The Smiley Smile Message Board

Smiley Smile Stuff => General On Topic Discussions => Topic started by: Mr. Cohen on April 07, 2011, 01:44:05 PM

Title: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: Mr. Cohen on April 07, 2011, 01:44:05 PM
Lost in all the Smile talk is the fact that Brian's Disney record is sitting on a shelf somewhere, finished. When are we going to see this sucker? And is it going to make Smile stink?

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: bgas on April 07, 2011, 01:49:12 PM
Lost in all the Smile talk is the fact that Brian's Disney record is sitting on a shelf somewhere, finished. When are we going to see this sucker? And is it going to make Smile stink?
When Disney releases it.
NOTHING could ever make Smile stink

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: Andrew G. Doe on April 07, 2011, 02:10:40 PM
Maybe fall, I'm guessing, going by the previous record/release dates.

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: Sam_BFC on April 07, 2011, 02:51:32 PM
Lost in all the Smile talk is the fact that Brian's Disney record is sitting on a shelf somewhere, finished. When are we going to see this sucker? And is it going to make Smile stink?
When Disney releases it.
NOTHING could ever make Smile stink

Could anything ever make Pet Sounds stink? :o

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: ♩♬🐸 Billy C ♯♫♩🐇 on April 07, 2011, 02:52:17 PM
A can of (Al) Sardines could, yeah.

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: bgas on April 07, 2011, 04:50:23 PM
Lost in all the Smile talk is the fact that Brian's Disney record is sitting on a shelf somewhere, finished. When are we going to see this sucker? And is it going to make Smile stink?
When Disney releases it.
NOTHING could ever make Smile stink

Could anything ever make Pet Sounds stink? :o

NOTHING.  IN Fact there's nothing that can make any of their Albums stink( if they didn't stink from the getgo)

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: Chris Brown on April 07, 2011, 05:32:32 PM
Maybe fall, I'm guessing, going by the previous record/release dates.

That would make sense, assuming Smile comes out sometime this summer.  Ideally they'll want the releases close enough to use the Smile momentum but separated enough so as not to allow Smile to swallow up the Disney album.

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: MBE on April 07, 2011, 07:05:29 PM
Hopefully we won't ;D

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: ESQ Editor on April 17, 2011, 11:24:28 AM
No release plans right now. Disney is considering a number of options… Of course, that could all change tomorrow. The album might not be released until 2012.

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: Myk Luhv on April 17, 2011, 11:27:01 AM
I hope adequate marketing is a part of their plans this time around. Wakka wakka wakka!

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: Runaways on April 17, 2011, 11:47:05 AM
probably not too good

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: stack-o-tracks on April 17, 2011, 01:08:41 PM
No release plans right now. Disney is considering a number of options… Of course, that could all change tomorrow. The album might not be released until 2012.

That's crazy to release it in 2012 if it's already done. Do they think it's going to take away from the album sales of SMiLE or something?

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: bgas on April 17, 2011, 01:41:53 PM
No release plans right now. Disney is considering a number of options… Of course, that could all change tomorrow. The album might not be released until 2012.

That's crazy to release it in 2012 if it's already done. Do they think it's going to take away from the album sales of SMiLE or something?

Most likely, they think Smile will take away from the Disney Sales

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: rab2591 on April 17, 2011, 01:47:23 PM
No release plans right now. Disney is considering a number of options… Of course, that could all change tomorrow. The album might not be released until 2012.

That's crazy to release it in 2012 if it's already done. Do they think it's going to take away from the album sales of SMiLE or something?

Most likely, they think Smile will take away from the Disney Sales

Granted, there are people who are paid to foresee this kind of stuff....But it would seem to me that releasing both around the same time would only add to the Disney sales....more publicity about the Beach Boys means more publicity for Brian. Heck, they'd just need to place a sticker on the front of the Disney album that says: "from the genius behind SMiLE comes a new Disney album!"

I mean, look at BWRG - I saw nothing about it in the news other than from what I heard here on SmileySmile....whereas a new Beach Boys album is sure to turn heads in the media...and thus also turning heads towards Brian Wilson.

