been treated like that, especially unprovoked, and get away with it

halblainisgood has only been on this forum 7 years. Cut him some slack dawg  :)


Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: retrokid67 on March 29, 2014, 10:07:09 AM
I just saw in another thread how someone actually is taking pleasure reading the hate posts towards Jarhead here. so I guess tearing other people down is ok for some people to get away with and not others?  How about we all just not do it.  the majority of Jarhead's posts have to do with the BB's doesn't it? that's what this board is all about right?

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: Lowbacca on March 29, 2014, 10:15:54 AM
That's it - I'm out. The quality of discussion on this board has been going downhill for some time now, I saw a spark of hope with the Big Beat thread which was excellent but it's gone back to polls and moronic Dennis threads (by 3 posters in particular). I'll check back from time to time to see if there is any actual news but for now so long, farewell, Au'voir, auf wiedersehen.
Nice to see that you've taken some German with you. :-D

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: RiC on March 29, 2014, 10:18:12 AM
I just saw in another thread how someone actually is taking pleasure reading the hate posts towards Jarhead here. so I guess tearing other people down is ok for some people to get away with and not others?  How about we all just not do it.  the majority of Jarhead's posts have to do with the BB's doesn't it? that's what this board is all about right?
I hope you're not talking about me, because that is not what I said. What I meant was, that I just find it funny how people attack towards him without any real reason. That's not the same thing as enjoying it. I find all that pointless drama funny, even though it's actually sad how it's taken the grip over the actual subject and information. Like you said, this place is about Beach Boys, why can't we just keep it that way?

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: retrokid67 on March 29, 2014, 10:21:49 AM
I just saw in another thread how someone actually is taking pleasure reading the hate posts towards Jarhead here. so I guess tearing other people down is ok for some people to get away with and not others?  How about we all just not do it.  the majority of Jarhead's posts have to do with the BB's doesn't it? that's what this board is all about right?
I hope you're not talking about me, because that is not what I said. What I meant was, that I just find it funny how people attack towards him without any real reason. That's not the same thing as enjoying it. I find all that pointless drama funny, even though it's actually sad how it's taken the grip over the actual subject and information. Like you said, this place is about Beach Boys, why can't we just keep it that way?

ok I misunderstood your post, I'm sorry  :-[ and yes we should be focused on the BB's and not this other crap.  this has been goin on for months now and I don't think Jarhead deserves this much hate, it's like everyone else can have an opinion but not him and at least his posts are about the music

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: RiC on March 29, 2014, 10:29:05 AM
Well I believe the best way to stop that other crap is to just ignore it. It will eventually pass.
And yeah, I know I'm easy to be misunderstood because English isn't my best language.

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: SMiLE Brian on March 29, 2014, 10:37:34 AM
Being drama magnets is causing the "hate".

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: rab2591 on March 29, 2014, 10:41:36 AM
Well I believe the best way to stop that other crap is to just ignore it. It will eventually pass.

This. And this:

Being drama magnets is causing the "hate".

Also, you guys have to understand that people here don't forget things easily. I mean, Jarhead, you started that ill-conceived petition (and spammed a bunch of threads trying to get people to sign it), the Dennista garbage, and you had a hand in this:,16986.msg431385.html#msg431385 (,16986.msg431385.html#msg431385)

You guys apologized, great. But don't expect people to welcome you with open arms. If people treat you harshly just ignore them (and don't post your complaints in the sandbox, as this just further irritates people). Ignore jerks and just talk about the Beach Boys. 'Nuff said.

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: retrokid67 on March 29, 2014, 11:23:48 AM
Being drama magnets is causing the "hate".

"Hail SMiLE Brian, the Jughead is gone!"...

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: musicismylife101 on March 29, 2014, 11:30:30 AM
I think the best thing to do is let it go and move one.

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: pixletwin on March 29, 2014, 01:09:32 PM
I think the best thing to do is let it go and move one.

Pretty much, this.

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: bluesno1fann on March 29, 2014, 04:38:17 PM
Being drama magnets is causing the "hate".

"Hail SMiLE Brian, the Jughead is gone!"...

