The Smiley Smile Message Board

Smiley Smile Stuff => General On Topic Discussions => Topic started by: harveyw on October 21, 2011, 12:21:16 AM

Title: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: harveyw on October 21, 2011, 12:21:16 AM
Radio 4, Friday 21st, from 7:15. Should be available on iplayer a couple of hours later.

Title: Brian on BBC Radio 4's Front Row, 21st October 2011
Post by: Matt Bielewicz on October 21, 2011, 12:21:51 AM
Driving home early this morning from town, I heard a plug in the middle of Radio 4's Today programme for a spot on the Front Row programme tonight about SMiLE. Front Row is the BBC's big cultural programme where all the latest high-brow arts, classical music and theatre are discussed and reviewed, and where the protagonists are interviewed, so this is quite a big deal in the UK. And to get a plug on the Today programme at around 8am (it's the major 'serious' morning BBC current affairs programme) is pretty big bananas! *Someone* is working the press channels pretty effectively to achieve that...

Anyway, the point is, the strains of Surf's Up emerged from my car radio (nearly causing me to fall out of my car with surprise), and there was a snippet of Brian talking where he sounded pretty 'up' and lucid. It might be good, this!

Just thought I'd 'flag' in advance...


Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Matt Bielewicz on October 21, 2011, 12:34:21 AM
Whoops! Can the mods merge these two threads? I posted mine just as Harvey was posting his!

Great minds, etc etc...!  ;)

Anyway, it would be good to have a single thread where we can check back with reviews after the programme has aired...


Title: Re: Brian on BBC Radio 4's Front Row, 21st October 2011
Post by: Aegir on October 21, 2011, 12:38:12 AM
Was it a new mix of Surf's Up?

Title: Re: Brian on BBC Radio 4's Front Row, 21st October 2011
Post by: Matt Bielewicz on October 21, 2011, 12:40:17 AM
...oh, and I should point out that the Brian interview seems to be a 2011 one, not an archive one. But nonetheless, he sounded quite together compared to some interviews I've heard him give lately.

Who knows, come the programme itself, we might get surly quiet 'it was inappropriate music' Brian again. But on the basis of the 10-second clip I heard, I'll definitely be tuning in, at any rate.

REALLY hard to tell about Surf's Up, Aegir. It was just playing as background music while Brian and the programme's main interviewer, John Wilson, were talking. I think it was the instumental backing to Part 1 of the track, no vocals. And I only noticed that because they finished talking before the end of the clip and the last couple of seconds were 'un-talked-over'. If you see what I mean.

Oh, and yes, I did say Part 1, NOT Part 2...!    :p

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jay on October 21, 2011, 12:41:18 AM
Brian and Bruce is kind of an odd combination. You would think that it would probably be Brian and his "team", Mike and Bruce, or Al as a solo.  I think it would be cool if all four of them went on something like Jay Leno, or David Letterman.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: JohnMill on October 21, 2011, 01:15:28 AM
Brian and Bruce is kind of an odd combination. You would think that it would probably be Brian and his "team", Mike and Bruce, or Al as a solo.  I think it would be cool if all four of them went on something like Jay Leno, or David Letterman.

Wow that would have the potential to be extremely awkward.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Matt Bielewicz on October 21, 2011, 01:27:42 AM
I don't think it IS a combination... the impression I got was that everyone was interviewed separately, then cut together. These Front Row interviews are usually heavily edited.

I'm not even sure it WAS Bruce... by the time I realised what I was listening to, and that it wasn't some old tape I'd somehow put on by accident, it was Brian talking, without a doubt. Did you definitely hear Bruce, Harvey? I heard a comment about 'brilliant little pieces of music' or something like that, which is definitely the kind of thing Bruce has said about SMiLE over the years, but my concentration was still only just coming into focus on the radio, and with the road noise, I couldn't tell who said that.


Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: harveyw on October 21, 2011, 01:50:47 AM
I didn't hear Bruce in the trail that was broadcast on "Today" this morning, though he's mentioned in the page I linked to. Bruce was in London maybe three weeks ago promoting the Doris Day album; I guess the Front Row team interviewed him then; certainly it would be a separate interview from the one with Brian.

And yes, the backing music to the trail was the instrumental take of Surf's Up, but I guess this could have been taken from the Good Vibrations box set. Still, it was an unexpected thrill to hear it on Radio 4 at 8am. Brian sounded very together in the interview snippet too.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: buddhahat on October 21, 2011, 02:17:01 AM
Thanks for the heads up! Looking forward to this.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: stack-o-tracks on October 21, 2011, 02:30:20 AM
Brian and Bruce is kind of an odd combination. You would think that it would probably be Brian and his "team", Mike and Bruce, or Al as a solo.  I think it would be cool if all four of them went on something like Jay Leno, or David Letterman.

Wow that would have the potential to be extremely awkward.

No more awkward than Good Morning America or that one show with Joan Rivers. But those were uh. Being single i a lot like liking a Phil Spector record.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: The Shift on October 21, 2011, 03:35:10 AM
BBC Radio 4 Front Row, 7.15 tonight:
BW: "It's like the greatest collection of little tid-bits of music I've ever heard in my entire life. I couldn't believe it. It took us 40 years to realise that we had a piece of art in the can."