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: bgas on April 17, 2011, 01:52:49 PM
No release plans right now. Disney is considering a number of options… Of course, that could all change tomorrow. The album might not be released until 2012.

That's crazy to release it in 2012 if it's already done. Do they think it's going to take away from the album sales of SMiLE or something?

Most likely, they think Smile will take away from the Disney Sales

Granted, there are people who are paid to foresee this kind of stuff....But it would seem to me that releasing both around the same time would only add to the Disney sales....more publicity about the Beach Boys means more publicity for Brian. Heck, they'd just need to place a sticker on the front of the Disney album that says: "from the genius behind SMiLE comes a new Disney album!"

I mean, look at BWRG - I saw nothing about it in the news other than from what I heard here on SmileySmile....whereas a new Beach Boys album is sure to turn heads in the media...and thus also turning heads towards Brian Wilson.

Yep, no doubt yer right. Disney's promo department is full of buffoons, who were, undoubtedly, placed there to insure Disney a massive tax write-off, when their releases go nowhere.

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: stack-o-tracks on April 17, 2011, 02:06:40 PM
No release plans right now. Disney is considering a number of options… Of course, that could all change tomorrow. The album might not be released until 2012.

That's crazy to release it in 2012 if it's already done. Do they think it's going to take away from the album sales of SMiLE or something?

Most likely, they think Smile will take away from the Disney Sales

Granted, there are people who are paid to foresee this kind of stuff....But it would seem to me that releasing both around the same time would only add to the Disney sales....more publicity about the Beach Boys means more publicity for Brian. Heck, they'd just need to place a sticker on the front of the Disney album that says: "from the genius behind SMiLE comes a new Disney album!"

I mean, look at BWRG - I saw nothing about it in the news other than from what I heard here on SmileySmile....whereas a new Beach Boys album is sure to turn heads in the media...and thus also turning heads towards Brian Wilson.

Yep, no doubt yer right. Disney's promo department is full of buffoons, who were, undoubtedly, placed there to insure Disney a massive tax write-off, when their releases go nowhere.

I think the Disney album will be a great seller. Not saying who told me, but he's doing a duet with Hannah Montana. :hat

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: WaxOn on April 17, 2011, 04:46:40 PM
Do I sense a bit of sarcasm on the possible  "quality" of a Brian Wilson Disney album?

May I proffer a few songs that might be, shall we say "enhanced" by Mr. Wilson's interpretation?
At least, they're songs I hope made the cut on the album.

Maybe the less cynical of you might chime in with a few choices of their own.

- Pink Elephants on Parade (Dumbo)
- Feed the Birds (Mary Poppins)
- Stay Awake (Mary Poppins)
- Castle in Spain (Babes in Toyland)
- When You Wish Upon A Star (Pinocchio)

There's a bunch of others (some really obvious) - but I'll leave that to you all. Having grown up in CA I can understand the magic that Brian feels towards "the Magic Kingdom". Indeed, being an avid animation buff I'm all too aware that Disney hired some of the best people in the business to write music back in the day - or take what he needed!

A very good release of Disney songs came out years ago entitled "Stay Awake" that had some pretty well respected artists on it and is a recommended listen. (

I for one am excited at the possibilities - even more than I did for the Gershwin album. I have a lot of recorded Gershwin - my favorites are still the piano rolls. I'm also hoping that this recent desire to revisit the past is a continued indication that old wounds are healing and we might see some really amazing original stuff coming in the near future!

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: othereric on April 17, 2011, 05:10:42 PM
I just hope he does this one.