 :lol :lol :lol

You guys have to understand that people here don't forget things easily. I mean, Jarhead, you started that ill-conceived petition (and spammed a bunch of threads trying to get people to sign it), the Dennista garbage, and you had a hand in this:,16986.msg431385.html#msg431385 (,16986.msg431385.html#msg431385)

You guys apologized, great. But don't expect people to welcome you with open arms. If people treat you harshly just ignore them (and don't post your complaints in the sandbox, as this just further irritates people). Ignore jerks and just talk about the Beach Boys. 'Nuff said.

To be fair, me and Retrokid equally had a hand in the petition (and advertising/spamming a bunch of threads), the Dennista sh*t (even if it was funny to an extent), and of course Today's Mainstream Music. 50/50.

But you, musicismylife and Pixletwin is right. I was heavily reluctant to post my complaints in the Sandbox anyway, but was convinced otherwise by Retrokid. But at least I posted it in the Sandbox  :lol. Seriously though, I should just ignore jerks like halblaineisgood and SMiLE Brian and Friends, and the false troll/hypocrite accusations that come with it. I mean, hell I don't know them personally, why should I care about what they think or say?

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: SMiLE Brian on March 29, 2014, 04:57:52 PM
SMiLE Brian and friends :woot :woot :woot

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: bgas on March 29, 2014, 07:06:20 PM
Right!  I can see clearly now:  It's really not jugheads' fault , Retro MADE him post everything to date. And he should share 50/50 in all the blame, because, after all, why buck up and take crap when it's not your fault? it's your friend that made you do everythinig.
Probably that big gun he sent you a picture of and said if you don't post the petition, I'll blow up you AND your pretty liitle internet connection too!
Oh wait. I meant Jar not Jug.

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: bluesno1fann on March 29, 2014, 07:53:17 PM
Right!  I can see clearly now:  It's really not jugheads' fault , Retro MADE him post everything to date. And he should share 50/50 in all the blame, because, after all, why buck up and take crap when it's not your fault? it's your friend that made you do everythinig.
Probably that big gun he sent you a picture of and said if you don't post the petition, I'll blow up you AND your pretty liitle internet connection too!
Oh wait. I meant Jar not Jug.

You should learn to read properly, it would really do you a favour in getting along with people  ;D

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: retrokid67 on March 29, 2014, 07:57:41 PM
Right!  I can see clearly now:  It's really not jugheads' fault , Retro MADE him post everything to date. And he should share 50/50 in all the blame, because, after all, why buck up and take crap when it's not your fault? it's your friend that made you do everythinig.
Probably that big gun he sent you a picture of and said if you don't post the petition, I'll blow up you AND your pretty liitle internet connection too!
Oh wait. I meant Jar not Jug.

You should learn to read properly, it would really do you a favour in getting along with people  ;D

for everyone's own good we should let what's in the past stay in the past and if not, let's finish it in pm's. people are tired of the both sides arguing

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: bluesno1fann on March 29, 2014, 08:00:43 PM
Right!  I can see clearly now:  It's really not jugheads' fault , Retro MADE him post everything to date. And he should share 50/50 in all the blame, because, after all, why buck up and take crap when it's not your fault? it's your friend that made you do everythinig.
Probably that big gun he sent you a picture of and said if you don't post the petition, I'll blow up you AND your pretty liitle internet connection too!
Oh wait. I meant Jar not Jug.

You should learn to read properly, it would really do you a favour in getting along with people  ;D

for everyone's own good we should let what's in the past stay in the past and if not, let's finish it in pm's. people are tired of the both sides arguing

Well said. Retro, do you think it's time to lock this thread?

Title: Re: you should be ashamed of yourselves
Post by: retrokid67 on March 29, 2014, 08:01:57 PM
Right!  I can see clearly now:  It's really not jugheads' fault , Retro MADE him post everything to date. And he should share 50/50 in all the blame, because, after all, why buck up and take crap when it's not your fault? it's your friend that made you do everythinig.
Probably that big gun he sent you a picture of and said if you don't post the petition, I'll blow up you AND your pretty liitle internet connection too!
Oh wait. I meant Jar not Jug.

You should learn to read properly, it would really do you a favour in getting along with people  ;D

for everyone's own good we should let what's in the past stay in the past and if not, let's finish it in pm's. people are tired of the both sides arguing

Well said. Retro, do you think it's time to lock this thread?

yup "It's About Time"  ;D