More info from BBC R4 site:

Today, 19:15 on BBC Radio 4
With John Wilson, including interviews with Brian Wilson and Bruce Johnston of The Beach Boys, as the never-released 1967 album Smile is made available for the first time.
Producer Jerome Weatherald.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: mammy blue on October 21, 2011, 05:44:55 AM
Again, it's nice to know that the UK gives a damn about this release. Hopefully things will pick up a bit here in the States at some point.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Shady on October 21, 2011, 11:18:40 AM
I believe this show just started now with Brian coming up soon (

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Freddie French-Pounce on October 21, 2011, 11:21:50 AM
they've started talking about SMiLE - by playing Surfin'  ;D

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: TerryWogan on October 21, 2011, 11:22:46 AM
Bah! Technical problems interrupting the stream...

Seems to be working OK for the time being though.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Freddie French-Pounce on October 21, 2011, 11:24:05 AM
Our Prayer outtake!

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: TerryWogan on October 21, 2011, 11:27:19 AM
Apparently they didn't revisit the original tapes when recording BWPS? Hmmm. Sounds like one of Brian's less 'on' interviews so far.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Freddie French-Pounce on October 21, 2011, 11:31:22 AM
Now he says the first song they wrote was Heroes

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Freddie French-Pounce on October 21, 2011, 11:32:30 AM
SURFS UP 1967!!!!!

...I've only heard the beginning and the end, and its beauitiful!

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Shady on October 21, 2011, 11:32:43 AM


Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: TerryWogan on October 21, 2011, 11:32:53 AM
SURFS UP 1967!!!!!

YES!!!  ;D

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: pixletwin on October 21, 2011, 11:32:57 AM
SURFS UP 1967!!!!

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: RONDEMON on October 21, 2011, 11:33:04 AM
Finally glad other people can hear this stuff!
: )  Great interview too.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Freddie French-Pounce on October 21, 2011, 11:36:16 AM

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Shady on October 21, 2011, 11:36:22 AM
WOW, Brian ripping Mike  :-\

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Freddie French-Pounce on October 21, 2011, 11:39:01 AM
AVAILIBLE TO DOWNLOAD - GOING ON iPOD! (chopped up of course)

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Shady on October 21, 2011, 11:40:39 AM
wow, that was incredible

I can't possibly be more excited

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: TerryWogan on October 21, 2011, 11:41:29 AM

Probably the song I'm most excited about hearing in good quality, and the brief soundbite doesn't disappoint. These tantalising snippets have really whet my appetite- roll on the 31st!

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Micha on October 21, 2011, 11:42:00 AM
1967 Surf's Up - stunning vocal!

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: desmondo on October 21, 2011, 11:42:30 AM

It certainly f*****g does

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: harveyw on October 21, 2011, 11:45:23 AM
Yes, '67 Surf's Up. Absolutely incredible. I am tingling all over.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Chocolate Shake Man on October 21, 2011, 12:03:44 PM
How come I can't access this?

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: UK_Surf on October 21, 2011, 12:05:47 PM
Agree 100% - WH SU will be worth the price of the whole box set. CIFOTM is clean-tastic. Unheard session material is a real revelation for some reason. I'm genuinely surprised to be so enthraled by these small snippets of new gear. Astonishing.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: b00ts on October 21, 2011, 12:06:05 PM
Could someone  Please  Make me aware of the next broadcast? Thanks!

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Chocolate Shake Man on October 21, 2011, 12:07:12 PM
This is so frustrating. It seems I missed it and now they won't be replaying it.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: The Shift on October 21, 2011, 12:12:32 PM
Available on iPlayer soon and as a downloadable podcast…   I hope!

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Shady on October 21, 2011, 12:21:00 PM
Could someone  Please  Make me aware of the next broadcast? Thanks!

No need, it'll be up as a download very soon

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: buddhahat on October 21, 2011, 12:21:48 PM

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: buddhahat on October 21, 2011, 12:57:16 PM
Wow thank god. Had a minor heart attack as iplayer wasn't available but finally managed to listen to show. I can't believe they featured surf's up 67, apparently in error! And those sections of child! Whoever thought they'd be hearing that song on the radio?!

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Freddie French-Pounce on October 21, 2011, 01:02:50 PM

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: UK_Surf on October 21, 2011, 01:05:13 PM
Was  a bit terrified, there were some horrific technical errors on the broadcast beforehand.

But when the podcast goes live, get this...the MUSIC and SESSIONS are breathtaking. Really...I've pored over Smile sessions for 15 years and didn't really think it possible to be this moved by new mterial.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: FatherOfTheMan Sr101 on October 21, 2011, 01:06:58 PM
I'm crying... oh my god when I head Brian getting ready to play it I literary started crying.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: SMiLE Brian on October 21, 2011, 01:11:13 PM
Very interesting points from both Brian and Bruce in the interview.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: FatherOfTheMan Sr101 on October 21, 2011, 01:11:55 PM
Just heard CIFOTM, I pissed myself, it's beautiful sounding!

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Iron Horse-Apples on October 21, 2011, 01:23:59 PM
So much. The Bridge To Indians session, previously bad quality, and yes, hearing Child in pristine quality. Goodness me. And that Surfs Up. Stunning stunning stunning. I'm now so excited.

This box is going to be magnificent.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: FatherOfTheMan Sr101 on October 21, 2011, 01:24:33 PM
anyone who wants just the Surf's Up Tidbit, PM me.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: runnersdialzero on October 21, 2011, 01:24:40 PM

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: SMiLE Brian on October 21, 2011, 01:26:15 PM
What was Bruce talking about with Brian putting SMiLE out as a solo album on EMI's classical label? ??? What other type of album was the band going to make at the time with the musical scene changing so rapidly and Brian knowing SMiLE was the only way to stay relevent.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Shady on October 21, 2011, 02:24:19 PM
Paul Gambaccini is an idiot

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: TdHabib on October 21, 2011, 02:39:09 PM
I listen to this interview in full, it's extraordinary...beautiful little snippets were played, Brian sounded great in the interview, very eager to talk...Bruce...meh. Has me excited that's for sure!