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: Andrew G. Doe on April 18, 2011, 01:14:16 AM
These were my suggestions (I stuck with classic (pre-67) Disney):

When You Wish Upon A Star (with the "Surfer Girl" middle eight) - Pinocchio
Little April Showers - Bambi
When I See An Elephant Fly - Dumbo
Feed The Birds - Mary Poppins
Bella Notte - Lady & The Tramp
Following The Leader - Peter Pan
Monkey's Uncle - Monkey's Uncle
Bear Necessities - Jungle Book
He's A Tramp - Lady & The Tramp
Ballad Of Davey Crockett - Davey Crockett
Ugly Bug Ball - Summer Magic
Heigh Ho - Snow White
Baby Mine - Dumbo

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: ♩♬🐸 Billy C ♯♫♩🐇 on April 18, 2011, 01:43:17 AM
Monkey's Uncle - Monkey's Uncle

Check and MATE :lol

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: Bicyclerider on April 18, 2011, 06:39:26 AM

I think the Disney album will be a great seller. Not saying who told me, but he's doing a duet with Hannah Montana. :hat

A duet with Selena Gomez (and a video) and it will be sure to sell a million units in January (2012)!

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: willy on April 18, 2011, 07:33:36 AM
Zip A Dee Dooh Dah!

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: Magic Transistor Radio on April 18, 2011, 08:30:54 AM
The new date for release of the Disney album is Dec 21, 2012.

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: Shady on April 18, 2011, 08:43:50 AM
The new date for release of the Disney album is Dec 21, 2012.

Might as well go out with a smile to Disney songs  ;D

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: Jason on April 18, 2011, 08:44:45 AM
Zip A Dee Dooh Dah!

If Brian covers that he's a racist!


Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: drbeachboy on April 18, 2011, 08:44:51 AM
At least it will be the last music that I ever hear. ;)

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: bsten on April 18, 2011, 02:16:41 PM
Why not bundle them... Why not release Smile + Disney as a twofer - or fourfer or fivefer - or whatever...  :P

Title: What about ride songs?
Post by: WaxOn on April 19, 2011, 09:41:23 AM
Something from Three Cabelleros would be pretty cool too.

Think there's any possibility of music from rides past and present?

How many folks have had the Haunted Mansion "Grim Grinning Ghosts" song stuck in their head after the ride?
Bear Band Serenade?
Or God forbid "It's a Small World"?
Or even from the GE Carousel of Progress "Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow".

Was there anything from the Monsanto Molecule Ride? Damn, those "free" rides were great.
Remember, their motto was "Better Living Through Chemistry"  For some reason some of the memories from some of those rides are fuzzy. ;D

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: pixletwin on April 19, 2011, 09:55:18 AM
I would love to hear Brian singing Stay Awake too.

Title: Re: What about ride songs?
Post by: Roger Ryan on April 19, 2011, 02:14:47 PM

Was there anything from the Monsanto Molecule Ride? Damn, those "free" rides were great.
Remember, their motto was "Better Living Through Chemistry"  For some reason some of the memories from some of those rides are fuzzy. ;D

"Adventures Through Inner Space"? Nope, no theme song, but it's replacement ride, "If You Had Wings..." had one!

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: Ron on April 19, 2011, 08:17:13 PM
I would imagine, one of the biggest challenges with recording this project, was trying to convince Brian NOT to record "it's a small world".  Hell, I'll bet he DID record it.  It might not get released, but I'd bet dollars to donuts that he recorded that song. 

Title: Re: What about ride songs?
Post by: WaxOn on April 20, 2011, 05:16:50 PM

Was there anything from the Monsanto Molecule Ride? Damn, those "free" rides were great.
Remember, their motto was "Better Living Through Chemistry"  For some reason some of the memories from some of those rides are fuzzy. ;D

"Adventures Through Inner Space"? Nope, no theme song, but it's replacement ride, "If You Had Wings..." had one!
Ah, that was it - yer right, no theme song. Gee, I don't remember "If You Had Wings" at all. Was that the MJ one?

I would imagine, one of the biggest challenges with recording this project, was trying to convince Brian NOT to record "it's a small world".  Hell, I'll bet he DID record it.  It might not get released, but I'd bet dollars to donuts that he recorded that song. 

You're probably right! Heh.
Gee - Sorry Brian - some crazy bum ran in off the street with a big degausser, wiped the drives on the spot. We really should keep that door locked. Weirdest thing. What were the chances? It sure would have been nice to have "Small World" on the album, but we'll just have to make do. Tragic, just tragic.
Seriously - as much as I appreciate the ride - after about 2 minutes something about that song triggers me to want to hurt something.