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: runnersdialzero on October 21, 2011, 02:42:55 PM
Posted this in the lesser thread, but wat teh hellz:

God damn am I tired of it being said that the entire group sans Brian hated Smile. Enough!

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: runnersdialzero on October 21, 2011, 02:45:51 PM
Also, *snicker* @ Brian's claim that the 2004 version was done entirely from memory.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: monicker on October 21, 2011, 02:57:29 PM
Paul Gambaccini sucks a caribou's shitty ass hole.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: drbeachboy on October 21, 2011, 03:04:32 PM
Paul Gambaccini is an idiot
Who is he? What is his relation to The Beach Boys? I found his quotes very odd like he did not really know their history, especially their recording history.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Shady on October 21, 2011, 03:43:45 PM
Paul Gambaccini is an idiot
Who is he? What is his relation to The Beach Boys? I found his quotes very odd like he did not really know their history, especially their recording history.

No relation, just the self pro claimed "Professor of Pop"

Pops up everywhere

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: GeorgeFellInHisHorn on October 21, 2011, 05:11:50 PM
Also, *snicker* @ Brian's claim that the 2004 version was done entirely from memory.

I had thought he just meant he hadn't returned to the tapes PRIOR to making the 2004 version.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jay on October 21, 2011, 09:47:49 PM
My pop up player blocked the link when I clicked on it.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Chris Brown on October 21, 2011, 10:18:47 PM
That little snippet of "Surf's Up '67" - I'm speechless.  So beautiful I can't even believe it.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jaspy on October 21, 2011, 10:28:55 PM
That little snippet of "Surf's Up '67" - I'm speechless.  So beautiful I can't even believe it.

It certainly is, and it's certainly not Brian who sings it.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Aegir on October 21, 2011, 10:33:24 PM

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: pixletwin on October 21, 2011, 10:35:49 PM
That little snippet of "Surf's Up '67" - I'm speechless.  So beautiful I can't even believe it.

It certainly is, and it's certainly not Brian who sings it.

Erm... sure sounds like Brian to me.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: LonelyDays on October 21, 2011, 10:37:02 PM
That little snippet of "Surf's Up '67" - I'm speechless.  So beautiful I can't even believe it.

It certainly is, and it's certainly not Brian who sings it.

If you can prove that. Capitol will pull the box  :'(

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jaspy on October 21, 2011, 10:40:33 PM
Erm... sure sounds like Brian to me.

I bet that's Carl.
Doesn't sound like Brian at all to me. And the very high notes sound exactly like on the 1971 version.
But I only heard that small snippet until now of course, perhaps the whole thing will change my impression. The whole tone of the voice, the count-in, everything sounds like Carl to me.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jaspy on October 21, 2011, 10:48:55 PM
Quote from: Aegir

If you can prove that. Capitol will pull the box  :'(

Oh, then I better shut up.
Now that I read your reactions I listened again and yes, it has to be Brian. Fantastic!

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Chris Brown on October 21, 2011, 10:53:40 PM
Erm... sure sounds like Brian to me.

I bet that's Carl.
Doesn't sound like Brian at all to me. And the very high notes sound exactly like on the 1971 version.
But I only heard that small snippet until now of course, perhaps the whole thing will change my impression. The whole tone of the voice, the count-in, everything sounds like Carl to me.

The tone is very Carl-like, I agree, but the tell-tale sign for me is in the pronunciation. Carl sang those lyrics with his own distinct way of pronouncing certain words, and you don't hear any of that here.

Much like the "Good Vibrations" demo that many (including me) thought was Brian only to find that it was a more forceful Carl, I think this is just a case of Brian singing more softly and Carl-like than usual.

Besides, who else but Brian would sit down at a piano in 1967 and play "Surf's Up"?

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Aegir on October 21, 2011, 10:55:05 PM
Brian had to sign off on all the tracks. I'm sure Brian would've noticed whether or not it was him.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jaspy on October 21, 2011, 11:40:23 PM
Yes, Carl sounds almost like Brian here at times.  :-D
Well ok, have to listen to the complete song.
But we agree it's not Bruce!

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: LonelyDays on October 21, 2011, 11:44:05 PM
Yes, Carl sounds almost like Brian here at times.  :-D
Well ok, have to listen to the complete song.
But we agree it's not Bruce!

The piano could be Bruce. It sounds like someone who can play trying to sound like someone who can't. (the chord inversions and harmonics are too accurate for a self taught musician)

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jaspy on October 22, 2011, 12:19:01 AM
The piano could be Bruce. It sounds like someone who can play trying to sound like someone who can't. (the chord inversions and harmonics are too accurate for a self taught musician)

OMG, now it gets complicated! ;D

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Ebb and Flow on October 22, 2011, 12:26:50 AM
The vocal sounds like Brian; the piano sounds like Brian.  I have full trust in the dudes who have the session tape and have spent decades cataloging them to accurately label this stuff.

My impression of '67 Surf's Up: I'm not enamored with the surprise jump in key before "Come about...", but playing the first section a semi-tone lower sounds very different (in a good way) and Brian's singing has more of that soulful, whispering WH vibe to it.  It's amazing that this was hidden at the end of a reel.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jameswilliam on October 22, 2011, 12:37:55 AM
wow, idk how much i should listen to.. I had this tabbed out while i was playing world of warcraft... and soon as it went to brian and carl talking at what seems to be an all new segment of an "our prayer" session, i couldnt believe it... that was the first to make me really believe this is happening.  This is really happening.  The SMiLE Sessions... is coming..... Finally.  ;D

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jameswilliam on October 22, 2011, 12:48:11 AM
surfsup 1967!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh So clear!!!!! on that it a baldwin? from the smiley smile/wild honey sessions?

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jay on October 22, 2011, 12:56:01 AM
Ok so, I have now decided to boycott the movie Tin Tin.  ;D

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Wylson on October 22, 2011, 12:57:05 AM
Best moment of that interview is Bruce saying "I think anything Brian Wilson does is the right thing to do"  :lol

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Smilin Ed H on October 22, 2011, 01:14:41 AM
"Paul Gambaccini is an idiot"

True.  I'm sure it was he who described Dennis as just a drummer and not a very good one. Hell of an obit.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: juggler on October 22, 2011, 01:20:44 AM
Yes, Carl sounds almost like Brian here at times.  :-D
Well ok, have to listen to the complete song.
But we agree it's not Bruce!

The piano could be Bruce. It sounds like someone who can play trying to sound like someone who can't. (the chord inversions and harmonics are too accurate for a self taught musician)

Anyone know who played the piano on Country Air?  The playing style sounds the same to my ear.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Aegir on October 22, 2011, 01:30:49 AM
COME ON GUYS. Brian is playing the piano on Surf's Up.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Andrew G. Doe on October 22, 2011, 01:39:10 AM
  This is really happening.  The SMiLE Sessions... is coming..... Finally.  ;D

Somewhere in this world, Phil Cohen just fell over backwards, dead.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Andrew G. Doe on October 22, 2011, 01:42:12 AM
That little snippet of "Surf's Up '67" - I'm speechless.  So beautiful I can't even believe it.

It certainly is, and it's certainly not Brian who sings it.

You, sir, are an idiot, and a deaf one at that. You're saying that having discovered and listened to all five takes, Mark & Alan looked at each other and said "let's f*ck with some people's minds and say it's Carl". When you hear the full track, you'll realise just how wrong you are.

And people wonder why I sometimes get a little cranky...  >:(

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jameswilliam on October 22, 2011, 01:57:39 AM
That little snippet of "Surf's Up '67" - I'm speechless.  So beautiful I can't even believe it.

It certainly is, and it's certainly not Brian who sings it.

It is DEFINETLEY Brian.  That is a silly thing to say.  No one would sit and play Surf's Up at a piano besides Brian at the time.  The quality is so good  ;D

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jaspy on October 22, 2011, 02:05:44 AM
You, sir, are an idiot, and a deaf one at that. You're saying that having discovered and listened to all five takes, Mark & Alan looked at each other and said "let's f*ck with some people's minds and say it's Carl". When you hear the full track, you'll realise just how wrong you are.

And people wonder why I sometimes get a little cranky...  >:(

Dear sir, I nearly spurted my coffee over the keyboard from laughing.
Thanks for the compliment, I just burnt your book.
Of course I know all that , because I'm an intelligent human being.
But listening to these few seconds, it really sounds like Carl at times.
And my dog agrees.
I know, when the vault-rats state it's Brian, then they know what they are saying.
Just wanted to put a bit of pepper in the soup.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: bossaroo on October 22, 2011, 08:27:37 AM
I wouldn't call you an idiot, but if anything was ever Brian it's THIS.

Now the God Only Knows "guide vocal" from the Pet Sounds box, on the other hand... :-\

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: FatherOfTheMan Sr101 on October 22, 2011, 09:08:45 AM
You, sir, are an idiot, and a deaf one at that. You're saying that having discovered and listened to all five takes, Mark & Alan looked at each other and said "let's f*ck with some people's minds and say it's Carl". When you hear the full track, you'll realise just how wrong you are.

And people wonder why I sometimes get a little cranky...  >:(
Thanks for the compliment, I just burnt your book.

It's Obvious You Never Read It, Or You'd Never Doubt AGD EVER.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Peter Reum on October 22, 2011, 09:36:17 AM
Nah, it's the fuckin' Easter Bunny that sings Surfs Up.......

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: SMiLE Brian on October 22, 2011, 09:42:59 AM
Well said Mr. Reum. :lol

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: buddhahat on October 22, 2011, 09:51:59 AM
Hey give the guy a break - we all mis-hear things in these tracks. I actually find the debate over who's playing the piano slightly loonier.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Peter Reum on October 22, 2011, 09:54:25 AM
That's the Big Bad Wolf on piano.....

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Alex on October 22, 2011, 09:59:56 AM
Yessss! Just heard the SU snippet! The out of tune Chickering piano makes it that much better! Why wasn't that on Wild Honey???!!!

And of course, Bruce parroting the tired "Brian doing drugs=bad" line.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: SMiLE Brian on October 22, 2011, 10:03:32 AM
Yessss! Just heard the SU snippet! The out of tune Chickering piano makes it that much better! Why wasn't that on Wild Honey???!!!

And of course, Bruce parroting the tired "Brian doing drugs=bad" line.
Bruce also saying the tired "smile isn't commercial" line. Whats his idea of commercial, making more "hey little cobra" type songs in 1967?