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: Ron on April 20, 2011, 06:59:44 PM
If he did that song, I can just imagine it with a 'toyshop' sound to it, like Spector did on "Santa Claus is coming to town".  That part where they go into talking about the toys, and theres all these little tinkering sounds in the background.  It would be a cross between that, and "Saturday Morning in the City". 

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: Alex on April 20, 2011, 10:30:13 PM
I sure hope he does at least one song each from Robin Hood and the Jungle Book.

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: ♩♬🐸 Billy C ♯♫♩🐇 on April 20, 2011, 10:38:53 PM

Was there anything from the Monsanto Molecule Ride? Damn, those "free" rides were great.
Remember, their motto was "Better Living Through Chemistry"  For some reason some of the memories from some of those rides are fuzzy. ;D

"Adventures Through Inner Space"? Nope, no theme song, but it's replacement ride, "If You Had Wings..." had one!
Ah, that was it - yer right, no theme song. Gee, I don't remember "If You Had Wings" at all. Was that the MJ one?

I would imagine, one of the biggest challenges with recording this project, was trying to convince Brian NOT to record "it's a small world".  Hell, I'll bet he DID record it.  It might not get released, but I'd bet dollars to donuts that he recorded that song. 

You're probably right! Heh.
Gee - Sorry Brian - some crazy bum ran in off the street with a big degausser, wiped the drives on the spot. We really should keep that door locked. Weirdest thing. What were the chances? It sure would have been nice to have "Small World" on the album, but we'll just have to make do. Tragic, just tragic.
Seriously - as much as I appreciate the ride - after about 2 minutes something about that song triggers me to want to hurt something.

Am I the only one who would :lol if the did that song as a dirge? Make it sound like Smile's You are my Sunshine.

Seriously, though, I actually like newer Disney. Not more than the classics, obviously, but the early 90s stuff isn't bad. Wish he'd cheat and use something from Pixar's Toy Story. Didn't he like Randy Newman? ;)

Title: Re: What about ride songs?
Post by: Roger Ryan on April 21, 2011, 06:15:07 AM

Was there anything from the Monsanto Molecule Ride? Damn, those "free" rides were great.
Remember, their motto was "Better Living Through Chemistry"  For some reason some of the memories from some of those rides are fuzzy. ;D

"Adventures Through Inner Space"? Nope, no theme song, but it's replacement ride, "If You Had Wings..." had one!
Ah, that was it - yer right, no theme song. Gee, I don't remember "If You Had Wings" at all. Was that the MJ one?

"MJ", as in "Magic Journeys"? No, that wasn't the one (although I still consider that film to be the best example of 3D I've ever seen).

"If You Had Wings..." was (originally) sponsored by Eastern Airlines and was essentially a ride-length commercial for the company. It used the same vehicle and track-style as "Adventures Through Inner Space" but was located nearby in Tomorrowland (I misremembered: it was not the replacement for "Inner Space"; "Star Tours" replaced that one). "Wings..." consisted of rear projection images of various vacation spots that Eastern Airlines flew to (Cancun, Bahamas, etc.). At the end of the ride, there was an actual reservation desk where you could book a flight if you wanted! Shortly before Eastern airlines went out of business, sponsorship of the ride was taken over by Delta. Since 1998, the building has been used for "Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin"

Because you can find almost anything on-line, here is a link to somebody's home video of the "If You Had Wings..." ride:

After watching about 15 seconds of it, I realized I never wanted to hear that damn theme song again! Hopefully Brian stayed far away from this, although it might be cool if Brian did a suite of ride songs including "Grim Grinning Ghosts", "A Pirate's Life For Me", etc. Although, if he did, I'm sure "Small World" would have to be in there... ::)

Title: Re: So... when are we gonna get to hear that Disney album?
Post by: The Heartical Don on April 21, 2011, 07:12:51 AM
Why not bundle them... Why not release Smile + Disney as a twofer - or fourfer or fivefer - or whatever...  :P

I would then advise to add 'Pleasure Island' to the package. Good calculating, targeting all market segments, etcetera. PI might be a double layer disk with a movie side to address the fans of adult films.

I'm a genius, me.