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Runaways on October 22, 2011, 10:08:37 AM
lol, hilarious that someone thinks that isn't brian singing.  very obviously brian.  there are times he sounds like carl, but they're brothers.  Brian has that (aauuuhhhhhn) in his falsetto that's there.  sometimes the "surf's up aboard a tidal wave" can sound like carl, but the key up sounds like brian.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: drbeachboy on October 22, 2011, 10:24:08 AM
I understand Bruce's initial concern about Smile not being commercial, but considering what was released instead makes that comment sound off base. As for the drugs, I can see where he's coming from. Being on the road as much as they were, I am sure they saw changes in Brian that people around him everyday may not have taken notice of right away. I am sure that for Brian it was tough balancing being creative, yet commercial, too. The move of the Beach Boys from 45 hit singles to more album oriented material had to scare them as they tried to maintain their popularity.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Wrightfan on October 22, 2011, 10:30:22 AM
One thing that makes me wonder about Surf's Up...on this Wild Honey version Brian doesn't sing canvas the town on the first verse just like in the demo.

Was that his intention all along? To just have that be instruments?

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: CarlTheVoice on October 22, 2011, 10:32:49 AM
Well I have just listened to the show, with headphones of course. Musically, wow! Love it all , especially Child. It is so wonderful to hear the band sing this, not Brian's band. I've never heard any boots so this is amazing for me. I am sooo looking forward to receiving my copy of TSS now. I might even blow my money on the box set after hearing this show. Got a few comments re Paul Gamberchini and Bruce though. Bruce doesn't come across great - he seems quite anti-Smile at points and very supportive of it at others. Paul Gamberchini and his Brian was the genius comment.....yes he was the genius, but saying the rest of them were JUST singers? I want to explain to this guy why he is totally wrong. All in all the show was totally worth half an hour of my time. I hope this album goes global!

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: The Shift on October 22, 2011, 12:56:05 PM
That's Murry on the piano and Audree singing, surely?

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: runnersdialzero on October 22, 2011, 01:03:15 PM
One thing that makes me wonder about Surf's Up...on this Wild Honey version Brian doesn't sing canvas the town on the first verse just like in the demo.

Was that his intention all along? To just have that be instruments?

It's strange to think about, but there it is. I guess that comes with just being used to the 71 version, and later the BWPS, etc. that insert it in there. It does feel empty, but then who knows what Brian intended for that section?

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Mikie on October 22, 2011, 01:08:02 PM
And of course, Bruce parroting the tired "Brian doing drugs=bad" line.

Bruce can parrot it all he wants. Reason he wasn't there most of the time during the sessions was because of it.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: runnersdialzero on October 22, 2011, 01:12:42 PM
Drugs played a very big part in Smile's creation, but it also played a very big part in its demise, too. Don't see how that can be denied outright or anything. Of all people, Brian was extremely ill equipped to be so far and so constantly under the influence of any of that stuff. So yeah, Bruce makes a fair point, I really feel. I think he's much more concerned with Brian as his friend and a person than as his meal ticket or, in our case, a songwriter/musician/whatever. That's fair, too.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Mikie on October 22, 2011, 01:17:03 PM
Drugs played a very big part in Smile's creation, but it also played a very big part in its demise, too.

Yep. I asked Marilyn why in the early 90's. Without hesitation, she said drugs. Brian will tell you that too, but we know other things contributed to it being aborted.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: harveyw on October 22, 2011, 03:12:37 PM
My first exposure of Smile was via a Paul Gambaccini-hosted Radio 1 documentary about The Beach Boys in (I think) 1980. He played Surf's Up on that show too. That's where it all changed for me. Thus Gambo's alright by me. He sometimes comes across as a little too fact-oriented & not enough emotion-oriented (as someone who heard his eulogy at John Peel's funeral I can attest to this), but y'know "self-proclaimed professor of pop" is a bit harsh. He really knows his stuff.

But then I think Bruce's idea of releasing Smile on a classical label as a Brian-&-Van-Dyke project was a pretty sound one. It might not have sold quite so well, but the freedom of such an arrangement might have given Brian the space & time to actually finish it. 

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Rocker on October 22, 2011, 03:31:30 PM
It's interesting to note that that guy says the other boys were just singers, yet on those session snippets you can clearly hear Carl co-leading the group in the studio. For example, he's the one who tells the guys how to get the right sound on "Prayer" ("sing aah")

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: runnersdialzero on October 22, 2011, 03:33:07 PM
Who was that guy? Does he know nothing about this band? Legit, what a totally obnoxious c***.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Aaron Sunchymes on October 22, 2011, 03:34:57 PM
Was interesting to listen to this. Had no idea that Brian cut a version of Surfs Up on the upright piano during the Wild Honey Sessions. As regards to Bruce I always get the impression that he was blown away by Smile and I think that is supported by the fact that he sang on The Saggitarius record which is in Smile territory in terms of approach and production.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: monicker on October 22, 2011, 03:36:03 PM
My first exposure of Smile was via a Paul Gambaccini-hosted Radio 1 documentary about The Beach Boys in (I think) 1980. He played Surf's Up on that show too. That's where it all changed for me. Thus Gambo's alright by me. He sometimes comes across as a little too fact-oriented & not enough emotion-oriented (as someone who heard his eulogy at John Peel's funeral I can attest to this), but y'know "self-proclaimed professor of pop" is a bit harsh. He really knows his stuff.

Is that why he made so many erroneous statements with such self-assurance?

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Wirestone on October 22, 2011, 03:36:39 PM
I think Bruce comes across accurately -- whether that's good or bad is up to you.

He loves the music, he wonders if it was right for the group, as a fellow songwriter-producer he wishes BW could have continued to progress artistically. He deplores drugs' influence on Brian -- and regardless of whether they defined BW's life in the late 60s, they were certainly devastating enough to him in the 70s and 80s. So it's a complex subject, and he has complex reaction that can't simply be reflected as support or disdain.

And to varying degrees, I think that's how the rest of the group felt as well. The album was a trauma, a wound, that also had some of BW's (and the group's) most transcendent moments. How can you talk about that, especially if you were there, logically? Even Brian doesn't make much sense -- he says the work is a masterpiece, and he can't understand how he did it, but he also says it was too advanced and that he had to shelve it. He paints the shelving of the work as inevitable, yet he acknowledges that it was his decision alone.

Something I've come to realize when dealing with traumatic (or simply life-changing) events is that sometimes multiple things have to be true to make real sense of the situation. We want simple answers, but they can't convey everything -- or even most things. Brian was (and is) in control of many things in his life, both personally and creatively. Yet he's also powerless. He's mentally ill, yet he's clear-headed and sane. He's influenced by people around him, sometimes unduly, yet the influence he wields can make or break people's careers. Smile was an album of 12, fully composed songs, yet it was a sprawling epic of tiny fragments.

Only by embracing all of these sides -- and acknowledging the truth in all of them -- can we begin to get our heads around the history of "Smile." Simple explanations have created more problems than they've solved.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Nicko1234 on October 22, 2011, 03:41:11 PM

Is that why he made so many erroneous statements with such self-assurance?

How many did he really make?

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Aaron Sunchymes on October 22, 2011, 03:49:06 PM
Wirestone I think that is a pretty good assesment of Bruce on this subject

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Wirestone on October 22, 2011, 03:50:39 PM
How many did he really make?

Well, the drugs in the studio thing seemed a bit dubious to me. Hasn't it been suggested that the "feelin' the acid yet" line was simply a joke?

I think what most people are reacting to is the "one genius" business, which is simply a personal opinion.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Ebb and Flow on October 22, 2011, 03:54:15 PM
He also regards the rest of the group as "just singers", which even in the context of 1966/67 wasn't true.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Nicko1234 on October 22, 2011, 03:56:11 PM
An opinion isn't an erroneous statement though.

And I think it's indisputable to say that Brian was the one genius. Mike was obviously more than a singer (but not on this material) and Carl would have had some contribution to make but it's hard to have too many arguments with that comment.

The drug issue is blatant as well.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: runnersdialzero on October 22, 2011, 03:59:04 PM
Wait, Bruce was the one who said the "just singers" thing??? Didn't sound like him.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Ebb and Flow on October 22, 2011, 04:00:24 PM
Wait, Bruce was the one who said the "just singers" thing??? Didn't sound like him.

No, I was referring to Gambaccini.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: runnersdialzero on October 22, 2011, 04:08:57 PM
Ah sh*t. I messed up, misread.

What a total sh*t thing to say, seriously.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Cam Mott on October 22, 2011, 05:43:05 PM
Van Dyke agreed to can it? BWPS was from memory? Mike was disgusted? He must not mean these the way we are taking them.

Just singers? He is n expert? Maybe he didn't mean this the way we are taking it.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Wirestone on October 22, 2011, 06:09:35 PM
Van Dyke agreed to can it? BWPS was from memory? Mike was disgusted? He must not mean these the way we are taking them.

Why not?

The first two are likely quirks of Brian just wanting to be done with the question and answering before thinking. But he is pretty specific about Mike's dislike of the material. I mean, he recalls dialogue.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jimmie_R on October 22, 2011, 06:10:29 PM
How can I listen to this?? :O  Is the whole programme available somewhere?

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Shady on October 22, 2011, 06:55:18 PM
How can I listen to this?? :O  Is the whole programme available somewhere?

Right this way (

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jaspy on October 22, 2011, 10:31:53 PM
You, sir, are an idiot, and a deaf one at that. You're saying that having discovered and listened to all five takes, Mark & Alan looked at each other and said "let's f*ck with some people's minds and say it's Carl". When you hear the full track, you'll realise just how wrong you are.

And people wonder why I sometimes get a little cranky...  >:(
Thanks for the compliment, I just burnt your book.

It's Obvious You Never Read It, Or You'd Never Doubt AGD EVER.

Good point, I never did and never will.
I can't remember the song, but during discussion on this very board (as generally known not a good place for tolerant exchange anyway) I was even the one who corrected an error in that book when AGD swore to death it was Carl but instead Brian obviously sang lead. Was it "I’d Love Just Once to See You"? Can't remember.
Anyway, a day later it still sounds like Carl doing Brian or better Carl sounding like Carl to me. Can't wait to hear the complete song.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: runnersdialzero on October 22, 2011, 10:37:45 PM

Good point, I never did and never will.
I can't remember the song, but during discussion on this very board (as generally known not a good place for tolerant exchange anyway) I was even the one who corrected an error in that book when AGD swore to death it was Carl but instead Brian obviously sang lead. Was it "I’d Love Just Once to See You"? Can't remember.
Anyway, a day later it still sounds like Carl doing Brian or better Carl sounding like Carl to me. Can't wait to hear the complete song.

So you believe Carl sings "I'd Love Just Once To See You" and the Wild Honey "Surf's Up"?

I see.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jaspy on October 22, 2011, 10:49:02 PM
So you believe Carl sings "I'd Love Just Once To See You" and the Wild Honey "Surf's Up"?

I see.

No, Brian sings lead on ILJOTSY and the few seconds of SU sound like Carl to me.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: runnersdialzero on October 22, 2011, 10:51:40 PM
So you believe Carl sings "I'd Love Just Once To See You" and the Wild Honey "Surf's Up"?

I see.

No, Brian sings lead on ILJOTSY and the few seconds of SU sound like Carl to me.

otay, fair enough. I still don't know how you can hear Carl on this take of "Surf's Up", but if that be what ye believe, then hay.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Mikie on October 22, 2011, 10:52:10 PM
Hasn't it been suggested that the "feelin' the acid yet" line was simply a joke?

I never heard/read someone ever suggesting that that line was a joke. I always thought it was a serious question by Brian.  In line with "Denny, you got any hash joints?"

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jaspy on October 22, 2011, 11:09:44 PM
Big hugs to the persons who tolerate my revelation.
Even if the rest of the song will sound like Brian to me, now my inner eye will always see Carl sitting there and singing these previewed bits.

Interesting that Bruce stated he told Brian back in the day to release SMiLE as solo record. Any truth behind that?

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Mikie on October 22, 2011, 11:21:23 PM
There's obviously inconsistencies in Brian's recollections of the Smile era. A few even in this particular Front Row interview.  I'm starting to wonder if these Brian interviews will have glaringly wrong information and ultimately embarrass Brian. Sometimes he seems to have an amazing memory, and other times he's way off base with contradictions. BWPS was done by memory? No. Brian says he and Van Dyke "knew they were working on a piece of art and working on something good, new and different". And they had a good cry after they recorded it, then the next thing you know Brian decided to shelve it? "It wasn't Beach Boys music", he once said.

Six months to recover from "brain damage" as a result of the drugs? Well, in 1967, they completed one album in 3 weeks and another damn good one was released before the end of the year. And they both had Brian still involved, though admittingly he did "cool out" a little with Wild Honey.  

And is Bruce covering for Mike and minimizing his (and the other Beach Boys) objections to Smile by saying that if they were mad, the singing and general involvement wouldn't have been that good? Like we're not going to see Mike Love grit his teeth in between singing the verses of Cabinessence because the negativism was left outside the front door of the studio?

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Rocker on October 23, 2011, 04:19:28 AM
You, sir, are an idiot, and a deaf one at that. You're saying that having discovered and listened to all five takes, Mark & Alan looked at each other and said "let's f*ck with some people's minds and say it's Carl". When you hear the full track, you'll realise just how wrong you are.

And people wonder why I sometimes get a little cranky...  >:(
Thanks for the compliment, I just burnt your book.

It's Obvious You Never Read It, Or You'd Never Doubt AGD EVER.

I can't remember the song, but during discussion on this very board (as generally known not a good place for tolerant exchange anyway) I was even the one who corrected an error in that book when AGD swore to death it was Carl but instead Brian obviously sang lead. Was it "I’d Love Just Once to See You"? Can't remember.

"Here comes the night"

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: buddhahat on October 23, 2011, 05:31:05 AM
I think Bruce comes across accurately -- whether that's good or bad is up to you.

He loves the music, he wonders if it was right for the group, as a fellow songwriter-producer he wishes BW could have continued to progress artistically. He deplores drugs' influence on Brian -- and regardless of whether they defined BW's life in the late 60s, they were certainly devastating enough to him in the 70s and 80s. So it's a complex subject, and he has complex reaction that can't simply be reflected as support or disdain.

And to varying degrees, I think that's how the rest of the group felt as well. The album was a trauma, a wound, that also had some of BW's (and the group's) most transcendent moments. How can you talk about that, especially if you were there, logically? Even Brian doesn't make much sense -- he says the work is a masterpiece, and he can't understand how he did it, but he also says it was too advanced and that he had to shelve it. He paints the shelving of the work as inevitable, yet he acknowledges that it was his decision alone.

Something I've come to realize when dealing with traumatic (or simply life-changing) events is that sometimes multiple things have to be true to make real sense of the situation. We want simple answers, but they can't convey everything -- or even most things. Brian was (and is) in control of many things in his life, both personally and creatively. Yet he's also powerless. He's mentally ill, yet he's clear-headed and sane. He's influenced by people around him, sometimes unduly, yet the influence he wields can make or break people's careers. Smile was an album of 12, fully composed songs, yet it was a sprawling epic of tiny fragments.

Only by embracing all of these sides -- and acknowledging the truth in all of them -- can we begin to get our heads around the history of "Smile." Simple explanations have created more problems than they've solved.

Beautiful post!

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jimmie_R on October 23, 2011, 08:43:09 AM
Is there any chance that someone can make an mp3 file out of this show and maybe PM me? I´m planning on doing a bonus cd with all Smile related radio shows on it.

This one and the Iconfetch interviews would be awsome to have as mp3s ;)

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: TerryWogan on October 23, 2011, 09:09:34 AM
Is there any chance that someone can make an mp3 file out of this show and maybe PM me? I´m planning on doing a bonus cd with all Smile related radio shows on it.

This one and the Iconfetch interviews would be awsome to have as mp3s ;)

The podcast is available for the next few days:

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jimmie_R on October 23, 2011, 09:53:05 AM
Is there any chance that someone can make an mp3 file out of this show and maybe PM me? I´m planning on doing a bonus cd with all Smile related radio shows on it.

This one and the Iconfetch interviews would be awsome to have as mp3s ;)

The podcast is available for the next few days:

Thanks so much!!!

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Iron Horse-Apples on October 23, 2011, 10:28:08 AM
Says I need to pay for software to download it.

Pay for software!!!!


Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: runnersdialzero on October 23, 2011, 10:35:33 AM
Says I need to pay for software to download it.

Pay for software!!!!


lawlz. not sure why this is happening to you, downloaded right quick fer me.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jimmie_R on October 23, 2011, 11:53:49 AM
Says I need to pay for software to download it.

Pay for software!!!!


right-click on the link and "save as".

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Micha on October 24, 2011, 12:02:24 AM
Hasn't it been suggested that the "feelin' the acid yet" line was simply a joke?

I never heard/read someone ever suggesting that that line was a joke. I always thought it was a serious question by Brian.  In line with "Denny, you got any hash joints?"

Of course I have nothing to back it up, but IMHO those were jokes. Back in the day when I had a band and we recorded stuff, we always said silly things that would make people wonder if we should get famous and someone listened to that tape years later.

Do you think they did acid during a recording session?

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Micha on October 24, 2011, 12:20:38 AM
Nah, it's the f*ckin' Easter Bunny that sings Surfs Up.......

Let's get the Easter Bunny to record the missing SMiLE vocals. He really does sound exactly like Brian Wilson! ;D

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Dove Nested Towers on October 24, 2011, 12:37:49 AM
Surf's Up '67 is clearly all it's been cracked up to be, tantalizing even in its obscurity, in these snippets. The modulation near the end is sublime. Brian's enunciation and low-key vocal is unique and inspired, really a spine-tinglingly artistic and sensitive rendition. Absolutely frothing at the mouth to hear it in its entirety. "Child" is so crisp, it just takes your breath away, as are the "bridge to Indians" takes. Bruce's comment along the lines of "this music was standing in the way of our more commercial stuff" is patent B.S. If there was going to be any more mainstream material in the pipeline it would have been emanating from Brian himself (not that the rest of the band members were "just singers", what a lame statement by the "Pop Professor"), and this is where his head was, not regressive, so it wasn't standing in the way of anything along those lines, as subsequent releases bear out. To blame every negative influence during recording on drug peddlers or "journeymen pharmacists", while that was certainly a huge factor, is obviously an oversimplification at best, even if it truly reflects his perspective, and at least partially an attempt at revisionist P.R., on behalf of his good buddy Mike Love. For Bruce to whitewash the internal dissention and claim total harmony is patently absurd (esp. since he did stay away from the sessions for the most part due to his distaste for the drug-saturated environment). Which brings us to Brian's no-holds-barred, refreshingly unvarnished recollections about Dr. Love (who is studiously avoiding interviews for this release). "Disgusted" might be a slight exaggeration, but the devastating quote "I told him that if he can't grow, why go on living?" absolutely has the ring of authenticity, and it is quite satisfying to hear that he was authoritative and confident enough to express such deservedly withering contempt for Love's obstructionism. Brian courageously faces his difficult memories here, and deserves such credit. Listening to the music now takes him to a "bad brain place" and it's hard to "extract himself from the songs". Starkly  evocative and perceptive, very articulate indeed. He is very "present" in this interview, like he senses what an important moment it is for him and his legacy and is willing himself to rise to the occasion and face the demons that accompany this music, like he began to do (with support from friends & family) when begiining BWPS. This is a perfect, triumphant closure for his personal traumatic Smile journey. You can hear that the praise is really taking root and re-orienting his associations with the music, even more so than BWPS did, and his pride in his baby and its impending official release now that he's got some distance and cushion from the bad memories is beautiful to hear. Simply smashing! :)

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Iron Horse-Apples on October 24, 2011, 01:14:44 AM
I think all reasons given for SMiLE's no appearance are true.

Brian's drug use

Mike's objections

Technological limitations

Capitol back-room dealings

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: smokeythebear on October 24, 2011, 02:10:39 AM
I think Marilyn's comment of a surrendered Brian Wilson rings very true. He is saying what is expected and tries to please everyone, that is why the interview becomes so messed up, he tries to please the Beach Boys, Mike, The Reporter, Bruce everyone. You can hear the lead on by the reporter, but Mike did not like...Yeah Mike did not like it, he was disgusted with it. But some truth rings true and new in this interview like the "If you do not wanna grow you should not live", and the bouncing of notes back and fourth while writing H&W.

If you can read between the lines you can see that the conflict was between Brian and Mike, in earlier interviews Brian stated that he promised Mike while doing Pet Sounds that he was just going to make this one album and then get back to writing "hits", a good solid handshake apparently closed this deal, then he went on to make SMiLE without Mike. I think this conflict goes further than we think....

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: UK_Surf on October 24, 2011, 02:13:23 AM
I think that there's a lot of conflation happening between Smiley Smile and Smile in terms of how the sessions unfolded and the band's reaction to the material. Actually, quite a few VDP tracks made it on to SS.

It's a shame there's not more attention to DW and CW's reactions to Smile. Dennis was positively evangelical about it, fer instance. And as to their being only singers...surely it's telling that they were beginning to test out their songwriting/arranging/production talents in the studio during this period?  

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: Jaspy on October 29, 2011, 12:34:05 AM
Had the chance to listen to the complete "Surf's Up (1967 Solo Version)" now. I put my glasses on this time and yes, it's Brian singing.
And I hate to say it, it's the first time I was wrong in my life.
But he really sounds like Carl at times.

Title: Re: Brian (and Bruce!) interviewed on tonight's Front Row
Post by: ♩♬🐸 Billy C ♯♫♩🐇 on October 29, 2011, 12:39:55 AM
In 67, they're voices did sound very similar.  I'll be honest...Carl's late 60s vocals are personally my favorite he did (and also his singing on BB85).